Your Love
In A Sacred
Wedding Ceremony
by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway |
beloved of the sacraments is the one of marriage. It
symbolizes the fulfillment of earth's sweetest dream.
Almost any sensitive person can testify to the emergence
of power that is broadcast during a marriage ceremony.
This force is created by the beauty and intent of the
rite itself. The spiritual fusion of two individualities
into a duad of love generates an energy and luminosity
that reaches even the most impersonal onlooker."
~from the Symbolic Meaning of Marriage, by Rev. Flower
Every time I officiate at a wedding ceremony I am awed
by the extraordinary energy that becomes available when
two people in love literally step up to commit
themselves to sacred union. Because I am frequently
called upon to solemnize marriage vows outside of
traditional religious settings, I have seen time and
again that a holy temple can be created anywhere
love is present. All weddings ceremonies have a rhythm,
and a life, of their own. The energy comes alive as the
bride makes her silent walk to the altar and builds like
a symphony with each segment of the ceremony. By the
time vows are exchanged, it is as if the heavens open to
rain love upon the gathering. Couples can seize the
opportunity to unite not just their hearts, lives and
families, but to unite their very beings.
From my perspective, the first dance between the
bride and groom begins not at the reception, but when
they first set eyes on one another at the altar. It is
as if their souls begin to gently swirl in a silent,
slow, steady ascension into a higher state of love. I
believe in working closely with couples to structure a
wedding ceremony that truly allows them to express their
love in a personal way, and in offering the support that
will enable them to surrender to this sacred moment in a
profound and meaningful way.
Although many of us grew up attending traditional
weddings, in churches, synagogues, temples and lavish
catering halls, in recent years we have seen the
emergence of a new type of wedding, where couples marry
outside of a formal house of worship. One of the reasons
is the increasing numbers of interfaith couplings, which
often lead bride and groom to seek a neutral venue for
marriage. Another reason is the soaring numbers of
people joining the ranks of the
"unaffiliated," or feeling disenfranchised
from the faith they were born into. More and more
non-religious people in love are seeking meaningful,
personalized and loving ceremonies – without dogma or
traditional religious fanfare. Spiritually oriented
couples are seeking a secular or interfaith approach.
Then there are couple so devoted to honoring the sacred
nature of their love, and the divine within, that they
choose a sacred love ceremony to fully celebrate and
seal their union.
The concept of the sacred marriage or sacred love
ceremony originated with the ancients, who typically
enacted annual ceremonies to bring fertility and
prosperity to the people and the land. Many cultures
enacted or emulate sexual rites between God and Goddess,
or between the Gods and a human who
"impersonated" or energetically acted out the
role of a deity. The Greeks called it Hieros Gamos. Many
mythologies describe it as a marriage between heaven and
earth. In ancient Egypt, the marriage between Isis and
Osiris was considered sacred union of heaven and earth,
of yin and yang, of the feminine and the masculine
In the Hindu tradition, man and woman came to the
wedding altar as God and Goddess in human form. To this
day, the bride is looked upon as Goddess Lakshmi (divine
female who rules abundance, prosperity and beauty) and
the groom as Lakshmi’s consort, Lord Vishnu (the Great
Preserver, and a God who incarnated as Krishna).
The Celtic tradition brought forth one of the most
widely practiced forms of sacred ceremony today -- the
hand fasting. It was once a form of
"engagement" that committed couples for a year
and day. If they found marriage suitable, they’d
marry. It grew into a self-initiated ceremony couples
would conduct in the days before there was such as thing
as a wedding officiant. The custom is still widely
practiced by Pagan practitioner. The contemporary hand
fasting is presided over by a High Priestess and High
Priest to represent male and female energies; often one
of them is a clergy registered to perform legal
Many couples relish the idea of a memorable and
special sacred ceremony – but they want to tread
lightly on some of the traditions and trimmings that
relatives with strong religious beliefs would find
upsetting or offensive. They also want ceremonies that
are welcoming to loved ones and can easily include the
participation of friends and family.
