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If the only prayer you say in your whole life is "thank you," that would suffice.
 ~ Meister Eckhart

My Prayer

I am grateful for all that this year has brought into my life-the birth and growth of SoulfulLiving.com; all of the wonderful souls-family and friends-who have supported and encouraged my vision; all of the authors and experts who have contributed their soulful wisdom; and all of our wonderful visitors who have joined us in community. For all that I am grateful and joyous! Blessings to all.

~Valerie, Founder, SoulfulLiving.com

My Prayer

I am grateful for this beautiful day! K.S.

My Prayer

I've seen a lot of joy and sorrow lately ... a lot of running around in all directions ... coping with the crises that have been in my life lately ... issues of life and death. I've been speaking of prayers, but afraid to slow down and actually have a real conversation ... afraid to believe in anything beyond what meets the eye ... afraid to get in touch with my feelings and expectations. Deciding to answer this website's call to make a prayer of gratitude, the most amazing thing happens ... at the very moment I look for what lies in my heart on the subject of gratitude ... my 3 year old son speaks. He gives me a command in the tone and language that he uses for instructions on how we are going to play together ... pretend play ... "We are celebrating giving" he says ... I have spoken nothing aloud about this website or this gratitude prayer ... but I know this website's topics are gratitude and giving, and I am struck my the synchronicity. Pressing my son for more details, he says "Pooh and Tigger are thanksgiving." I hadn't even realized Soulfulliving's November topic was about Thanksgiving. Then my son says "close your eyes ... keep them closed ... keep them closed." We don't usually close our eyes when we play, but these were his instructions. In the silent moments which followed, I felt a confirmation of something amazing ... something about the order of things and how things happen and what you see when you take the time and allow yourself to look. I am moved to tears to write that when it all boils down, I am thankful that my little boy is going to be OK. -- Soulful Sister

My Prayer

I thank the Lord for my family, my friends, and the companionship of my kitty cat.

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father - I thank you for all the blessings you have been giving me and my family. Thank-you for helping us throughout the difficult times and bringing us happier and peaceful ones. May You continue to do wonderful work in our lives and in the lives of others around the world. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

My Prayer

My child is happy and grateful to be alive and to have got Yoga in her life. I am happy that I have never been given up but am helped in the most incredible ways

My Prayer

thank you for my health my families health and the sun and the birds that sing in the new dawn.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be alive and experiencing the joys of each new day.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my health, particularly as I've witnessed the passing of many friends. I'm grateful for all of my senses, that I can still experience life in all its facets, as I continue to age. I'm grateful that I can still work, even though I'd rather not have to, and that I can pay the rent that puts food on my table, a roof over my head and clothes on my body. I'm grateful for nature, although I'd like to see a lot more of it. I'm grateful for friends, those that have been a part of my life even though they are now miles away. I'm grateful for my mind, for the power of thinking, the ability to explore, to grow and continue to develop. I'm grateful for the candle in front of me that lets me know there are others out there who seek to practice a more spiritual life style that does not have to involve religion. Thank you.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my husband, for my haelthy and loving children, for my wrinting abilities, for my published books, for having found my life opurpose, for being able to express my gratitude, for my friends, for living in a house that I love, for living in the n w part of town, for having found the perfect dentist, for wanting to be happy, for keeping my daily journal, for discovering and healing the part of myself who wants to stay locked in out of fear of the outside world, I am grateful for honoring my so called negative feelings, for having been introduced to lynn's work, for meeting her and carying on her fabulous work, for my skills in creating beauty and harmony, for the good that I bring to my clients, I am grateful for living in a fabulous time, for the beauty there is in our magnificent world, I am grateful for my strong health, for keeping it with brian's balancing, I am really grateful for my life.Sophie

My Prayer

I am greatful to you God, I am greatful to you...RJN

My Prayer

I am so gratful for my three healthly children. THe fact that I have a good job. I am grateful for my health and for the man in my life.

My Prayer

I am grateful that I have a wonderful family, that we are healthy, and that I have been successful in my business.

My Prayer

Universe! I am so grateful- beyond measure!- Thank you for leading me on the path to recognition of who I am and my gifts. I live each moment in joy and gratitude placing myself in service. I attract to me those that I can best serve. Thank you for Elyon and the growth through her- I am flying! Thank you for my loving husband and his suport. I love my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aurora

My Prayer

My health, all my senses, especially being able to see the glory of the Fall trees, the loving support of my friends and family through the darkest nights of my soul. And somewhere deep inside me knowing that Spring always follows Winter.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the wonderful wisdom and words of James Redfield. His books are so incredibly enlightening and uplifting.  -Jane

My Prayer

Dear God, thank you for your guidance in my every thought.

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the wonderful 'teachers' in my life that hae helped me to stand up for myself, speak the truth, face my fears, detach with love, see myself more clearly and taught me patience, tolerance and forgiveness. Especially my father who has lived long enough for me to work through all my resentments, frustrations and ignorance and my anger towards men. I am grateful for the beautiful Earth and all living plants and creatures that make this a paradise of colour and diversity. I am so grateful for the experience of being a mother of two wonderful sons, grandmother to two lovely children and my beautiful angel daughter-in-law. I am so grateful that we have all found sobriety with drugs of every description. I am grateful to the rain and wind and the warmth of the sun and the glow of the moom and the twinkling of the stars. I am grateful today that I was born in Australia - I am blessed with so much abundance of people who care about me and who I can care about. I am grateful to my God for my Life, my Body and Mind and for opening my heart to compassion and joy. The joy that I have experienced by touching God's finger in my Soul moves me to ecstacy of multidemension proportions of Love pure and unadalterated. Thankyou for this opportunity to lay down some of my infinite list of gratitude PS I forgot to mention my gratitude for my beautiful hair. It has been my crowning glory of Light. And my strength, courage, determination and perseverence. All these things I found the closer I came to my beautiful Soul. "I can do all things through Christ" I am so grateful I am not alone! Thankyou again for this wonderful opportunity - I am grateful to you and your Web page and the work that you do for humanity and God. Thank you IvyJoy 

My Prayer

I am grateful for my Mother who is always there for me and i am grateful for my (2) brothers.I am truly grateful that i found this Web site it is a uplifting sweet blessing. I am grateful that god wakes me up every morning and i make sure the first words i speak are to him..."Thank you Jesus" I am so rich (not money) but because of the love i have in my life and the spirit of god. Thanks for letting me share. Angie

My Prayer

God/dess, I am thankful for this beautiful, rainy day and for my life. Thank you for my husband, my family and friends, my dog and cat, my home, my job and co-workers, Al-Anon and my church, Zen meditation and T'ai Chi and for the beauty of all of nature. Thank you for my honesty, my willingness to become the person I want to be and my strong body.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family. I feel wrapped in warmth, and know that if I really needed a friend I would have several great ones to choose from. I pray for those in my family that are battling illnesses that could kill them. God bless. 

My Prayer

I am grateful for prayer--that is there for me to use as guidance anytime and anywhere, it costs nothing and yet provides wealth beyond compare....

My Prayer

I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for all the places that I've lived and for all the people that i've known. I'm grateful for my beloved children, grandchildren, and my brothers and sisters. I am grateful for the ability to love, the willingness to forgive and to be forgiven. I am thankful for my willingness to grow and the ability to create that i have been given. I am grateful for my new found internet and all the doors that it has opened to me, and all of the brain stretching that I have to do in order to learn about it. I am gratefull for having the space to SAY "I am so very grateful for all the places I've been & the places I can still go. THANKYOU

My Prayer

everything i have been given, for my family and friends.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my wonderful job and the beautiful wild birds we help heal, I am grateful for my beautiful daughter, my husband and the lives we share. I am so grateful and wealthy in this world with friends, hobbies, art, music, writing and dance. I am grateful for my two wonderful old cats and big silly dog and grateful beyond measure for this beautiful wild world. Sheila 

My Prayer

I am very Thank full for this time of process in my Life, as I am guided in creating new Life. Thank you Great Spirit for being within me and out side of me. And for your guiding spirit! Love, LA

My Prayer

Thank you dear Lord, for having given me the gift of a wonderful husband and a beautiful marriage. It was beautiful, take care of him for me until we are reunited again with you. 

My Prayer

I am Thankful for challanges, for they help me grow. I am Thankful for saddness for it helps me compassionate. I am Thbakful for pain, for it brings me back to God. 

My Prayer

I'm glad to be home.

My Prayer

Thank-you Universe for creating me and for sending me miracles and gifts every moment of my life. I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ruwan

My Prayer

Thank You! Laury

My Prayer

I am grateful for this life and for my wonderful therapist who has helped me make sense of it all.

My Prayer

I am gratefull for life, one that has meaning in it now and growing spiritually after being in the darkness for a very long time..

My Prayer

Thank you for every breath I take. For the knowledge the inner knowledge, the awareness this is a gift this appreciation and knowing I am alive.

My Prayer

God our Father I am grateful that even though I have lost a friend on this earthly plane, she is with you and the angels and spirits that areall around. She is happy and healthy and beautiful always. Thank you that through this sorrow I can find joy. 

KC in CO

My Prayer

I'm grateful for a wonderful family, and a great husband that loves me very much!! 

My Prayer

I am grateful for the world! For it's diversity, it's wind and rain, for the smell of the pine that sprouts from it's rich soil, for sharing the same sky with all people and life.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am thankful for my family and all the love and support that they give to me.

My Prayer

am grateful for all the blessings that I have in this life. I am especially grateful for my family, immediate and extended, and all my friends who feel like my family. I also thank God for each day that I have, I pray that I make the most out of each and everyday.

My Prayer

I am grateful for life I have been given and the ability to experience both joy and sorrow. I am especially grateful for the people in my life, both those who enter it momentarily and those who stick around for some time. I am grateful for the lessons offered and learned. I am grateful for breath.

My Prayer

God, Grant me the serentiy to accept the things i can not change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

My Prayer

I am grateful for each day of life. Seeing my child grow up and sharing his joys and upsets. I am grateful for 20 years of marriage to a caring, understanding and loving man. Amen. SH

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I would like to thank you for all the wonderful things that You have given to me. Thank you for answering my prayers and thank you for forgiving me from my sins. Today was a good day because you answered my prayer of help as I took my math test today. I got a 100 on it and I would never would have done it without You o Lord. There will be other tests that I will still be facing as I go through this week and as I go through college. I know you will always be with me and I thank You for that. Amen

My Prayer

I am thankful for my precious daughter, Brenda Christine. She is blessed with a pure heart and sweetness that can nourture with her words. She is as generous as the ocean's size. From her I have learned about spirit and courage. I have seen will power like steel and gentleness beyond softness. On our journeys, she has been the parent and I, the child. Thank Holy Spirit for the gift of Brenda.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be alive and for knowing that there is a loving God, faithful to His promises. Each moment is a blessing, an opportunity to help others and to enjoy the wonders of life. Thank you.

My Prayer

I am grateful to have a savior that loves me unconditionally and gives me brand new mercy with the rising of every new sun. I am grateful for him loving me even though I am so unfaithful and doubtful at times.I am gratefull because he has spared me so many times and given me so many blessings that I did not deserve. I am grateful because he has done so many things that I have not even considered doing for my self. I am grateful for the love that he has surrounded me with and that he has given me for others.

My Prayer

thank you universe for providing me with the opportunity to re evaluate my life and make decisions to sweeten it with positive self esteem and empower it thru the wonderful souls that are part of my life today..thank you for your kindness and your lessons.. valohna wynn

My Prayer

Father, I am grateful for this beautiful earth that you have loaned to us, and pray we learn to take better care of it.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be alive

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the small and big miracles I experience each day. Father, thank you for Your constant love.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for everything you have given me through out my life. Thank you for this day and thank you for my family and friends. For all of this I am grateful. Thank you for all you give to me and my family and friends throughout this day.

My Prayer

Peace and Blessings, 

I am grateful for waking up this morning. I am thankful for my family and friends, for love, divine guidance, shelter, nourishment, health, strength, truth, balance, harmony, grace, mercy, forgiveness, my culture, and happiness. I am thankful for the sun, the beautiful moon, the stars, and the sky. I am thankful for the seas and the earth, the wind and the trees. I am thankful for all the animals. I am thankful for all the experiences that I have had because they taught me so much about myself. I am thankful to all the people who have come in and out of my life. I am thankful for the pain I've felt because it made me discover my own strength. I am thankful for patience, insight, knowledge and courage. I am thankful that there is a website where we can share our prayers. Thank you. 


My Prayer

I thank the Lord for planting His seed of salvation in my soul. I'm 19 and could be into a lot of other things if the Lord didn't come snatch up this inner city youth. I praise God Almighty, Abba Father for delivering me from my own evil desires. Even though I still struggle with sin, it's by His power, grace, and mercy that I have faith to keep pressing on towards Heavens Gates. I thank You Father God, I thank You Jesus Christ, and I thank You Holy Ghost for keeping me. Amen

My Prayer

Dear God, My life seems to be shattered in all direction at the momment. I put my trust in you that all this has a purpose. That in the end, you bring me to the path that I am meant to walk. I must give up my fear and leave my fate to your guidance. Amen 

My Prayer

Thank you for the abundance of love in my life.

My Prayer

Our great Listener, thank you for this wonderful day that you let me live. I had a great day today. Thank you for the rain. It has been a while since it rained, and we gladly accept it. The cold weather today was poignant. Thank you for this winter that you have given us this year. I had a great day in classes and at work today. Thank you for keeping me busy and letting me work hard. Thank you for health during this season. May You help me as I take my Geology test tomorrow and may You help me find a great internship for this summer. Thank You for listening. Amen...

My Prayer

I am grateful for my two beautiful, talented, successful daughters. I am grateful for my husband and my friends. I am grateful for the gift of laughter and joy that they all bring to my life.

My Prayer

i am gratefull to priya kriti shrasth for the love bonding we have developed in the family

My Prayer

I am grateful that God, the Universe, and my Angels have heard my prayer and are helping me live my dream.

My Prayer

My Prayer is that the Lord's light will continue to shine each and every day. 

MY GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for being with me when I needed you. Thank you Lord for leading me to your church. Bless my family.....take care of them Father.

My Prayer

I am thankful for a God who has a plan for my life. I try every day to follow his will. I am also thankful for my wife and children.

My Prayer

I am greatful for God seeing me through some very difficult times this year. I have been blessed with a reawakening to what is really important in life. God, Love, Health, Family and Friends-these are the true riches! 

My Prayer

I am grateful to God for making me capable being a little help to others. Lets me make ful use of it. I am grateful to the forefathers who have contributed towards making this world a better place to live in. Finally i am grateful to the people who have devoted their lives for spreading the Message of God Amen

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the good things in my life. For a family that loves and appreciates me, full filling work and very special, dear friends.