The modern sacred love wedding ceremony is one that
has to be crafted by and for each individual couple. It’s
rarely something you can just pull out of a book. It’s
personalized and has to include elements that will help
that couple truly seize on the energy of the moment –
such as creating a sanctified space that is like a
sacred container for their love and vows. It doesn’t
have to look like a Hindu ceremony or a Pagan ceremony
or seem like a reenactment of the Celtic Holiday of
Beltane, when men and women took to their fields to make
love in the name of the Goddess. It can be a groom in a
tux and a bride in white who walks down the aisle, or a
shoeless couple on a beach in Maui. It can contain
elements or rituals of existing traditional or
non-traditional ceremonies; it can include any
religious, spiritual, cultural or family traditions the
couple chooses. The main ingredient is their love and
their conscious intent to express that love to one
another – and share it with their community –in a
way that is holy and sacred to them personally.
Keep in mind that when a couple marries outside of a
traditional religious institution in the United States,
there are very few things that they have to
include. Most aspects of the ceremony can be created and
selected purely on personal preference. Legally, the
requirements are minimal – that is why a civil
ceremony is so short. In most states you need two adult
witnesses, and a clergy person to sign the license; the
officiant has to ask a question that allows the couple
to say they have come of their own free will (this is
usually implied in the "I do") and they have
to be pronounced husband and wife. In a sacred
commitment ceremony between a gay couple or a couple not
opting for a legally recognized marriage, no witnesses,
I dos, pronouncement or clergy is needed.
Some things to consider as you plan and prepare for
your sacred love ceremony:
Select an auspicious the time and date
In the Eastern traditions such as Hinduism and
Buddhism wedding dates are decided upon with the
assistance of professional astrologer. It is firmly
believed marriage rites should occur on a day that
reflects the most astrologically favorable aspects for
love and commitment for both the bride and groom. Many
modern couples ask astrologers or clairvoyants to
suggest dates. Some pick a symbolic time – the
anniversary of the first date, a new moon (great time
for fresh starts) or a full moon. It is not recommended
that a wedding date be selected to accommodate out of
town relatives or the availability of the venue. It is
also not a great idea to choose to marry on the
anniversary of a sad or inauspicious occasion.
Selecting the venue
Love between a couple is what creates a wedding altar
and temple – anywhere. Pick a place that is personally
meaningful and sacred. Many couples are married in the
same locale as the ceremony – in a room or area set
off from the reception Hall. Some couples opt to have
the ceremony in a park, on the beach, in nature or in
their own back yard, and then head over to a local
restaurant for a celebration.
Selecting your wedding officiant
Obviously, I am biased here and will always recommend
a loving, caring, supportive clergy person or
non-denominational wedding officiant. If your family
clergy is open-minded and game, by all means ask that
person to officiate. There is a new genre of independent
officiants and interfaith ministers who are trained to
create any kind of personalized ceremony. Many of them
are hip, open-minded and willing to co-create the
ceremony you truly want.
Coming up with ideas
Some couples want to honor family traditions with a
modern spin. Perhaps they want to break the glass to
recall Judaic roots or light a unity candle to include
Christian heritage. Any rite, ritual or reading can be
updated and personalized. For example, instead of
breaking the glass and evoking the traditional meaning
-- the destruction of the ancient temples and to remind
us of the holocaust – it can symbolize closure with
the past, or a breaking of glass so that the marriage
shall never break. Bride and groom can surf the web and
buy books on weddings to give them ideas, and to look
around for elements they’d like to include. They might
want to search for readings and poetry they’d like the
officiant or a loved one to read, or find poetry they’d
like to read to each other.
The writing of your ceremony
The language of the sacred is subjective and every
couple has the right and opportunity to choose the words
they’ll utter to each other during their wedding
ceremony, as well as all that is spoken and relayed. The
actual writing of the ceremony falls to the officiant,
who knows how to structure and craft it, but certainly a
couple’s input is key. One of the most important
considerations is how to call out to the divine. Some
couples choose a very personalized ceremony that never
utters the word God or spirit, or even offers a prayer.