My Prayer

My father died earlier this year. For many, many years we had been distant with each other, not only in miles apart, but in feelings as well. My father and I were never close, but 2 years ago, a miracle happened. I had not seen my father in 18 years, we lived in different areas of the country, and were totally out of touch with each other by design. In fact, I believed him dead, so 2 years ago on Father's Day I had a Mass said for him. You can imagine my surprise, when by happen stance, a distant relative called me and told me he was still alive and in a nursing home not far from me. I visited him every week for 2 years, old wounds do heal, and I am so thankful that through me and my efforts he received the last sacraments of the Church before he died. I am so grateful that we grew to know each other before he died? Thank you very much Lord, Jesus! 

My Prayer

Father, another day has passed and a lot things has happened. Thank you for giving me a lot of good things in life. Thank you for giving me that free pizza today from my supervisors. Thank you for letting me have a flu shot today and a haircut. Thank you for my friends and the movie we saw tonight. Thank you for the food that you have given to me today. Thank you for helping me in my sociology test today. I have doubts with that Lord, but with your grace and mercy You will give me an A in that class Lord. I offer to you all my best, I offer my best also to my parents as well as my preparation for my future. Thank you for hearing me Father...Amen

My Prayer

"Thank You" For helping me in those terribles moments with this kids giving to me so many problema And trying to do what ever they want.I feel very sick but I want to finish what I start with your help."Thank You" For blessing me

My Prayer

My family

My Prayer

thank you for the good and even the bad in my life , because when I get through the bad, I know Jesus is with me. That's when I feel close to him. Keep all of us safe and healthy

My Prayer

Lord God, almighty, thank you for all that you do. Bless all the children. I ask nothing for myself, but for all the sick and, shutin. Please put your arms around them, heal the sickness, the pain. In your name almighty may it be done. Thank you God almighty Jodysad

My Prayer


My Prayer

thank you, God, for my safe place that I am in this morning.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thanks God for guiding me to Papo's office. I am feeling better and the best of all, he has given me confidence that my health will be OK soon. Thanks again!

My Prayer

I am so very gratefule to be a part of the magnificence of the universe and to experience the abundance of the universe every minute of every day. I am thankful for all the wonderful people in my life and my loving connectedness with them. I am so appreciative of my rising awareness, higher consciousness, and the love, joy, peace and harmony that comes from this higher insight and understanding. I am thankful for my connectedness with all who read this even though I have never met you. I wish you peace, joy and love. Mary Lou

My Prayer

Lord I'm so thankful for being a mother and also being able to continue going to school at this late day and age. thank you for the strenght to go on with life day by day.

My Prayer

I am thankful to God and Mother Mary for a wonderful day today. Thank you for letting me go see the UGA vs. Ole Miss game today. It was pretty cold and rainy so i went back to my dorm, but I had fun though. Thank you for the party tonight. It was great seeing good friends from church again. Thank you for letting me talk to my friends that I have not seen for a while. Thank you for my room mate because he is really nice. I still have a lot to do before thanksgiving break, so I pray that You guys will help me in everything I do. Forgive me from my sins and may you help those who are in the cold today and on the rain without any place to stay. Bless them and hear their prayers. Amen...

My Prayer

I am grateful for God's many blessings...my two wonderful children, family, health, friends, job, home,and joy filled life.

My Prayer

I'm grateful for having a loving, supportive family and for waking up every morning with the opportunity to make a difference! CS

My Prayer

"Heavenly Father" I come before you,with a humble heart,thanking you for gratutiously blessing me with first,your love and,sweetness to me,as well as a loving and,devoted husband of forty-five(45)years and,sons and,families.Plus a doggie kid,our chow-chow Billie Kimber'lee who has been raised with love and, gentleness,showing her love for us,with kissy faces each and,everyday.Friends who are apart of your beliefs and,knowing that one day,I will have alife with you in "Paradise",too.be re-newed with my loved ones who are there now with you.Thank-You,"Father" for always being there for me and,my family. Your Servant- Elizabeth lucijowri@angelfire.com 

My Prayer

For the opportunity to try to think, at last. To find myself somewhere beneath the fallen leaves of the past--before this future is gone.

My Prayer

I say to the lord my prayers not often enough I fail myself by not doing such I have good reason to thank those above for placing in my heart such a true love I just wish for her one kiss so ever loving placed on my lips I think every day of her embrace why was I ever taken from that place I just want to know she is happy this day and to make sure she doesnt miss that same one true love

My Prayer

I am thankful to the Creator for seeing fit to reveal to us that all of life is a gift to those who are willing to assume co-creative responsibility for what unfolds for us each day. And for showing us that we can live joyfully ever after if we are willing and able to experience and express our true Divinely inspired selves in the moment. 

William A. Michael, PhD drwmmichael@triton.net

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family and friends. I wish that there be Peace & Love in the World for all the Little Children of the World for food, shelter & clothing for them. Lord please Bless them. 

Love & Blessings to each and everyone! 

Mary Lou

My Prayer

I am grateful to God for everything, all of it.Thank you God for my whole life.

My Prayer

I am grateful for all life experiences. Even the most painful events in my life (the deaths of my 4 children) have propelled me forward in quantum leaps of spirituality. I continue to become the person God gave me the ability to be. I am grateful for all life's lessons. Forgiveness frees the forgiver more than the forgiven. May we all learn to be unconditionally loving toward all beings. Amen

My Prayer

Thank you God for being alive. Thank you my Lord for waking up every morning with health, for enjoyig when we look at the sun, the sky and the plants you create for us. Thank you for loving us all! With love, Marisol

My Prayer

I am thankful I am not giving up on myself...with the help of my friends, whose patience has been unending an

My Prayer

I am thankful for my children - their commitment to improve the world. I am grateful to my husband for his support and love. I thank the universe for leading me along paths that have been difficult and painful so that I would grow and learn. I am thankful for the chance to open a door to someone's soul through music.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I thank you for our many blessings, and pray for an end to all abortions.

My Prayer

Thank you, God, for the gift of Yourself.

My Prayer

Thank you God because I always believe in you, without you my life is empty, you are always there for me, sometimes your answer is not the one that I want to hear but the one I need. Thanks for my family, friends and everyone that in one way or another cross my path, I learned so much from all of them. Love you always.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my granddaughter who is one year old today

My Prayer

I am grateful to my lord and savior for all He's done for me in my life!

My Prayer

I am grateful for simple things My ability to take care of myself and others, for all of nature which continuously renews me, my grandchildren that look like angels and bring me so much joy it is overwhelming, my spouse of 29 years who has taught me that I AM LOVABLE and my four adult children who are working everyday to extend their peace and love to heal the world. 

I am also grateful for for the wisdom that I have to help my clients to heal and for the capability to continuously forgive myself and others. I feel like I have been BLESSED over and over again. Amazing Grace, Tess Marshall

My Prayer

Life and its opportunities, the holy dharma and the lineage, all those kind spirits and beings that help us and the chance to be of help. 

My Prayer

Thank you for the opportunities you give me each day to experience Your Love and to express my Love in return. - Jay 

My Prayer

Dear Jesus I thank you fro today for all you have done. FOr the food, family, friends, and the light of day. I pray to God that all is well. May my mom be well at work. My the day continue this way. In Jesus name Amen.

My Prayer

Thank you for my husband, family, friends, my home and our jobs

My Prayer

I am so grateful for the many blessings in my life, for spiritual guidance to recognize how blessed I am, and for strength and understanding that lets me know that I'm never alone no matter how dark things may seem. elsie

My Prayer

I am thankful for the new awareness of goodness God has given me. I see him working in so many people's lives around me; I feel his presence and protection. Thank you God for watching over my family and friends, their safety and healing. Thank you for the ability to see things as they really are and to have you to turn to for guidance daily. I am truly grateful for the love and forgiveness you have for us.

My Prayer

Thank you God for my life, my family, my job, my friends and my soberiety - Amen. Shelia

My Prayer

Though I've always been pretty good at gratitude, I've realized lately that there are some parts of my life I've willfully held outside my gratitude circle. They didn't fit my picture of "gifts." Today, I see how grateful I am for my "same old" job and work mates. I see how perfectly matched they are to me as a chance to give and receive divine love. I gratefully draw them into the circle of my wholeness.

My Prayer

Thank You,Lord,for all that You have given me,and for looking over me always. Ever in Your service...

My Prayer

I am grateful for the opportunity to discover adn follow my calling

My Prayer

I am grateful for the blessing of being awake, for the support and special love of my guides and for the gift of being a member of the Family of Light. With Love & Light. Coltrin

My Prayer

I'm so thankful for my good health, for the kindness and compassion of others, and for my kitty who always makes me smile and feel loved.

My Prayer

I am greatful to be living on this wonderful planet and feeling love growing everyday so tremendously! Dakini

My Prayer

I am thankful for every day that I am alive and I am in good health and able maneuver the everyday tasks of being a full time mother to my wonderful three year old boy who is also in good health (of which I am truly thankful for), working full time, taking care of a home, expenses, an ailing mother (of which I am truly thankful for)and thanking God every day that she is alive. I am truly thankful for my home, food that I can provide on the table every night, an automobile that allows me to get to my destinations on a day to day basis. I am also truly thankful for the wonderful and dear friends that I have in my life. I am just thankful to be able to rise each and every day to see beauty in things that most people take for granted. This is what I'm truly thankful for.

My Prayer

Thank you, God, for another day of life on Earth. 

My Prayer

I am thankful for the many blessings in my life, especially my health, my family, my friends, my faith.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my beautiful, talented children, the health of my family, that we laugh every day, and for our incredible home in the woods, surrounded by plants and animals and most of all, by love.

My Prayer

As burdened down as I feel at times, I try to be mindful that there are so many that are so much less fortunate, either physically or spiritually, and it helps me to be grateful for what I have rather than always thinking about what I don't have. Thank you for my life! 


My Prayer

Thank you for the amazing family that I have and the love and support that they give to me. Also thank you for the friends that I have,without who, I would not be the person that I am today. Thank you for the job that I have and the food and clothes that you have helped me to provide for me. Thank you for the power your love gives me to live my life and each day try and remember to do something that makes a difference. -LB-

My Prayer

I am grateful for these hands that type, for the eyes that watch the letters appear. I am grateful for the thoughts that dance in my mind, and for the ability to share them. I am grateful for all the beings that share my life, for our breath, for our Earth. I am grateful for healing and that I am finding my way, I am grateful for my path.

My Prayer

Thank you for the birth if my lovely daughter, Kiera this year, and also for my beautiful older daughter, Kaylie. Thank you for bringing my husband home after many years of working in other cities, and for a good life. Love, Leslie

My Prayer

Most Holy One, I give thanks for my journey of life and all the paths it has lead me down. Thank you for my children in whom I take great pride. Thank you for my lovely and warm home, my pets who keep me on track, my work which keeps me grounded. Today I thank you for the sun which shines brightly on the new fallen snow. I thank you for friends, who warm my soul. Amen and amen. DM

My Prayer

I am grateful for the gift of a great boyfriend and loving soul to share my life with.

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the wonderful friends and family who all all touched my heart so deeply, and who have helped me in so many ways.

My Prayer

Thank you for dear old friends.

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude is for having life and a wonderful family to spend it with.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the challenges that I face every day. I am thankful for the opportunities to experience them. Thank you.

My Prayer

Thank you for health and family and the time to enjoy them both, for love and caring. For showing us the light. Whitney Bischoff

My Prayer

Thank you for my family and my life. Thank you for granting me the grace to recognize these things as the loving gifts you intended them to be lord. Amen.

My Prayer

I am so very grateful for the beautiful house that I was able to buy last year and for the great job that allowed me to buy it. I have been fixing up the house for the past 11 months, and I am grateful for the use of my arms, legs, eyes and ears that enabled me to do the things I've been able to do. I have always dreamed of owning my own home to decorate to my heart's desire. And now I have it. Every day I wake up and appreciate this beautiful dwelling with which I have been truly blessed! 

My Prayer

I am thankful dear Lord for a great day today. Today has just been joyfull to me. Thank you for helping me fix my schedule today for next year. I pray that my classes will be great and I will have kind professors. Thank you for giving me an A- on my geology test I took on Friday. I was so happy to get that grade. Work today was fun. Everybody was happy and getting ready for thanksgiving. Thank you for giving us this week for thanksgiving dear Lord. I thank you for all the things that you have given to me. Thank you for answering my prayers, blessing me with graces, giving me a great family and friends, and for giving me life. May you continue doing such great things loving Father because without You, I can never do anything. May you grant me the grace to grow taller and may you help me as I work on my english paper for tomorrow. Thank you Lord for all the songs in my life. Thank you so so much. Amen...

My Prayer

Our wonderous God...I thank you for our home, my children, my health, and the means to live comfortably. I thank you for everything you have given me in this lifetime...even the smallest thing. And I thank you for loving me.

My Prayer

Lord, I thank You so much for everything you have given me. You gave Your life for me, because You love me so much. I am so grateful to You Lord for that. I also thank You for all the wonderful people you have out in my life. For these things an so much more, I thank You Lord!

My Prayer

Dear God, Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for the beauty of your creation with all its colors, shapes and sounds. Thank you for your Son, Jesus, who is our Guide and Friend and Redeemer. Thank you for your wonderful, constant loving presence. Help us to love you more.Keep us safe in your love! Your loving daughter, Christine

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude is for each day we are given and it is a gift-I am so thankful.Today I am especially thankful as my younger sister has come through her surgery just fine.Thank you and I am filled with gratitude dear Lord. In Love and Thanks,Julie

My Prayer

thank you Great Wonder Mother Father God for all the glorious days for all the kind and generous friends and family for each day of health for each day of prosperity for each day sharing a peaceful home with my beloved for the opportunity to do work that serves goodness and feeds my sould with passion, joy and challenge!

My Prayer

I am grateful for everyone who shared their prayers. 

I am grateful for my wife, who is the bravest person I know. 

I am grateful for my children who teach me knew things everyday. 

I am grateful for my parents for the love and the nurturing they have given me. 

I am grateful for my brother who has tested me and and loved me and always been there for me. 

I am grateful for my health, my job, and my home. 


My Prayer

Nov 18,2000 a friend & I were coming home from a ballgame.I had the green light but the other driver had a red light which he failed to see.Thank GOD we had our safety belts and air bags.I truly believe that God has a plan for us.We are very sore but we we're alive.My car was totaled. I give thanks

My Prayer

I am grateful for my mother's health! TC

My Prayer

Dear God, I thank you for making me what I am .Also for what I am today. Thank you Jesus for who you are and what you have been to me.My beloved my saviour and love. Amen -Stevan

My Prayer

Thank you for making sure I got the message to "live my life!" Thank you for dad and mom. I have learned so many life lessons from them. At 53, I'm not too young to learn something new. I'm looking forward to learning and growing, and I ask that you be w/my family and friends. I am truly blessed to have them in my life. From the heart and my soul....Jennie

My Prayer

Dear God, Thank you for holding me by the hand each day,guiding me,reassuring me that everything will be in their proper places. I believe that when you close a door, you will open a window and that you will give me what's best for me. Thank you.

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for all that you have done for me thoughout my life. Thank You for Kira and Kelly, they have blessed my life. Thank You for all that You will bring to me in this beautiful day. In Jesus Name--PH

My Prayer

I am grateful for living and sharing the many lives I meet every day. I am grateful for growing and being closer to freedom every day. I am grateful for the weather... whatever it is... as it colors my day and serves me and makes me feel alive. I am grateful for the family I have and for my in-laws, for my work and the people at work, for the students of yoga that come to the class I teach. I am grateful for the world is truly becoming more heart centered. I am grateful for this is a magnificent time to be alive. I am grateful for my wife and for my son and for being their husband and father. I am grateful for serving you God. And I am so grateful for being grateful! 

Awtar Singh/Luc Miller Watelet

My Prayer

Thank you for this beautiful day and for Bill coming over to wait for the inspector and only having to do laundry at the laundromat one more week.

My Prayer

Father I thank you for your guidance, love, forgiveness and mercy. May I serve you all of my days. Thank you for your son that sacrificed so much that we may have salvation. Thank you for my loving family that has given me so much joy and support. Thank you for giving my life back to me 23 years ago. Terrie

My Prayer

Thank you, God, for my friends, family, pets, life, and all that I have. I love you.

My Prayer

Dear God: I am so thankful & grateful for all the blessings in my life. First, for my life, thank you! Thank you for all the abundance in my life including my loving family: My wonderful husband, Steven, my gorgeous girls: Zoe & Julia. For the health and happiness of my Mother, Rose, sister Lisa & her husband Darrell, Aunt Pauline, Uncle Ed & Aunt Elaine, for my wonderful in-laws, Pauline & Jake, and their other sons, their wives, & grandchildren. For the many blessings of friends who truly care & love me. Thank you. For our health, well being, love, and support. Thank you. For all our abundances, a warm home, good food, beautiful clothes, working cars, steady paycheck, and numerous gifts the universe bestowes upon us. Thank you for the return of love and dear friends into my life. Thank you for letting me see the path to you and learning calmness and patience. Thank you for having such wonderful guides and teachers to assist me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the assistance we need for the girls preschool. Thank you for enabling Steve and me to raise two beautiful, health, happy, and smart young girls. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! With you blessing, may theses blessings continue for the greater good of all concerned. Thank you! Beth Weiner

My Prayer

I am grateful for the chance to sing my song.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my healthy son, my beautiful "family", and finding work that is an expression of my soul. It has been a year of searching, and I have found a home. -Jen A, Human Potential, LLC

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thank You, God, for the healing that you have brought into my life, and the Guides and resources that have facilitated the healing process. Thank You God for my wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, joyful daughter. Thank You God for helping me to feel that I can love. Thank You God that I can appreciate your gifts great and small. Thank You God that I live a mindful life. 

My Prayer

A grateful heart is a happy heart! May each day bring more gratitude for each day is a gift to be.

My Prayer

My heart is full of gratitude for the sweet ache of watching a loved and cherished child fly off into his life...for puppy kisses and stars...for the warmth of friends and sand beneath my feet...for naps and sunlight through leaves...for all that being is and for all the Sacred i see in every moment of this waking dream called Life...

My Prayer

i wish all the human beings to think positively for themselves and for others too.

My Prayer

This past year has brought many challenges in my life, but I am so thankful that I awaken every day and have two beautiful daughters to share my life with. I want to thank my Angels and the Universe for all of the blessings I continue to receive...even in the wake of despair...Thank you!

My Prayer

This past year has brought many challenges in my life, but I am so thankful that I awaken every day and have two beautiful daughters to share my life with. I want to thank my Angels and the Universe for all of the blessings I continue to receive...even in the wake of despair...Thank you!

My Prayer

I am grateful for the miracle of the birth of my twin grandsons, after such pain and sadness and perseverance. I am grateful to be living on my peaceful island, giving me a chance to reflect and grow into the person I am meant to be. Chris

My Prayer

Dear God, the Universe & Fellow Travelers, With prayer and thanksgiving, I pause to realize how truly blessed I am. The road has been hard this year but I have grown into a woman in whom I think God is pleased. I have learned to let go of an addiction to perfection and find myself in a glorious, joyful, messy life full of miracles at just the right moment. Synchronicity abounds. Love never fails. For this & so much more (good relationships, forgiveness, lots of belly laughter & humor, the internet, the kindness of friends as well as strangers, always having enough), I am greatly grateful. AMEN! ~Love~and~Light~~~Erin

My Prayer

Dear Lord,I know that often I don't take the time to slow down and truely give thanks to you for all you do for me.Today,dear Lord,I will take the time to be grateful for all you have blessed me with and for all the times you have carried me through when I just couldn't go on.(there have been many).I give thanks to you dear Lord,for my 4 beautiful children,for our health,for the roof we now have over our heads and for the food we can place on our table.Although the road ahead may sometimes get rough,I know that with you dear Lord all i possible. Today I am grateful and give thanks to you.Amen.~vixenrose-

My Prayer

I am so very thankful that my mother's cancer is in partial remission. That my father has survived a stroke (4 yrs ago)and regained strength. That my son is alive and well. Thankful for all the prayers of other's. Thankful for a warm bed and good food. Thankful for my dog 'Buddy'. Nancy 

My Prayer

On this thanksgiving day, I want to share all that I am thankful for. I am thankful for the people in my life who I love and who love me. I am thankful for the way my life is truly guided. And I am thankful for my health, well being and all the abundance in my life. I am blessed.

My Prayer

Lord, On this beautiful day of true Thanksgiving, thank You for all you have done for every obe of you chldren on earth. May everyone realize what they have to be thankful for today. I thank you for Kelly and Kira, for they have truly blessed my life. thank you for all that has gotten me to where I am today. For each and every opportunity You have presented to me. Thank You for all that You will bring to me throughout this day. In Jesus' name. Amen!

My Prayer

Dear Lord, On this Thanksgiving morning, I want to thank you for guiding me to life's work that fills my heart with so much love and joy and makes me feel so alive!!! I pray for that for all the world!

My Prayer

I'm thankfull for the abundance in my life. Family and friends, health and fitness. May love, peace and joy fill our world. Ann

My Prayer

I am thankful for my friends and family, good health and the many blessings I have received in my life thus far. Help me Lord to be more grateful each day for all you have given me. J.R.O.

My Prayer

Food every day four children a home a cat I am able to feel happiness I can share my thoughts with a friend I can cry

My Prayer

thank you

My Prayer

for so many unspoken and things taken for granted

My Prayer

I am grateful for the relationship I have re-discovered with God over the last year. I am grateful that God, who has been beside me even when I turned away from him, showers each of us with his grace and mercy. I am grateful for the peacefulness and meaning that God has brought to my life. T.B.

My Prayer

I am grateful to have a place to live, good health and a job. Thank you, God.

My Prayer

Today I am greatful for my experiences. The healing has begun and I have hope. God will provide, of that I have no doubt. Amen

My Prayer

i am grateful for having met with the grate people who have led me to realize that only the strength you accomlish through love is what you need here thank you

My Prayer

This Thanksgiving,I thank Thee,LORD,for giving me all that I ever need in life.....Thank you for watching over us always ,holding our hand and guiding us on the right path....ever in Your service....help us do what you have in mind for us..Thank You LORD 

My Prayer

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the comfort you have given me through the deaths of my mom and my best friend during the last year. I could never have made it without you. Even the darkest days held a glimmer of light because I know you see the whole picture. Thank you for my beautiful daughter. I am so proud of the woman she has become. Thank you for letting Dad stay with us a while longer. His illness has been so scary in light of all the recent deaths; yet, he's 84 years strong. Thank you for your blessings on my small business. It allows me to meet the bills and keep food on my table and a warm fire for me and 6 of your precious creatures. Thank you for all the friends who have rallied around me these past months...who care about my well being. Thank you for today and another opportunity to see your plans unfold for me. Not my will, but thine be done. MW

My Prayer

I am grateful for the chance to look at life in a non-judgemental way. I'm grateful for being given the chance to be happy, to appreciate the joy and beauty of nature, for seeing people's good sides and accepting their faults, for understanding that there is much more to life than the material possessions we accumulate. I am also grateful to God for blessing me with 2 beautiful children, and 2 wonderful men who have each added to my life in his own way. Thank you God for my family, my friends and all the support and love I have been blessed with. Thank you for allowing me to see through the negativity and find the love. Thanks for keeping me open minded and content, in a world where its easy to pass judgement and blame. I am happy, I have peace - for that, I Thank You! JA

My Prayer

I am grateful for all life has brought to me the good and the bad. I pray for all the homeless people who are without shelter this up coming winter. I am grateful for my mother, Joyce, and my little brother Barry who have within the last 10 years of my life have given me one each of their kidneys so that I may enjoy life further along with them. I'd like to say I am grateful also for my brother Don, who is going through "something" at this time. Thank you for this site.

My Prayer

Dear Lord im grateful for jesus Christ. 

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I am grateful for the man who was sitting outside the drugstore in the cold fog tonight, asking for change. I didn't have much to offer him, but what I could spare, I gave to him. When he looked into my eyes and said "May God bless you," I saw right into his tender soul and was overcome with compassion. I pray that my small offering helped him as much as he helped me this evening. God bless this gentle man.

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for Kelly & Kira, all my family and friends and for every opporunity that You provide. I am grateful to You for this day.--pjh

My Prayer

Dear God: I am forever grateful for my mother of 72 years old. She has alway been a source of inspiration, love and understanding. I thank God for a wonderful relationship with her. She has never put me down, and always, always made me feel special. I truly know she is "Love." I once told her that she has such a great personality that "It could be put in a bottle and sold." I love her dearly and again thank God for placing such a wonderful person in my life. 

Judie Graham-Davis

My Prayer

I am thankful for being saved, and having a mother and father who introduced me to the Savior, Jesus Christ. For without him there is no telling where I would be or what I would be doing! I thank God for my family of origin meaning my dad, mom, sisters and brothers, cousins, nieces, nephew. I am thankful that I have health and strength and alway for a new day that I have never seen before, which means God has given me another chance to give him all the praise and help my brothers and sisters I come in contact with in the course of a new day. I am soooo greatful. This year is almost gone and I'm still here! If I don't get a chance to wake up in the morning I appreciate the time God has given me! 

My Prayer

I am grateful to You Loving father, for sustaining me all these years, for blessing me in so many ways, for the love of family and friends. Thank you.

My Prayer

I am so very grateful for the blessings of my two boys. I know that without His help, ther is no way I would be a dad

My Prayer

Thank you for yet another wonderful day. Please help me to continue to make a difference day to day. Thank you for all the love that I receive from dear friends and an amazing family. Thie gifts you have already bestowed upon me are truly a blessing. Thank you -LB-

My Prayer

Today iwould like to, Thank the lord above for my new life and a sane mind.Iam thankful for my 5 beautiful children and ability to love them today.Im also thankful for a chance to find out what a loving and forgiving and mighty god i serve who loves me and forgives me and would never leave or desert me and sacrificed his only begotton son so we would have a way to him. Africa.H

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for the many blessings which You have bestowed upon me. Kira and Kelly have really blessed my life. Please heal my father, sister, Charlie and all of you children who are sick. Thank You for each and every day You give to us all, and thank You for all You bring our way, good and bad, for these are the things that make us believe and trust in You. And I know that things in my life that I thought haven't gone my way have given me the opportunity to be where I am today. In Jesus Name! pjh

My Prayer

I am so grateful for my family. They are loving and supportive and always there for me when I need them. Over the years, I've come to realize how lucky I am to have them and they are truly, truly, very precious to me. Thank you God for giving me my mother, my father, my brother, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, and my Granny.

My Prayer

Thank you Our Creator for coming to us in a baby, name Jesus. Not to 'one up' us, but to lead us by example and provision into our own inheritance as 'children of God'. Joint heirs with Jesus our King, we worship you and glorify Your Name forever. Your loving and grateful daughter, Laurie

My Prayer

Father, thank You for everything that you bring my way each day. Please give me the courage, motivation, and strength throughout this day to do Your work and to enhance my faith in You. In Jesus name! pjh

My Prayer

I am grateful to have been blessed with knowing Jolie and Jim who died last weekend in a car accident. The planet was a better place because of their lves. Thank you!

My Prayer

I am grateful to have the most wonderful and understanding clients in the world. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

My Prayer

I am thankful for a husband who has loved me during the 37 years of our marriage and continues to do so. I am grateful for the opportunity to be with and work with young children every day. I am grateful to be able to live in a nice house in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I am ever thankful that, although we are far from rich, our needs have always been met, often in miraculous ways. I am grateful to be alive, to be able to use all my senses and abilities as an active member of my family, my community, my country, my world. I am grateful for the ability to feel pain and sorrow because it motivates me to change and to reach out to others, to learn to give and to receive.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank You for my family and friends, and for Kira and Kelly. All of these people have truly blessed my life. Thank You for the opportunities which You have presented to me, may I make the most of them and help others in the process. Please bless all of you children this day and let them be aware of your presence in thier lives. In Jesus Name! --pjh

My Prayer

I am grateful for my health, my home, my life, my love. Thank Gaia for all, blessed be.

My Prayer

Thank you for all blessings in my life, such as my children and family, our health, friends, a warm house and food to eat. Music to sing to. Beautiful sunrises. Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee. 

Most of all, thank you for the gift of hope which comes from faith. Love Laurie

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the love of those close to me. Thank you, God, for bringing these people into my life.

My Prayer

I'm thankful for my body, my life and all those that share it with me.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am so very grateful to God for all of my life's gifts--my wonderful parents and sister, my talents and abilities, my friends, my life's challenges that have made me a stronger and more spiritual person, and the gift of life itself. Amen.

My Prayer

Thankyou for bringing Stephen in my life!