Others want prayers that mention no specific God. Some
want to call out specifically to deities, angels,
ancestors, spirit guides, and want to honor the four
directions either by having friends call to them, or
having the officiant evoke them. It is also important to
make conscious choices about all the elements in the
The procession and logistical set up
The procession marks the shift from single to
married. Life as it once was ends and new life begins as
the bride comes down the aisle. She is usually walked,
or presented, to the groom. Some couples like to include
that tradition, and consider the bride as a Goddess
coming forth to join her God. In hand fasting
ceremonies, bride and groom walk from different
directions and merge at the altar; the ceremony is
conducted in a circle, where they are surrounded by the
love of friends and family. The circle has always
represented unity, togetherness and eternity. It’s
also believed that the circle can better contain the
energy. Whether in a circle or theater style, it’s
nice if the couple faces one another so all can see them
or face the guests, rather than the officiant being the
one who faces the guests. Many clergy people are willing
to stand to the side, or with their backs to the
Creating sacred space
In Native American ceremonies the environment is
smudged with sage, and bride, groom and guests are
"cleared" of negative energies so the space
can be sanctified. Sometimes a circle is created with
salt or cornmeal. The directions are honored and called
in. Wiccans cast a circle, call the directions and evoke
the name of God and Goddess, sometimes inviting specific
divine energies. Hindus use incense and sacred fire. In
the Jewish tradition the bride is purified in a Micvah
bath; modern rabbis will give both bride and groom a
holy dunk. An officant can bless a couple with a splash
of sacred in the name of the Sprit of Love. The couple
can be anointed with oil. Whatever method is chosen is
important to sanctify the space and symbolically purify
the couple for sacred union. By the same token, the
ceremony should be closed with a benediction.
Choosing rituals and rites
Favorite religious rituals and rites can be included,
or non-denominational adaptations can be used. Many
couples select a wine ceremony of sipping from one cup
that represents their newly merged lives and candle
lighting rituals. Some couple opts for a form of hand
fasting that is known as hand wrapping, where they hold
their hands together in a way that forms a figure eight
and the hands are wrapped to symbolize a loving bond.
Most couples exchange rings, sometimes with vows. Some
couples enact ancient rituals, such as placing the ring
on the middle finger, as it was once believed to be
directly connected to the heart.
Creating and speaking sacred vows
A couple’s expression of love and commitment can be
expressed throughout the ceremony yet the exchange of
vows is the hallmark of a sacred love ceremony. It’s
important to really give the vows some thought, and be
willing to speak from the heart and soul. Contained
within those vows are the seeds of dreams to come true,
intentions for a sacred marriage and deep declarations
of love. It is particularly meaningful when the couple
writes and reads their vows to one another. Some couples
print and read them from modern scrolls. Couples can
read the same vows to one another, or each create
something different.
In the End, the love you take…
In sacred love ceremonies, the emphasis is on an even
greater spiritual connection between the couple. Rather
than relying on "God above" to create and
strengthen their union, the couple is empowered to see
their own divinity and the divine light within each
other. When two people come together and truly awaken to
the depth and the power of their commitment, I can
literally sense the Gods and the angels, the ancestors
and the spirit guides filling the room. They are there
to help the couple feel the power of the moment and to
bear witness to their promises so they can guide and
help this couple as the years go by. That’s why it is
so important to fully utilize the wedding ceremony as
not just the start of the big wedding celebration, but
as a true rite of passage that takes bride and groom to
the next level of their love and gives their
relationship a strong foundation to build on over time.
Every wedding is a sacred event that holds profound
meaning and potential for the two who come before God
and witnesses to declare their love. The sacred love
ceremony gives marriage and extraordinary start.
© Copyright 2001
Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway All Rights Reserved.
Reverend Laurie Sue
Brockway is an author, teacher and contemporary clergy
person who specializes in matters of the heart and soul.
As an ordained interfaith minister and
non-denominational wedding officiant, it is her honor to
regularly marry couples in love. Prior to becoming a
minister she enjoyed a successful and colorful 20 years
in media as a widely published journalist, editor and
author of eight books on relationships and
romance—as well as being a noted spokesperson
on those topics. She was editor-in-chief of two national
magazines and several regional publications, and her
articles have been published around
the world and in many newspapers and national magazines,
such as the NY Daily News, The Washington Post,
Women’s News, New Woman, Ladies’
Home Journal and Child. She evolved years of
specialized reporting in the field of male-female
relationship dynamics into a more spiritual pursuit that
led her to train to be an interfaith minister, and then
establish her wedding ministry along with her popular
relationship enhancement programs.
She continues to write on weddings, soul mates and enhancing relationships,
as well as teach on those topics. She's on the faculty of The Seminar Center
and MyPotential.com. and trains other ministers through World Light
Fellowship. She is a graduate of the New Seminary and a member of The
Association of Interfaith Ministers. Her wedding ministry is based in New