My Prayer

i thank for finding my true love and hope and wish we will be together very soon and for a long while for that i am gratefull, for that i thank you

My Prayer

I am thankful for spiritual,mental & physical health. Thankful for the opportunity to learn to play the violin at age 59. Thankful for 36 years of marriage to a wonderful, loving, patient, supportive wife. Thankful for 2 wonderful sons and their wives who love each other and us! And thankful for the daily discoveries of LIFE! --Jim in MI

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for this day.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my loving husband, the opportunity to raise our granddaughter, and the wonderful and supportive family I have found online.

My Prayer

I am grateful the car accident I was in today was a just a fender bender and not something more serious

My Prayer

I am so incredibly grateful that my mother doesn't have Parkinsons & that she is happy and healthy and doing well. Thank you, Lord, for keeping her in good health. May she and my father both continue to live in good health for many, many, many more years to come!

My Prayer

I am grateful that God protects my family and my home. I am grateful He was there to make sure my car accident wasn't fatal and I am grateful God protected my neck so that the whiplash I suffered was only mild instead of fatal. Thank you my beloved Creator!

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for this day and all that you have done for me. Thank You for my family and friends and please heal those who are sick. In Jesus name!

My Prayer

I am greatful for my health and strength, for the love of a wonderful family, for my friends, my home,job, and most importantly for the watchful eyes of my Lord-Jesus The Christ. Thank you Lord!!!

My Prayer

I am thankfu,dear Lord, for all of life's blessings that you have bestowed on me. I am especially grateful for each new day that I have to spend with my husband, daughter and friends. I am grateful for the beautiful, awe inspiring, natural world you have given us all to live in. Thank you, dear Lord. I am grateful. Beverly

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude goes out to god in heaven. For showing me mercy, grace,and forgiveness. For loving me and putting loving people in my life, Im grateful that the lord has found favor with me and has saved me from a living hell.Iam grateful to be be alive today,i am grateful for my 5 children and their loving me. I am grateful to haved loved and to have been loved back. Africa

My Prayer

I am thankful for this past weekend for it has been fruitful. Thank you Lord God and Mother Mary for all the friends I have and for giving me the strength and determination to study for my exams this week. Thank for sending me away from temptations, there were a lot of them this weekend. Thank you for my better health and for the food I had today. I ask that you will help me as I take my final exams this first semester of college. There is nothing I can do without you Lord God and Mother Mary. Please help me and thank you for everything and thank you in advance for the results. Amen...

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am so grateful for a wonderful, perfect, fun weekend with my parents and Granny. I had a blast with them up here & I am so thrilled that they came to visit me. Bless them and keep them in happiness and good health for many years to come!

My Prayer

I am grateful for the increasing consciousness inside of me. I am grateful for the ability to see the unconscious parts of myself, that I may bring consciousness to them. I am grateful for all of those gathered around me to support us all doing the same. And I am grateful that others are having the same experiences.


My Prayer

For the air that I breathe and the calmness within my being -- I am humbly grateful. For the comfort and the joy of the goddess within -- I am humbly grateful. For the fact that I have toes and that I can walk, I am also grateful. For the idea that I Am, I am also humbly grateful!

My Prayer

I am grateful that I never stop questioning, that I still love learning, I crave the next adventure spirit has waiting for me. I am eternally grateful to be alive at this moment, come what may, I'm loving each day. May gratitude feel you with love, joy, peace, happiness and laughter, Maree.

My Prayer

I am thankful that I am healthy. I also have 5 healthy children. My parents are alive and well. I love my husband and am so thankful that he is in my life. I am thankful for beautiful days , peace in our nation, clean water and the ability to feed my family nourishing food. I am most greatful that God is in my life and watching over me. I look foward to the birthday of Jesus.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my Father's protection in my life. I am grateful He has promised to provide for me throughout all of time. I am grateful He gives me hard lessons in order to release that which is no longer a part of me and acquire that which I need in order to become closer to Him which is my ultimate goal. I am grateful to this internet site for reminding me that I have to thank God for all that He does for me. I'm grateful for my family, my friends, my supposed enemies, Anna, my guides, my existance. Amen. -Heather

My Prayer

I am grateful for my Father's protection in my life. I am grateful He has promised to provide for me throughout all of time. I am grateful He gives me hard lessons in order to release that which is no longer a part of me and acquire that which I need in order to become closer to Him which is my ultimate goal. I am grateful to this internet site for reminding me that I have to thank God for all that He does for me. I'm grateful for my family, my friends, my supposed enemies, Anna, my guides, my existance. Amen. -Heather

My Prayer

I give you thanks almight God and Mother Mary for all the wonderful benefits. I am done with 3 of my exams so far and thank you for helping me with all of those. I feel really confident that I really did well with those exams, actually I got a 97 on math, and these would have never been possible without your graces, blessings, and intercession dear Lord and Mother Mary. I have one more exam to have this Friday which is Geology. I pray that you will help me as you have helped me with my other 3 exams. I offer you all my best because you have been good to me and my family all my life and I would like to repay you back by doing me best in college. Second, I would like to offer all my best to my parents who have worked so hard to give me and my sister a good education. I know college is really expensive and I would like to repay them back by making them proud and by giving them good grades in college. Third, I would like to offer my best to my future. Thank you Lord and Mother Mary for sending me to the University of Georgia to build my future. Whatever future you want me to have, I pray and accept that it will be a successful one, like a CEO. I can do nothing without you Lord God and Mother Mary so please I pray. You who reign forever and ever..Amen... don

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude is the result of my daughter Gina, who had brain surgery on October 17th, 2000...and here it is December 14th and she is doing remarkably well.....I thank the Lord above us, who gave her three beautiful baby girls, the ages of 3 yrs.... 2 yrs...and 4 month old....and HE who has given her this recovery to be able to give her love and care to those precious babies...Yes, I thank the Lord, through his precious son, Jesus....for all of his wonderful gifts of love....that he has bestowed upon us.

My Prayer

I have gratitude for the breath of life in me-wisedup

My Prayer

Thank you, Lord, for giving me a wonderful day with my brother. The concert we went to last night was great (Jonell's voice is truly a gift from you). Thank you for our ease in relating to each other & learning to enjoy each other's company. May we continue to have a happy, healthy, & safe weekend together!

My Prayer

Thank you Lord Jesus for all---the good and the bad, for I know you are with me, guiding and directing and working all things for my good. Amen

My Prayer

i pray for thankfulness honesty and the ability to wake up tomorrow. i am always as always praying for those that have touched my life and i there's

My Prayer

I am grateful for the experiences that have taken me to search for my soul, I did not understan it before, but today, I am grateful. I thank God for giving me the privilege to really know why I am on this LIfe. And althoug I still have a long way to go, the joy of growing each day and knowing the power I really have, has made me trully Happy for the first time in 31 years. Isol

My Prayer

I am grateful for the blessings in mh life - my nice house, my family, my job. I am most grateful for my little 4 year old granddaughter who lives with me as she is the delight of my life and adds new meaning to it every day. Anne N

My Prayer

I am so very grateful for my wonderfulfamily

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for all that you have done for me. Kelly and Kira are a blessing. Thank you for my family and friends and all Your children on earth. Thank You for the opportunities which You present to me throughout this day. I accept them all and ask that I have the will and wisdom to make the most of them. In Jesus Name. Your loving son-PJH

My Prayer

I am grateful to God for the health and happiness of my loved ones.

My Prayer

Thank you lord for letting me live another day.

My Prayer

Family, friends,the chance to live this day and to do it with humility and kindness. I am thankful for a loving soulmate,and the chance to be together in this life. I am thankful for the chance to see, to hear, to move, to laugh. I am thankful for this life.

My Prayer

I want to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for ALL the blessings he has given me. I can do all things through him that strenghtens me. I love you Jesus. Happy Birthday!!

My Prayer

I am grateful for the birth of Jesus Christ. He my lord and savior. I give thanks every day for may family, and friends, and that I have life to give hope to others. Praise GOD! DLW

My Prayer

For my family and my health

My Prayer

I am grateful for the gifts this year has granted me. These gifts have helped me continue to grow and heal. I am gratefu for my children and husband and their continued support of my lifes process. I am grateful for my friends and their llove and wisdom, but most of al I am grateful to God for granting me the determnation to create a life that will make a difference in the lives of others


My Prayer

Thank you so much for the gifts of health, life and the love of three wonderful sons!

My Prayer

I am grateful for my AA program sponsor Bill. I have never had a man in my life that has loved me so much for so few reasons. He knows the darkest of my secrets and the brightest of my dreams.The life I have today is better than some people have and not as good as some others. But thanks to love I receive from friends, family and my partner Delia I feel I am the luckyest man on the planet. Thank you God for ALL you hav given me,All you have taken away and All you have left me with. Amen

My Prayer

As Christmas Eve approaches ever more rapidly, I am struck by and grateful for the awesome love that binds our families together, when so many other families are torn by division. Thank you, Lord. Help me to not be so overwhelmed by the details that I miss the "big picture" of Love that surrounds me.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I thank you for my wonderful husband, who I would be lost without and a family who loves me unconditionally. I thank you for all my friends that have been there for me this past year. I thank you for my health and the health of my family. Thank you for bringing new friends into my life who have helped me spiritually. I thank you for my job, and all the material things you have allowed me to have. But most of all I thank you for leading me back to you. Amen

My Prayer

I am grateful to Godfor the life of health, love and caring of my family, and prosperity, that I am blessed with.

My Prayer

Thank you, God, for the difficult time I have gone through, for it has brought me closer to You than I have ever been before. I live my life in gratitude and am *teaching* my children to do the same. Not an hour goes by in our day when we do not voice our thankfulness for our lives, each other, our home, our world...

We are abundantly blessed.

Namaste ~ AnneO

My Prayer

For the people in my life and the joy and beauty that they bring.

My Prayer

I am thankful to have been born in this time. It has been interesting and exciting to have been born at the end of the first half ot the 20th century and to have lived through the whole of the latter half. Many great things have come to pass in my lifetime. Man has been to the moon, many medical discoveries have been made that restore quality of life and prevent early ending of life. There have been movements to better social conditions for those not blessed with wealth and power by their births.

I am grateful to have been born in a country that has allowed me to get an education, good health care, and to speak my mind freely.

My life has not always been easy but it has been so much easier than it would have been in so many parts of the world, that I cannot help but be grateful for having been born in the United States of America.

I pray for peace, the relief of poor living conditions, and good will for all on this planet.

My Prayer

I would like to thank all of the great advertisers like SoulfulLiving.com who make it possible to help others in need simply by clicking on their site. Thank you & Bless you. Thank you for the Dream of Peace & Goodwill to all of our fellow humans. Thank you for the gift of sight that enables me to see the beauty all around. Thank you for Angels & Angel Friends.

My Prayer

Thank God that my family is healthy.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the many, lovely, and subtle ways God acknowledges my prayers. Also for an increasingly acute sense of dialog with God or some form of loving guidance. And among so many others, for the privilege of taking part in others' healing. Blessings to all in this season of returning light.

My Prayer

I am grateful that my friend Kandee is healing from her breast cancer this summer. Her hair is growing back and her smile makes me glow!

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I am truly grateful for the gift of life and the wonderful children of earth. May I see your goodness in everything.

My Prayer

Thank you, Jesus, for your incredible mercy and patience!

My Prayer

Thank you lord for giving me a new life. For opening my eyes to a new way of living, of htinking, of loving. Thank you for friends, family, and all the people who cross my path each day. I love you. Amen

My Prayer

i am grateful for the love, support, and health in my life and the lives of my partner and the rest of my family. thank you. and may you keep and protect mark, john, michael, paul, connie, linda, tony and others living with aids. thank you.

My Prayer

thanks to living my life with those who are near and dear, thanks to the universal power that made this all possible. gratitude for loving and being loved.

My Prayer

Every moment, I am grateful for my family and friends. Without their omnipresent support, encouragement and love, I could not maintain my evolution and path. They remind me to bless the thorns for the rose instead of cursing the rose for its thorns. Gregg G. Kantak, Washington, D.C.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the love and blessings that fill my life.

My Prayer

I am thankful that my mother is back safe. I am thankfu that my daughters are healthy and doing well with their lives. I am thankful I have a loving and understanding life partner. I am thankful I have a wonderful god sister. I am thankful I know the source of all my blessings.

My Prayer

I am thankful to see the sun rise every morning and to see moon, stars and universe in the night sky. I am thankful for my family and even tho we have our troubles we are all alive and healthy and loving in our own ways. I am thankful for the pains of my past that have made me the woman I am today. I am thankful for the joy of living. Peace and Love to all in this beautiful world. - DPS-Ga

My Prayer

Thank you for letting my son Steven be in remission for over a year.

My Prayer

For my family's good health.

My Prayer

Thank you for my family and the animals.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the time the Lord has given me with my Mother. We have resolved so much in this short time. Thank you.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my health, for my family, for shelter,& for the food day in and day out. I'm grateful for my job, my car, and for every new day that I can tell my better half I love him.

My Prayer

I am gratefull for a warm home, food and clothing. I am grateful for my family and each day that I get to spend with them. I am gratefull for the time that I was able to spend with those who are no longer here with me today. and I am grateful for my wonderful son. god gave me more than I could ever ask for when he gave me him. Thank You!

My Prayer

Thank you God for being in my life and your great bounty that youn bestow upon me.

My Prayer

Thank you for bringing my life back under control, by giving me my family. And thank you as well for their continued good health....please allow the kids to stay that way and grow strong and healthy.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the miracle of this life and it's gift of magical beauty and depth every moment of every day.

My Prayer

I thank the lord for giving me another day in which to better myself and try to follow in his path. I thank him for my wonderful family and friends and I ask for his guidence and grace in dealing with my stepson who has come to live with us. A special prayer for my stepdaughter how is going through a tough time in her life. Amen

My Prayer

I am grateful for the people in my life who not only share in the laughter but in the tears... without them I would not have made it through this year and I am so grateful to have them in my life.

My Prayer

Dearest god in heaven above. I thank you for each beautiful day that you give, for there is so much beauty in every day. I thank you for wonderful family and friends. If it weren't for them to help me stay on track I fear the results. I thank you for all you have given me even the gifts of "Unanswered Prayers" for when I was to caught up in everything that wasn't important. I thank you for a wonderful mother and father...for they shaped me into a loving, caring adult. I thank you for my wonderful husband and beautiful son TJ. I never knew love until you brought him into my life. I thank you from the deepest part of my very soul and heart for all that you have given me. I hope to have the courage to continue to better my life to better serve you. Words can't express my gratitude but I know you can see it in my heart.... THank You! Vicki B

My Prayer

I'm grateful for my beautiful new home, my cat Isadora, all my great friends, and all the opportunities I'm always given!


My Prayer


My Prayer

For the health and love of my family and friends.

My Prayer

Thank you, Dear Lord, for daily blessings large and small: for the smile from a passer-by that somehow seemed to change and uplift my mood, for the health and wisdom my children enjoy even having faced statistically impossible challenges, for parents still living who enjoy health and joy, for music that speaks a language that words cannot express, for moments when my soul speaks directly to You

My Prayer

I'm grateful for my life, my family including the furry ones, and for God's love and gifts He gives me each and every day.

My Prayer

I have so much to be greatful for. God has taken care of my family in so many ways. Thank you Lord. Thank you for keeping that candle lit when all I could see was darkness. Thank you for all of the miracles, because you have given me a lot of miracles. Thank you for the love you have brought into my life and the healing. Thank you for being my friend and answering my prayers everyday of my life. Thank you for talking with me and showing me that "If I ask for it, you will give it to me." Thank you for showing me what faith is and how to use it. Thank you for allowing me to share these blessings with other people. I try to share you by living you, being you and expressing you. I learn everyday. I pray almost every moment. I would be lost if I did not have you God. Thank You. I know that you love me and that you will make all of my grandest wishes come true. After all, I am expressing the grandest version of the greatest vision I have ever had.

My Prayer

I am grateful that I have the opportunity to be a blessing to others.

My Prayer

I am so very grateful to God for giving us this precious gift of life. I thank God for all my family and friends especially for my husband Jay and for my children Corbin & Kelsey. I praise God for making this world and allowing us to exist. I pray that everyone will do God's will and accept his beautiful gift of grace. Thank you God for all your forgiveness and love. Please help all of us follow your word. I ask this in your precious name. Amen

My Prayer

I'm thankful for my loving family, the good health we have been blessed with, the warm and caring friends we are surrounded by. I'm thankful to have my dear little dog who is my constant companion and will stay forever in my heart. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to give help to others when I can and would ask that I am always able to be a true friend to others.

My Prayer

I thank God for all my strenght to live live, my ability to learn new things, and my health. I thank God for giving me my mother a place in heaven, and most of all to be her daughter. I hope God gives the previlege to meet her again. Amen.

My Prayer

I am thankful that both my parents are still alive and healthy and able to watch their grandchildren grow. I am grateful to be blessed with two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who brought love and also mu two step children to love and help him raise. I am grateful that my grandmother is always a positive influence in my life even when things look the worst. She reminds that GOd is always on my side and helping me if I just ask him too.

My Prayer

Im thankful for my family. For getting through a very tough time recently. I'm thankful for my health, my parents health and my families health, especially my dqughter who is diabetic.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the love and support of my family and friends; for my two bright and beautiful daughters,without whom my life would be so very empty; and for my husband whom I love with every fiber of my being.

My Prayer

I am thankful for the prosperity I have enjoyed, and the angels that guid and protect me.

My Prayer

I am grateful for GOD's love, gift of health and home. I am also grateful for a supportive and loving family.

Judy Brown

My Prayer

I am thankful my son made it home, that he has wonderful doctors and that we have had time to heal our relationship.

My Prayer

For all that life has given me: the happiness and the sorrows; the strength to find peace through all the troubled times; the wisdom to be helpful to my children and all those around me. I'm thankful for having a loving parent and a faith that has helped me grow into the person that I am. . . . and each day I'm still growing!

My Prayer

I am forever thankful for my wonderful sisters and brother (and my parents, now deceased); my husband Joseph, who is my strength; my friends, for all the joy, wisdom, and love that they share; and last,but not least, my God who gives me so much that I have taken for granted.

My Prayer

I am grateful everyday for the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

My Prayer

Love, mercy, kindness, joy, peace, forgiveness.

My Prayer

I am very grateful for each of my family members and for each of their states of health. I am very grateful to have found my soulmate and bestfriend. I doubted that I could ever have such a relationship. And now it is here. I am grateful for my health and for the choices that I have been given in my life. I have been very forutnate. Life always works out for me. I am learned strength and have been fortunate enough to have been given all sorts of challenges to prepare me for my life journey. I am truely thankful.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my mother's returned good health!

My Prayer

I am grateful for my relationship with my Jesus, family and friends...the abundance of love in my life!

My Prayer

I would like to thank God for the changes that are occurring in my heart this year. I am thankful that I have found Christ in my life. I am thankful that I am finding peace within myself. I am thankful for how far I have come and the strength that I have to continue on with my personal journey. Amen!

My Prayer

I am thankful for waking up today and having another day on this earth. I am grateful for my health and my friends and family. I am grateful that I am able to say that I am grateful. I would like to say a pray for all those who aren't as fortunate as I am. "Thank you God for today"

My Prayer

i'm grateful for so many loving people in my life

My Prayer

For the dawning of a new spiritual life and deeper honesty with myself, my family and friends, I am deeply grateful. Franza

My Prayer

I am grateful for my health and my wonderful family and the abundance in my life

My Prayer

thank you God for this most amazing season, for the grace you have granted me and the miracle of your unconditional love with every new day.

My Prayer

Thank you for life. I will try my hardest to make the most of it and appreciate every moment.

My Prayer

I am grateful for a merciful God who has blessed me with a wonderful child and takes care of us.

My Prayer

Thank you, Lord for all the blessing you have bestowed upon me this past year. Thanks for helping me find the right for me--the job that I've been searching for for the past three years; a job that got me off state assistance and helps me support Britta, Austin, and Dakota on my own. Thank you for you help in getting me the drivers licence so I can feel safe when I drive to work and drive my family around. Thank you for my family and friends that make each day special. And finally; Thank you Lord for watching over us and keeping my children, my family, my friends, and me safe this year.

My Prayer

I am grateful that God did not give up on me when I gave up on Him.

My Prayer

Thankful for my friends, health, ability, loyalty, determination to make a difference and life! Thankful to all of those who have made a difference in my life and shared their lives with me. Thankful that I wake up each day and see the sunshine and be able to share my life with a new gift of love from my partner.

My Prayer

I am grateful for all that the Lord has done for me today and each and everyday. I ask that he bless all those less fortunate and keep them in his heart.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family, that they are healthy, for all of our bounties, and for my friends.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my parents.

My Prayer

My life, my love, my happiness, my health, my family, my talent. Thank you.

My Prayer

I'm thankful that I have loving and caring friends and family. I have a wonderful new granddaughter who is healthy. I'm grateful that I know that God loves me and watches over my family. I'm grateful for my upcoming marriage next month to a wonderful man who loves me and whom I love.

My Prayer

I'm thankful for having the most wonderful and loving God who looks after me each and every day. I'm thankful for having the most wonderful husband and family. Thankful for being able to get up each day!!

My Prayer

Father, I thank you most of all for my HEALTH! Also for my husband, son, daughter-in-love, and my two lovely granddaughters. Thank you for our homes, our jobs, our schools and the goodness you provide us. Thank you that we live close enough to each other to enjoy the holidays together. You are a mighty God. Thanks for including me in your family.

My Prayer

I am thankful that my father's health is stable and we have shared another wonderful year together as a family. I am thankful for Tina & Robert's marriage and for the beautiful addition of Elizabeth Kate to our family. I am thankful for friends, family, opportunities and challenges in my life. I am thankful for God's love.

My Prayer

I am thankful for the life that Father God allows me to live. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, beautiful kids and wonderful family and friends. Thank you Father God

My Prayer

I am grateful for the gift of this journey in life, to recognize the light and love in myself and everyone. Thank you universe for your love and support for making this journey the highest and best interest of my being.

My Prayer

I am grateful that Gods mercy is new each day and that he is there always, never more that a whisper away. Thank You Father for your love, forgiveness,faithfulness,you alone are worthy of our praise. God Bless everyone who reads this message.

My Prayer

I am so thankful for my two beautiful and loving daughters! They have grown to be young women that I am so very proud of!

My Prayer

I am very grateful for the healing I see in the lives of my daughters, and for the emotional and physical health of my family. Thank you Mother-Father God.

My Prayer

I am thankful for awareness and experience of God's love, the peace that passess all understanding, my family, my health, my friends, my work, and all the other blessings in my life.

My Prayer

Thank you for my beautiful son. Though when he was born, his outlook on life looked bleak to us, but no one told him that...and today he is almost 1 year old and doing wonderfully! He is very determined and is proving the doctors wrong everyday. I am so thankful for him and all that he has taught me in his short life so far.

My Prayer

Thank you for companies like this who care enough to want to help women in need.

My Prayer

I am thankful for the wonderful life I am able to share with my husband, my family and my friends. We are blessed to be able to have all the wonderful experiences we have had, it seems like each brings a new friend into our lives. May we fully appreciate each moment and the lessons learned.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for the breath of life! For the clearing of my mind from such deep depression; for giving me peace in time of turmoil; for keeping me well to do what you would have me do for the Glory of God. Praise You! Amen.

My Prayer

I'm grateful for having a second chance at my life. I'm grateful that the bottle of aspirin I took 15 years ago had caffeine in it and didn't put me in eternal sleep as I had so wanted it to at the time. My life today is a blessing everyday. Thank you God!


My Prayer

I am thankful for my life and my family. I am thankful for having a wonderful husband who moved 2000 miles away from his home so I could be closer to my family. I am thankful for all the many friends who care so very much for myself and my husband. I am thankful for my education and for the ability to go to college and achieve my bachelors degree. I am thankful for my grandparents having my mom and dad. I am thankful for my friend Kim introducing me to my husband. I am thankful for my in-laws in the undieing love my husband and I. I am thankful for my sister-in-law staying healthy and fighting off this horrible disease she has. I am thankful for this web site and their generosity to donate money for mammograms for underprivileged woman.

My Prayer

That today I am cancer free.

My Prayer

Thank you for the health of our family. At this time last year, my younger sister was enduring a difficult pregnancy with twin boys. Seth & Tyler arrived two days after Christmas and 3 1/2 months early.

This year, the boys are home, healthy and doing wonderfully. They have none of the medical problems so often associated with such early births. This year, we have two new members to share our Christmas Eve tradition of enjoying the Christmas lights in our area.

For that we are blessed and grateful.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the knowledge that i have gained I am grateful for the hope i hold I am grateful that my mom is still here on earth I am grateful for my inspiring attitude I am grateful for my life

My Prayer

I'm grateful for the life that I have, the people in my life, and the progress thus far in getting Marleny to the USA. I'm also grateful that I know how to type.

My Prayer

I am greatful for all that God has to offer us, the good and the bad. We give thanks for all the good things in our lives; but many times the bad things are what makes us a better person. It gives us time to reflect and make changes for the better. And for that I am Thankful!


My Prayer

Today, I am greatful for clarity and a connection to my heart.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my life. I am thankful for my husband, my parents, my family, and my life. I am thankful to my parents for having me and my grandparents for having my parents. I am thankful to my friend who introduced me to my husband. I am thankful for having a job I have always wanted to have(hours/salary/location). I am thankful for my having wonderful in-laws and a sister in law who is fighting to stay healthy to fight a horrible disease. I am thankful for this world being a place for all of us live. I am thankful for my parents and everything they have done for me, from college,wedding and helping out especially with everything since we moved back home, after living 2000 miles away for five years. I am thankful for my husbands love and his willingness to move away from his family for me. Thankful for this web site and what this company is doing for underprivileged woman. Thank you god for allowing me to be on this earth and every breath I take. Thank you..KG in CT

My Prayer

I am thankful for what I percieve to be hardships in my life. For what ever it may be it gives me courage, strength and the experience for my soul to grow and for me to become more of who I am.

My Prayer

Thanks for my lovely son and his good health, and for the little things in life that we all sometimes forget to say thanks for.

My Prayer

thank you, Father for every single blessing that has been bestowed upon my family and friends. I am very thankful that you have never left me and are very patient and loving. I only pray that you can help to mold me into the child of your dreams. There are many times when I fall, but you are always there to pick me up!!!!!! Thank You Father. I Love You. Your Child, Rayeshon

My Prayer

I am grateful for the many friends that have seen me through the best and the worst of times

My Prayer

After 39 years of an emptiness, I have found the daugher I gave up for adoption. She is loving and lovely. She is more than ever I dreamed. I know I am truly blessed and give thanks for the treasure given back to me after all these years.

My Prayer

I am greatful for my family and our love.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my three lovely children, and all the lessons they have taught me. I am grateful for the time and space I have been given to reflect on the path my life has taken and to pursue new goals.

My Prayer

I am grateful today for sobriety, for breath, for life.

My Prayer

I am grateful that I have grown enough to realize that peace comes from within and that strength and guidance are always with me simply because I believe in myself and have faith in God. And I am grateful that I can, through my own inner wisdom help others seek enlightenment. I am also grateful for the birth and continued health of my daughter, the most important thing that this life has ever given me.

My Prayer

For, first and foremost, my blessed gift of a husband, who loves and supports me in every thing and every way. For my cats, who teach me daily about the importance of touch and the joy of unconditional love. For my family, who demonstrate integrity, loyalty, love and humor. For my garden, and the peace I have discovered in tending to it. For my art, which fulfills me, frustrates me, challenges me, inspires me and makes me whole.

My Prayer

Thank you Jesus, thank you so much for all the blessings!!!

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family, home,job, health,love of family and friends,my healthy little boy.

My Prayer

I have not been materially blessed. I have a nice home, a comfortable income and adequate possesions. I feel most blessed by a wonderful, loving husband, two incredibly beautiful, smart, healthy children, a loving family and phenominal supportive, tight friends. AND, with that said, I am the richest woman in the world. Thank God for all the riches I have described here. May you always watch over them and protect them.

My Prayer

Thank you, Lord, for glorious music and for sacred silence. For the wonder on the faces of children and the joy on the faces of the adults who are watching them. Thank you for making me aware of those nearby who have so much less than I. And, thank you for giving me the ability to help at least a few. SA

My Prayer

Thank you, Holy One, for the love in my life; for a husband who stands by me unconditionally; for a faith community that accepts me as I am; for friends and family who keep taking me back no matter how neglectful I've been; above all for your love and acceptance through the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Savior, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, belong all honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

My Prayer

Every day, I'm thankful for each breath, each tear and each moment of joy that may come my way. I may not take time to thank the Lord for it but I make sure that I'm aware of the wonderful things I've been given. My family, my friends, my work, the love that's exchanged and my health. To ask for anything more in my life would be selfish.

My Prayer

I am very grateful for my health, my husbands health, and my new adopted girl. I am grateful for having God in my life and seeing God everywhere around me. I am grateful for all the people that love me and are loved by me. I am so grateful I have the ability to see.

My Prayer

I am grateful that even though times are hard right now, that I still have a home.I am also grateful that I have a loving husband and good friends.I know that things have got to get better, but if I keep remembering what I do have instead of what I don't have that I can make it. Thank you for life.

My Prayer

I'm thankful to God for all my many blessings, most recently for having found my darling husband, Victor, and for our growing child due in July.

My Prayer

I am blessed in so many ways I don't know where to begin. I am thankful for my wonderful partner, who has shown me that even a chronically ill woman can have a loving relationship. I am grateful for my small but beautiful home, my family, pets, friends and associates. Even my health is slowly improving. I give thanks for all these gifts and so much more.

My Prayer

I just want to say Thank You God for all the wonderful things you have given me. I am truly blessed

My Prayer

I am thankfull for my friends, and family, and our good fourtune. I pray for those who have less this season. God bless us all.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my wonderful, caring family and my especially my beautiful baby girl - Kasia. Thank you!

My Prayer

To the Creator/s of life and to the elements that sustain existance I am thankful for the continued gift of my Mother. A warrior among many, in a battle where some have won, some have lost and many continue to fight. My Mother won her battle against a deadly disease. With everyday she is here, I am blessed with the stability of a candle on a windless night, and have just such a beacon to always guide me to safe port in any storm. She is a survivor, and a teacher... I have survived through her strength.

Thank you Mama, I Love you. ---- "Pooh-bear"...JAM

My Prayer

I am so grateful for my husband's love and friendship. He has taught me so much about being a friend. I thank God for him in my life and for being the wonderful father he is to our children. I pray that he stays healthy and my partner for a long, long time to come.

My Prayer

I'm grateful for Jesus Christ dying on the cross for me so that I could have a relationship with Him.

He makes life joyful and He cares about me.

If you don't know Him, or have a relationship with Him, I encourage you to pray to Him and ask Him to come into your life.

Then seek out a Bible believing church and learn more about how you can know more about this God who cares so much for you.

He blessed me with a child when I didn't think I could have one. I'm grateful for so many things He's done for me.

My Prayer

My prayer is for health, happiness, and blessings for my family, friends and husband. My prayer is for all those I've known in the last year who have lost a loved one - or been lost. May you find peace and love in God. My prayer is for myself - that I remember and appreciate how fortunate I am in health, wealth, love and happiness. May God bless and keep you. CRH - IA

My Prayer

All God's gifts great and small.

My Prayer

I am very thankful that the world is starting to turn into a place that people really are learning to listen (truely listen) to whats inside. If all of us took the time to just do one deed to inspire someone else, then in turn do a good deed etc. the world would begin to see a change. Look inside to find the true meaning of why! Peace and goodwill to all those who have taken the time to sponsor people in need.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. Thank you Lord for supplying all of our needs. I thank the Lord for my church family who has stood by me during good times and bad times. D.S.

My Prayer

Thankful, for so many of Gods blessings. One of which to have four closer than close family members llost to cancer, one to breast. Gratefull for the time I shared with them while here on this earth. Reasey, Bill, Mildred, Alonzo. Loved Forever!

My Prayer

Dear God, I am greatful that you Blessed me with my children, you handpicked me God to look after these special needs children, I am very thankful that you thought of me in that way. I am thankful for the life you have given me, and the love you have given me, and the stregth you have given me. I would not be where I am today if I did not have Jesus in my life. I am greatful for eternal life, and that Jesus died on the Cross for me, so that my sins are forgiven. Amen. Lisa Walker, Canada

My Prayer

dear god, thank you for my health, my family and their good health. Thank you for this happy, joyous and free day.

My Prayer

I am greatful for my life and life itself; it's beauty and infinite constant grace...

My Prayer

please help me cultivate a grateful heart...

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the good things that are happening - great career, nice boss, Jim, love of reinds and family, good income!

My Prayer

Thank you!

My Prayer

I am grateful that all things come to pass. That I can learn and grow with God at my side. Sometimes God carries me through. I am grateful for God.

My Prayer

I am thankful to be a child of God and know his love. I may not always understand why he does the things he does, like take my sister through cancer, but I believe that he has a plan. I am thankful for the 46 years that I had with her and know that she loved us, knew that we loves her and that she now watched over us daily.

My Prayer

I am grateful for this day. I am grateful for the gift of abstinence. I am grateful for health and love and the abundance God has given me. I am grateful for my husband, my dog, my family and friends. I am grateful for God in my life. I am grateful for all things good and bad.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be living within close proximity of my family after 8 yrs. I am grateful that I am able to share the love, peace, and joy of everyday with them and my wonderful friends. I am grateful for my health, my ability to love others (despite their faults) and for my loving dog LadyBug.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful for life, love, health, and happiness. I am grateful that I live each day to the fullest and enjoy life. Thank you, Lord, for leading me to this place I am in life. Although the path has been difficult, I know the rewards will be great. Remember, all things happen for a reason and somtimes it takes awhile before we know the reason. But most of all, remember to be happy. We are each responsible for our own decisions. Thank you!

My Prayer

Thank you for my children, they are my reason for living.

My Prayer

Thank you.

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for your love, for all you have given me, both good and bad that have gotten me to where I am today. Thank You for Kira and Kelly for they both have truely blessed my life. Thank You for taking Charlie in such a peaceful manner, my he be with you in heaven. And Thank You for each and every day which You have given all of us here on earth, may we all value these times and share our love with ech other. Please bless us all and please help Mary and my father overcome their illnesses. Watch over and guiide my family and friends as they share Your love. In Jesus Name!--pjh

My Prayer

I am grateful that my mother is a survivor x 8 years. Unfortunately I lost my brother this week to lung cancer however thanks to research, his quality of life for the past 1 1/2 years was very good and he died with hope in his heart.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my son, who is healthy, joyful, happy and wise. He is the greatest gift that God has given me. Allow me the grace and love to share him with the rest of the world as God Shared his only son.

My Prayer

Gracias por todo lo que tengo y por lo qque vendrá

My Prayer

Thank you for a warm place a job to earn a good living and a wonderful family who loves and supports me in who I am and what I do. Thank you for friends who rally around me when things are down and make me feel loved.

My Prayer

Thank you for the love,health,and support of my family and friends.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the mystery and magic of life itself. That I have lived so many happy, sad, beautiful and tragic moments.

My Prayer

I am grateful and thankful every day that God is with us, that Jesus Christ was willing to obey the Father, leave the wonder of heaven to come to earth in the form of a man, to be tortured and crucified, to feel the pain of sinfulness and being forsaken, so that I, and all mankind, could be reconciled with God Almighty. I am thankful that God so loved the world. I am thankful for all the blessings in my life and for the peace of knowing God will always care for me and provide for all my needs, and of knowing where I am going when this body of mine dies someday. I am thankful for my family, and for God's answer to our prayers for a new addition to our family - this Christmas gift is rivaled only by the gift of Christ's birth that is the whole point of Christmas. I am thankful for trees, flowers, bees, dogs, and everything else that God has created. If I included in this prayer everything that I feel thankful for, I would be here all day, and take up the whole page. Amen. Linda Kruschke

My Prayer

Thank you for my wonderful family & friends. They more than anything are what bring meaning to my life.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for bring a B. into my life...it's a reminder that though the last few years have been stressful as a result of being a causuality of downsizing that joy can also be around the next corner!

My Prayer

I send out this prayer of gratitude to all of our ancestors who have gone before us, learned the lessons, and dotheir best every day to teach us and help us on our paths. seialtakto the grandmothers who reached out and taught me during a recent illness to taek care of my body and soul, nurturing strength of spirit and peace of mind.

My Prayer

I am so very thankful for my surviving son, Paul, my parents, my brother and my husband, Bruce and his son, Kevin. I am so fortunate to have a loving family around me. God bless you all.

My Prayer

My prayer is to the Lord, thanking him for all his provisions.

My Prayer

This fall has been so difficult for me. As I struggled with prolonged health problems, I felt myself slipping into depression, a territory I dread. One morning just after awakening, I felt angels around me. I was being carried. A voice said to me, "we can take you now if you would like to go." I felt so happy and grateful to be in the angel's arms. I wanted to go, but I said, "no, I want to do something for others before I go." About three weeks later, maybe four, my physical problems were resolving, and I was coming out of the depression. Again, one morning I felt the soft cool brush of angels over me just after I woke up. I wanted to rise and be with them. I heard them say to me, "yes, you can fly. We need you here with us in the heavenly host." I know I'm going to be ok now. I know that I can find my strength and true path, and that I can make a contribution that benefits others from the unique combination of human traits and divine inspiration that I am. I am grateful to all the spirit beings so willing to lift me up. Om Tare tuttare sovha.

My Prayer

i am so grateful that i have a wonderful life , family, and job... thanks always to my Lord and Savior... Jesus is the reason for the season... remember that always.. Merry Christmas

My Prayer

I am grateful for the many people whom I've met during my life an for the help and encouragement they have given me during the hard times i've had. I am grateful for my wonderful daughter and her husband and for my two lovely granddaughters. I am grateful for too many things to mention, but most of all--I am grateful to My Creator who always steers me in the right direction and makes sure that I am protected and cared for regardless of my being ignorant and human. Amen

My Prayer

Thank you for my beautiful son, and my fanily and friends.

My Prayer

I'm eternally grateful that Jesus was born to die on the cross for my sins; that I am saved and have His Holy Spirit indwelling me and guiding me. No cross, no salvation. I will keep my Christlight burning because He is the light of the world.

My Prayer

I am thankful for God's love and forgiveness.

My Prayer

Thank you Father for all you have done for our family in the past year. You have sent so many people into our life that have blessed us. You have given us all we need including hope. Thank you Father.

My Prayer

Grateful to have a GOD of my own understanding whom desires me to be happy, joyous and free. Grateful to know the true meaning of unconditional love. Blessed to dwell in the unwavering glow of HIS grace. Honored to be afforded the opportunity to share his LOVE.

My Prayer

I am thankful that I have been given another day to spend with my children. This past year has brought a lot of stress and pain, emotionally. I've been so worried that things were going to go badly. But, so far I have been blessed that I am allowed even more time. I am still allowed to have custody of my 3 children. And, now I am expecting a new baby in my life. I am extremely grateful and know how much of a blessing this is. After 5 miscarriages, I never thought I would ever be able to have another child. But, God, You have always been there for me, You've always seen me through the tough times. And You aren't slowing down on your gifts to me. You have blessed my life with 3 beautiful children, with another on the way, and a wonderful man in my life that loves me more than I could have ever wished for. And I know that You will continue to see me through, to make sure that I am ok. I have always been told that you are never given anything that you cannot handle. I believe that! Sometimes I have wondered if I would make it through, but You have always pulled me on. I am so thankful that I accepted you into my life and that you accepted me. You have just done so much for me, I only pray that You give me the opportunity to live the kind of life that You expect of me.

My Prayer

I am grateful for having my own cozy home with two cats in the Bay area. I am grateful for haveing a great therapist to talk with who is helping me make my life better. I am grateful for friends. and I am grateful for my family even though we are somewhat distant at present, for all the good memories from the past.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for your presence in my life.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for your presence in my life. You have blessed me in more ways than there is space to mention and I am truly grateful. Your daughter, Reg.

My Prayer

O Beloved, Father/Mother/Creator of the Universe, Your blessings are granted in every breath and Your Light shines from every heart that hears the glory of Your Song: "BE!!!". my humble gratitude is Yours to give unto me. Blessed Be!!! in Your constant loving service, jauhara

My Prayer

I am grateful for the breath I take, my great health, my beautiful healthy children, for all of the fantastic people who touch my life everyday and most of all for God's love. ...Eleanor

My Prayer

I am grateful the beautiful sunrise and sunset I saw today. I am grateful for the blessings I have been given and the joy of sharing them. EileenB

My Prayer

I am grateful for all of God's glorious gifts. To numerous to mention and some not even realized or recognized, but especially my two beautiful daughters.

My Prayer

Thank you for my sobriety, for Soni, for all those who have held the faith when I lost it, to my Rabbi who never gave up, to my voice teacher who gave me the tools to survive, for the grace that has allowed me to make it this far with dignity and courage in the bare times. Thank you. Thank you to our source of light and peace.

My Prayer

thank you holy spirit for the love and peacein my life. i am grateful for all my gifts from you.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the opportunity to be all that God intended me to be: a loving wife, a caring mother, a supportive friend to those I surround myself with, and an inspiration to other women in difficult situations.

My Prayer

Thank you for another year with my father and with my children. Thank you for my beautiful granddaughter and the new one thats on the way. Thank you for my health and my job and my friends And thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending me someone as patient and caring as Rob without him this year would have been a unmitigated disaster

My Prayer

Lord , I am grateful for love in my life from friends and family and from joe..iam grateful that i am feeling worthy of being loved. you know Lord my insecurity which keeps me separate..keeps me from feeling totally alive. keep my heart safe Lord ready me each moment for miracles of your presence in my life...keep me steadfast and centered on your will for me ..I am grateful for healthy children who love me ..i am grateful for finally loving my family as ordinary people..my roots...i am grateful that i want you...help me keep this as my priority oh Lord that I may serve you and the Divine mother all the days of my life with a full heart

My Prayer

I thank God everyday, several times a day for the many blessings I have been given all the days of my life.

My Prayer

I am very grateful for angels surrounding us in so many ways...and for limited ways in which to grow.....

My Prayer

I am thankful to God for having a beautiful home, good friends and a loving family.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful that I have a place to call home. I am grateful for a new day. I am grateful that I met Sam. I am grateful that through rough times God is always with me. Life is good. Thank you God.

My Prayer

I'm grateful for the human ability to learn from life and grow spiritually and I'm grateful for all the amazing people that set a good example for the human kind by being brave and generous and give ispiration and faith to others.~A.R.~

My Prayer

Thank you for the unconditional love which surrounds me everyday. Andréanne

My Prayer

We have just experienced a major ice storm...I am thankful to have gone through the difficulties and to be alive and well to share the experience. Many thanks I give for a warm shelter, food and water. It's great to be able to communicate with the outside world again..I know that there are many others who are way less fortunate than myself, to those of you who are suffering...please know that I send my love and surround you with with light. May God Bless you all.

My Prayer

Thank you for the love you surround me with. Thank you for opening my eyes to the possibilities that life holds. Thank you for giving me the strenth and the knowledge to live in the now and not the past.

My Prayer

I am grateful for life.I am grateful for my body & health, I am grateful for my amazing family, friends & mentors.I am grateful for love that heals all wounds, I am grateful for healing & joy. I am grateful for music & trees & water & the ocean.I am grateful for sorrow & the hand that shows me the way. I am grateful for this past year. I am grateful for life. Thank you.

My Prayer

I am truly thankful that the Lord kept me and my family together as we went through our Trials and Tribulations it was tough and the devil tried to destroy us but we had God on our side and I am truly grateful everything worked out for us. I have been Blessed with a beautiful little girl who brought Joy back into my Life and I thank God every day for her.

My Prayer

I am grateful for life, breath, my wonderful family, all that God has given me!

My Prayer

I am thankful for forgivness. I am thankful that Jesus Christ died for my sins. I am thankful for everything he has given me, the sun, the moon, the stars. And most of all I am thankful for my family and friends!

My Prayer

I am grateful for all of the blessings that the Universe continues to give me, even when the appearances seem negative. I am grateful for my family, and most of all, for my life! Thank you.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be breathing fresh air, that my breathing is free and clear. I'm grateful to Mother Earth for all of Her blessings. I'm most grateful to my 4-legged companions and angels. And I'm grateful for new beginnings...


My Prayer

I thank God for all the great things he had done in my life.For being there throughout all my 10 years old son cancer surgeries and continuing now in his chemotherapy. God stood there with me during my gall bladder surgery and let me have a speedy recovery so I could help my son.He had never never leave nor forsake me. I thank you dear father. Amen

My Prayer

I would like to thank the Lord for leading me to my spirit guide. I have waited a long time and she came to me last nite and told me her name. She was holding a baby and told me that the spirit was in the child.SO easy but I did not understand till now. Thank you for leading me and protecting me. Into the light, Deborah

My Prayer

Grateful for Mother Nature, the fresh air, animal companions, many angels, second chances, the ability to say "no" & not waver, a few good teachers, & good books.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family, my friends, my cats, my spiritual awakening, the man in my life, my journey in recovery, loving myself the way I always should have been, seeing life in a different light, laughing like a nut, accepting myself as I am, and for my Higher Power's love and guidence. I'm thankful to be alive. Kristen

My Prayer

I am grateful that I am able to love again. Im am so grateful for Anthony Joseph III who showed me what love is all about. Thank You Heavenly Father, your blessings are abundant. I have work, warmth and a full stomach. I am so glad that you are, and always have been, in my life. Amen DKM

My Prayer

I am grateful for my wonderful family, my wife and four beautiful kids. And I thank God for never giving up on me.

My Prayer

Today my heart is so overwhelmed with thanks that it is about to drown in the ectasy of my tears. In Balance and Beauty Jo

My Prayer

There are so many things that I am grateful for... thankful that my prayers don't need a WEBSITE to be heard... but if someone else can hear that I am still grateful to be alive after all I HAVE BEEN THROUGH, maybe that will help them learn to pray again. And for that I am grateful.

My Prayer

I am grateful to God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, My Guardian Angels and My Spirit Guides - Especially Jeremiah - for all of the love, caring, nurturing, and intuitive guidance that I have been provided throughout my lives. I am grateful for every moment that I have of this journey here on Earth. I am so grateful for my family, friends, and loving animals. I am grateful that every day I see more clearly the path I am on through constantly increasing intuitive awareness. I am so grateful for the talents and gifts of knowledge, experience and beauty that God has given me. I am grateful for every living thing including the Earth, our Universe and all of it's glories. Thank you God for letting me know that I am special, gifted, and privleged. Thank you God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, My Guardian Angels, and My Spirit Guides for ignoring me when I have said in the past anything that sounded ungrateful or unloving. Thank you all for also protecting and loving my family and friends, including all my family and friends of the Universe. Thank you God for Carol Adrienne and her book that spoke to me so directly I feel that she wrote it for me. God I am grateful that you will end hunger and suffering in this world and bring us Peace forever.

My Prayer

I am grateful for being more aware, being in recovery, for my friends,family and my loving husband. I am thankful for life and the contentment it now brings me and I am thankful to GOD for the blessings I've experienced since allowing him fully into my life. -Kristen

My Prayer

I thank you Lord for letting me find you after all of these years. I thank you for letting me find the truth in such a world of confusion and a world which promotes the "self" over "your words of "Love one another as I have loved you"(John 15:12). My receipt of your Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues has brought a joy and peace unspeakable in my life and now 3 others in my family have experienced the same overwhelming joy and truth. You said your people "die for lack of knowledge" and I now know this is true. My life was so empty and now it is full. I thank you for lifting all of my depression and for completely healing all my mental wounds of the past.There is no man or person that could have done for me what you have done. I love you Lord with all my heart and soul and mind and strength and I will live my life according to your laws in the Bible for the rest of my days. You gave my LIFE when I was dead, you came to heal the brokenhearted, the crippled, the prisoners and I thank you for it. I will worship you, our creator, all the days of my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Dear lord, I fund this oppertunity to let you know how greatful I am to you for all in which you have given me so freely.. I am so greatful for the love which you placed in my life, my apartment, my health for the fact that I am not using mind alteing drugs to feel satisfaction in my Life.. Thank you for delivering me from the depths of hell to the hights of you affection.... Sincerley and Forever Your Loving Son James...

My Prayer

I thank God for letting me meet the most wonderful man in the world

My Prayer

Gratitude: for my husband who is celebrating his 48th birthday today. He has been the "love of my life," in so many ways. As corny as that may sound in this day and age, it is simply true. He is also the kind of male and father every child should have. Respectful, protective, nurturing and quietly very present to his family. As a husband,father (to 2 wonderful adult children),lover and friend his heart has always been an open-book and filled with warmth and lovingkindness. Gratitude as well, that he is not afraid to show his own vulnerability and sensitive side. So, for that and so much more, Thank-you, Mother, Goddess/God, etc. for such blessings and gifts. Hope others can be filled to the brim and overflow as well!!! Peace! Cath

My Prayer

I thank God and all the earthly Gods immensly, rrespective of whether they gave me pain or happiness-for each of them have taught me a esson that no wealth in the world can buy

My Prayer

Thank You LORD for all that You have given me.I implore Thee,Father,to help me be kinder & rein in my temper.I know that I can do it,with Your grace,presence & blessings. Thank You,Amen.

My Prayer

My Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the honor of blessing me with my two children. I am so joy-filled to be their mother. Please guide and protect them in their daily lives. I pray that you will forever fill their hearts with joy and peace so that they may share your Spirit with the world. Autumn from CA

My Prayer

First and most, I am always grateful to GOD for HIM waking me up this morning, still in my right frame fo mind, and that I am able to praise His holy name. I am grateful to GOD for HIM watching over my children each & everyday, I am grateful for the talents that GOD has blessed me with. I am just grateful for every good thing that GOD has done for me. My name is Regina A. Lacy virtue81261@yahoo May GOD bless you...

My Prayer

Dear Lord,

Today I thank you for my grandfather. I am grateful as I realize that most of my friends can no longer enjoy the blessing of a living grandfather. I am grateful that no matter what season of the year it is, when I visit he always has a homemade pumpkin pie waiting for me. Let me never forget that no matter where I am, you have supplied me with people to love. -B.Smith

My Prayer

Thank you Dear Lord for being so gracefull to me and my family . I give you thanks for everything that I have: for your living word,for talking to me, for responding to my prayers, for being able to ask you to pray for me; again I ask you dear Jesus to pray to your Father for me and my family, just like you pray for Peter so the enemy won't sift us like wheat and our faith will be strengthen. Thank you Dear Jesus for your love.For the faith, the hope and your love that you lived , and for for us to know so we can have it too.

My Prayer

I want to thank the Rainbow Angel with all my heart, who showed me the hidden colours round the moon and in doing so changed my life. What was once just a dream has become a shining vision of something that can be, and suddenly my life no longer seems futile and I know why I am here. I also want to thank my husband and friends, for knowing me better than I know myself and supporting me every step of the way. And finally, I want to thank this beautiful world just for being.

My Prayer

i thank you heavenly father for my health, my peace of mind, and my family. i thank you for the many blessings that you bestow on me each and every day, and those blessings that are to come. again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I am so thanful for all of the many things that I've always taken for granted will always be there and I hope an pray that I always will have. And right now I just realized how thankful I am to realize how lucky I am to be able to do just what I doing right now!!!!! In Jesus Name, Amen.

My Prayer

Thank you, Holy Spirit for revealing your truths to me. Thank you for the opportunity to receive your gifts. Thank you for all my blessings, Lord. Thank you Saint Jude for your help always. TMS

My Prayer


My Prayer

Dear Lord God,May Your Loving Will Be Done,On Earth As It Is In Heaven. May All Your Children Be Healed From Our Earthly Sinning .May Our Hearts,Minds Souls And Lips Open Only To The Holy Spirit And Give Only You Praise And Glory. For You Gave Us Your Son Jesus, That We May Live Eternal Life In The Kingdom Of Heaven. All Glory Be To God.Thank You God For Being What You Are And For Making Jesus Who He Is And God For My Life And Who I Am.Lord, You Even Blessed Me With A Family.You Continuously Overflow Us With Blessings From Day To Day. Thank You Lord. Amen,Amen (L.M.W.)

My Prayer

blessings to the cosmic soup that we came from that will welcome us back,and thank you for every thing.

My Prayer

I am so grateful for being given another chance to live my life free from narcotics. I thank my Higher Power for all of the blessings he has presented me in this life. I am grateful for my family, friends and for the lessons learned. I pray for the ones still sick and suffering and hope that they find their way before it's too late.

My Prayer

I would like to thank God for always being there for me to console me in my times of unexplicable sorrow. Thanks for bringing me out of the depression I have had for over two years. I thank God that I am begining to feel like myself again. I pray that he brings me completely out of this depression so that I can bond with my two daughters and nuture them that way I am supposed to. Thank you for allowing me to have a different outlook on my life and be more grateful for all of me blessings. Thank you for my husband who never deserted me during the tough times. Thank you for my daughters. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy them. Thank you for my parents and siblings. Thank you for everything.

My Prayer

Dearest Lord I can't even begin explaining how grateful I am to you. Thank you for my family, and most of all my improving mental health. Thank you for guidance. Thank you for this new job. Thank you for my neighbors who help me out yesturday when my car wouldn't start. Thank you for allowing me to help others. I ask you to help me help others. thank you for bringing back the old Francis. I know I still have a way to go, but thanks for bringing me out of the deppression this far. I ask you to keep helping me with my daughters. Let me continue to have the desire of motherhood. Allow me to bond more and more everyday with them. Thank you for helping me cope with Post Partum Depression for the past two years. Thank you for granting me the patience to do so. Thank you for my mother's health. Thank you for my mother-in-law who is always available to help me out when I need a break. Thank you for my husband who is so responsible, a great father and for appearing never to be tired of me during those tough times. Thank you for Jaydah and Kaylah my two beautiful daughters whom I love very much. Thank you for this day, the sun and the breeze. Thank you for the change in Kaylah. Thank you God for everything you do. Francis

My Prayer

I would like to thank God for always being there for me to console me in my times of unexplicable sorrow. Thanks for bringing me out of the depression I have had for over two years. I thank God that I am begining to feel like myself again. I pray that he brings me completely out of this depression so that I can bond with my two daughters and nuture them that way I am supposed to. Thank you for allowing me to have a different outlook on my life and be more grateful for all of me blessings. Thank you for my husband who never deserted me during the tough times. Thank you for my daughters. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy them. Thank you for my parents and siblings. Thank you for everything.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my husband, who accepts me and loves me just as I am with all of my shortcomings and imperfections. I am so grateful for his kindness, his gentle heart, and his wisdom. -- Amen HCB

My Prayer

May the long time sun shine upon you All love surround you And the pure light within you Guide your way on

My Prayer

God bless us all during these toublesome times.

My Prayer

iam thankfull for being me and for not hating like some other people hate right now. I hated before, but you have to repent and think that with hate you don't solve anything. Oh God let us see that even if we are in deep pain and they hurt us if we hate more that makes more and more pain....................... so we have to find the light! find the people who likes to kill people and..... end with them to start a new chapter............i gues, i whish oh my God that we all love each other and that it wont be any wars and hates between religions and interests in tthe world. Why is everybody so hypocrit!!! why! don't be so "fanatic", because you think some people are fanatics, but YOU ARE THE ONES" what a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be a good Christian and please forget about this stupid fanatics

My Prayer


My Prayer

I give deep thanks to my invisible team of tirelss helpers who guide me, remind me, and keep me remembering. Thier always working with me every moment of every day. I give thanks for my cats I love so dear just because they are. And they love me back... they've taught me alot about unconditional love that I've spread out through the rest of my life. I try to purr(that gentle inner feeling thats all is well and life is great) as much as I can in all my interactions throughout the day. Thank you thank you thank you

My Prayer

I am grateful for having my 11month old miniature pincher, Angel another day, and I am more than grateful for keeping him stable...

My Prayer

I praise you Lord and I give you thanks. Jenny, Manila Philippines

My Prayer

Thank You G-D for giving me health, strength,courage hope and fortitude to face my daily challenges and to bring joy and happiness into my life. Thank You for my beautiful, precious, loving sons and daughter. Thank You for my beautiful, precious, loving parents and brother and sister. Rich, Miami Beach

My Prayer

PRAYERS OF GRATITUDE Call out to the Almighty Everyone on earth! Serve God with gladness. Come before Him with joyous song! Know that the Almighty, He is God. It is He who made us and we are His, His nation and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving. Enter His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. The Almighty is good. His loving-kindness endures forever. And His faithfulness continues From generation to generation

My Prayer

I am grateful for the huge abundance of people and things in my life today and everyday supporting me, helping, and sometimes just merely keeping me going. THANK YOU!!!

My Prayer

I am grateful for Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for the oportunity of prayer. I am truly grateful.

My Prayer

I am grateful for all of the experiences that I have had so far. I feel grateful that even though I am going through an extremely rough time right now, that one day in the future, I will be able to look back at the events causing these current heartachesk, and say, "Wow. I really couldn't imagine my life without that having happened to me...Those seemingly horrible things ended up positively influencing my life in ways I can not say but only feel." Thus, I am grateful that I believe I will reach the day when I can say that. Look around you. Breathe. Notice the animals. Get passionate. You are the personification of grateful.

My Prayer

I am grateful to have this minute, to have a whole series of minutes in which to live and breathe and write. Right this minute, my computer works, my cats are healthy, my son and daughter-in-law are healthy, and the rent is paid. Especially, I am grateful for friends, not only those coming tonight to celebrate the new moon with me, but also friends who have never been to my home because they live all around the U.S. We are in touch by email and we love and support each other just as if we knew each other face to face. Finally, I'm grateful to have just signed a contract for the publication of my new book, Finding New Goddesses: Reclaiming Playfulness in Our Spiritual Lives. It will be out in a year. Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D.

My Prayer

I am grateful that I am simply alive. I am grateful for God, my health, the sun, happiness, success, friends, family, and my kitty cats.

My Prayer

I am thankful for the love I receive from my wife and daughter. On this alone, I am content.

My Prayer

I am grateful for brave people who took their own lives to save others on 9/11/01.I will never forget them. And think of them at least once daily. I am grateful for good family and friends many of whom are still together in my life.I am grateful that I live in a strong, free country.

My Prayer

My family and friends.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thank you, God, for my the years of love and support I had w/Dad who died in April. I'm so grateful to have had such an honest, caring, Dad. Thank you for bringing him into my life.

My Prayer

Dear God, I am so grateful for the full and rich life you have given me.Thank you for all of your blessings. Continue to keep me in your light and continue to guide me on my path to do your will.

Thank You, Ellen

My Prayer

I am greatful for the family around to have a wonderful day.

My Prayer

I am thankful for good friends.

My Prayer

Today and every day I am thankful for my husband and daughter. I'm thankful for this website that inspires me to keep my head high during hard times. I'm thankful for all the blessings in my life...from the food on my plate to the sunshine and clouds in the sky. I'm in awe as I sit and listen to His whisper...even in a busy, loud environment. I need only to take the time to realize that I'm never alone...He's there to love me, protect me, and believe in me. That's all I really need. Thank you.

My Prayer

Beloved, Mother, Fatther, God...Shimmering One whose radiant light pervades this unknowable mystery!! Thank you for all your blessings!!!!....for your holy breathe that touches in to kiss our hearts and souls!!!... that is the sustanance of our very life. For your flowing grace that carries us deeper into your love. thank you for the beauty of this wondrous creation..for the divine whispers that call us in to your stillness..to the sweet tranquilty of your peace. Thank you Lord, thank you.

My Prayer

I am thankful that I am alive, and that my children are healthy, happy, and had the good fortune to be born in America.

My Prayer

I am SO GRATEFUL to be alive! I want to thank God and the universe for nurturing my creative spirit. . .for giving me the will and enthusiasm to become a better mother, teacher, lover, wife, and friend. I feel immense gratitude for the seeds of change and hope and love. Thank you all for sharing the earth with me! I love you.

My Prayer

I am blessed and grateful for the opportunity I have had to experience what many would consider "a frightening and difficult" childhood. Because of that experience I became a seeker at the age of thirteen. Today I have the great privilege to share my knowledge and personal healing with many. My heart sings when I teach and guide others to their own healing and help them reach a place of peace within their lives. The ability to inspire others is a divine gift and for that I am thankful!. Lorane Gordon www.ajourneyintonow.com

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am thankful for my family, friends, the good earth & all its provision, & for life itself.

My Prayer

I'm grateful that I had 42 years with my father before he passed away. Granted I wasn't with him constantly for 42 years but we talked regularly and I love him and miss him. I'm grateful for my husband and my daughter and my family and my many, many friends. God has truly blessed me in this life. God bless you all!

My Prayer

I am grateful for the Lord above shining on me for seventy seven days, this was the time I shared with my daughter in her short time on earth. It took many months before I realized God had sent me an angel and I am thankful for being worthy enough to spend the time that I had with her. I cherished every moment with her as I cherish every moment of every day, thanks be to God. -Jim Newell

My Prayer

I am grateful for that which makes us alive; all the joys, the sorrows, the learning experiences and the fact that we are all interconnected and share this wonderful energy. For watching sparrows feed and marveling at how something so delicate can be so dedicated to the job of living and proliferating. I am grateful for the big things: the Spirit who creates us all and the Loving Light to which we will return, my son, my family, my feline friends, my human friends :-) my job, my health,(my sassy little red pickup truck hehe) my unique gifts (and those of others!) and the good fortune I've had in finding wonderful teachers to walk the path with. For the ablility to give back. I'm grateful for the small things: the sound of my son's laughter,a smile, the smell of fresh coffee and cut grass,watching clouds go by, the sound of cats purring and windchimes, good books, moments of quietude, hot baths, and.. most of all.. I'm thankful to just be me!

My Prayer

Today I am grateful for living in this beautiful place called the coast of Maine.

My Prayer

I am grateful for seven years of living sober. I am grateful for the opprotunity to change my inner voice. I thank you with my entire soul for my father, mother and all my sisters and brothers. I thank you for letting me come into this world. I am grateful for America, the people who give themselves in service and to serve others in need. I am grateful for the women in soberiety in my life. i am grateful to Manny my friend and native healer. I am greateful for the way you work in me by nudging me to be and do better. I am grateful for my courage and my determination and fruits of the spirt of kindness, love, understanding. May I grow in love and continue to further my education. And to remember to ask for help when needed and take one day at a time. Please help me to continue to grow and have a stable good life. Let me treat others with love and kindess. Love you Wendy Amen

My Prayer

I am thankful for a Lord that is forgiving, for without him I would be doomed. Thank You for all the second chances.

My Prayer

I am so thankful for his mercy and grace that allows me to continue living and ministering to those folks that need prayer and comfort in their hour of need and to help families cope with grief and bereavement in their time of loss and sorrow.

My Prayer

Thankyou dear God for helping me in every aspect of my life.I love you so very much.I will always try to show you my gratitude.

My Prayer

Thank you for the ability to love and be loved. Thank you for the gift of faith Thank you for the ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel Thank you for life Thank you for Love, Faith and Hope -SW-

My Prayer

For my husband, my children, my parents, my brother... for my life and the Gift you have given me... Thank You

My Prayer

Thank You for my absolutely wonderful Husband, 4 beautiful children, 2 gorgeous grandchildren, and all else I have been blessed with....Thank You

My Prayer

Thank You Konrad...for being you

My Prayer

Dear God, I am truly grateful for my home, my health,my family, my happiness and the faith I have in you and the love I have experienced from you. Help me to keep Jesus in my heart always. Amen

My Prayer

Thankyou for a most wonderful Son and an angel for a wife.All my love.

My Prayer

I am grateful today that I am living in as fantastic a place as Vancouver, B.C.

My Prayer


My Prayer

For having my partner Jessie in my life for her love,support and understanding.

My Prayer

I'm thankful for the shadows, for they are proof that there is light somewhere. I'm thankful for the lessons in trust and letting go. I'm thankful for the support the universe gives me in never letting me fall. I'm thankful for the protection and the companionship of the Ancestors. I'm thankful for the unconditional love They give, thereby teaching me to love myself. I'm thankful for waking each morning and having a bed to go to sleep in each night. I'm thankful my children are with me and know how very much I love them. I'm thank for each day. "I am so thankful for each day of life, that any day is a good day to die."

My Prayer

I want to thank God for looking after Amanda and I today during our car crash. I was wearing a crucifix that was dipped in holy water and during the wreck my crucifix chain broke. My mother said that it took the impact of the other guy's Ford LTD barreling in to our little Honda Civic hatchback. I believe this is true and that Jesus Christ took the impact on the crucifix rather than on our lives. It could have been so much worse. Thank you my Lord and Savior. Your faithful follower, Shells

My Prayer

I want to thank God for looking after Amanda and I today during our car crash. I was wearing a crucifix that was dipped in holy water and during the wreck my crucifix chain broke. My mother said that it took the impact of the other guy's Ford LTD barreling in to our little Honda Civic hatchback. I believe this is true and that Jesus Christ took the impact on the crucifix rather than on our lives. It could have been so much worse. Thank you my Lord and Savior. Your faithful followers, Shells and Amanda

My Prayer

I'm thankful forbeing alive & sober for another 24 hours,for having my partner jessie in my life & being so patient & supporitive during this difficult time.Thank you sweetheart,ilove you.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the many blessing in my life. Thank you Lord.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank You that our son Jacob is in prison rather than dead or out on the streets, that he has a chance to turn his life around by Your grace. I thank You for instilling a love for Life in our daughter Sarah, that she brought her little baby Annie into this world rather than choose abortion. I thank You for the other precious children You blessed us with after so many years of infertility and that they are so hyper and full of life and not bedridden or suffering from some disabling condition. I thank You for mending our broken marriage many years ago and for all the ways You continue to guide and bless our lives. I thank You for life and ALL that it brings each and every moment until You call us Home to You!!!

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful for the gift of life for my family and me. I'm grateful for good health and body. I'm grateful for a good mind that remembers things and can understand. I'm grateful for speech, earing, feeling, seeing, being able to move about. I'm grateful for my job, my home, my vehicle. I'm grateful for my mother who is in good health. I am grateful for my child, my brothers and sisters, my neices and nephews, my sister-in-law and the special person in my life. I'm grateful that I can love, laugh, and sing, that I can praise God. I am grateful that God only answers the prayers that He knows will be beneficial to me. I'm grateful for the sunshine and the rain. I am grateful that I came across this site that's given me the opportunity to put in writing how really blessed I am.

My Prayer

Thank you, Lord for the many blessings you have given to me that I am aware of but especially for those I do not know. You have blessed me all of my life and a simple 'thank you' seems so insuffient. May the pleasures of the dawn, dusk, a baby that fills our hearts, be minor to you, as this terrible time brings more and more souls to be with you.

My Prayer

GOD THANKS in advance because I know you will help Alberto Aleman with his present situation.

Thanks Eternal Father

My Prayer

Lord, I'm thankful for the pain and anxiety that I have been experiencing the past few months. Although I am going through trying times I know that you are by my side. All that matters Lord is that in the end I'll be ok. With you to guide me and lead me I know that I will triump over all my problems. I love you most of all and put no other before you. Thank you for you patience and enduring love. You are my light and my salvation. I love you. Amen

My Prayer

I am thankful for my mom loving her new job,my siter doing so much better, my moms cancer is gone, and that my grammy and poppop are looking down at me.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my mom loving her new job,my siter doing so much better, my moms cancer is gone,that my stephine makes everyday fulfilling, and that my grammy and poppop are looking down at me.

My Prayer

I am so very thankful to have God in my life, to have all the blessings he has bestowed upon me, to have my family, my friends, my health and the joy of being able to feel his presence. Thank you my Heavengly Father-Julia

My Prayer

I am grateful for the love of my two kitty cats. They are the whole world to me. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. They are the fiber that holds me together. I pray that they will always be healthy and live very, very long lives. Amen.

My Prayer

I am grateful for God's watchful care and ever presence in my life, my friend's lives and my family's lives.

My Prayer

I would like to say that I am thankful to my LORD JESUS for showing me how much he truly love's me by

My Prayer

I would like to say that I am thankful to my LORD JESUS for showing me how much he truly love's me by coming into my heart and changing my life for ever. I thank him so deeply for all that he provides for me and my family, he is awesome and i am sooo in love with him. I will praize and worship him all the days of my life, in JESUS NAME AMEN!!!

My Prayer

I am grateful for enormous support and guidance I am recieving. I am grateful for my renewed faith and belief in myself. I am grateful for every person that has touched my life and those who have not as yet. I am grateful for Mother Earth & her nature friends. I am grateful for the infinite stars that remind me to shine bright! I am grateful for LOVE.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family, friends and benifactors..those who have died and those who are living...I am grateful for the pain I have lived through to teach me to feel joy...I am grateful to have the ability to pray and to ask for prayer, to ask for help, and to give back what I want, and not what I "should" Most of all, I am grateful for the forgiveness and the love of Jesus, for through his love, I have been forgiven and can give love.

My Prayer

I am grateful for life, for my health and for the so many things that we seem to take for granted. God Bless You!

My Prayer

Lord I thank you for everything you have done for me. For giving me strength when I am weak, for making me smile, when I'm in pain, for all the Love and support you have shown and given me. I thank you Jesus, for making me see a future for myself, when things are so tough for me, when I need so much to have somebody by my side, when I'm feeling so alone. When I long for someone to care for me, just like how I care for so many people in my life. Make me strong Father, I need you so much, through this painful period in my life

I Love You Father


My Prayer

lord give me strenght the to accept the thing i cannot change and change those. Give the power to give love as much a i expect forgive my sins and take my life and guide me on how to lead it.

My Prayer

In the name of God, I'm grateful for being able to thank you for my life right at the very second. Amen.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the health of my family and the love and healing of the Lord,and the salvation he offers to each of us.

My Prayer

Dear God, Thank you for being my savior and my lord, I feel so little next to you, please forgive me for not letting go and for not having enough faith in you, you will have to do it for me , I am so weak, I love you Father, your humble servant and loving Daughter, Anne

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am thankful for my chlidren still praying for their father even though he is not in the home. So I will askfor prayer the way they ask. Lord,please bring our family back togeather again. Lord fix our family like you did for Job,for I know the Bible tells me so. Amen. Out of the mouthes of babes we shall all learn. I am also thankful thah I have taught them to keep the Faith and not give up for God will answer your prayers,on his time .May God Richly Bless You.AMEN

My Prayer

I am thankful for my chlidren still praying for their father even though he is not in the home. So I will askfor prayer the way they ask. Lord,please bring our family back togeather again. Lord fix our family like you did for Job,for I know the Bible tells me so. Amen. Out of the mouthes of babes we shall all learn. I am also thankful thah I have taught them to keep the Faith and not give up for God will answer your prayers,on his time .May God Richly Bless You.AMEN I'm also glad for my children because they have taught me to forgive others and not to for get to pray for everyone and our enemies to.

My Prayer

Thank YOU GOD for everything YOU DID,DO and WILL DOING To everybody,me too. Giuseppe Rella, giusepperella@hotmail.com

My Prayer

Thank you for my life of grace and learning. Thank you for my loved ones, those close to my heart. Thank you for my health, my job, my joy in finding the sacred in the simple, every day tasks I do. Thank you for the ability I nurture to see the beauty in the detail and sense of my world. I am grateful for the extraordinary abundance of my life. Blessings to everyone

My Prayer

thankyou God for giving me the priveledge of knowing such a great person like my Father. In letting me know that you are always near to me. Thankyou for giving me the gift for helping others. Thankyou for the people around and their love. I am forever grateful.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for sending you Holy Spirit to guide me and my family. Thank you for taking care of us and Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. Thank You Lord.

My Prayer

i thank God for my life, health, and strength.I thank him for my husband and my four boys.I thank him for watching over us and keeping us safe in his arms.Im thankful for everything that he has done and will do.I thank him for coming into my life.Just being able to talk to God any day or hour and knowing that he is always there.GOD IS GOOD!

My Prayer

I am grateful that I have now released my poverty consciousness and have replaced it with a full and complete prosperity consciousness. I am now grateful that all my debts and financial obligations have now been completely paid off in full. I now give thanks for this..thank you, thank you, thank you

My Prayer

Dear Lord Yesus, thank You for allowing me to live in this world till today, all thati have received fro You thru my family, friends and relatives, in sorrows as in happiness. Please never let me be apart from no matter who i am and in whatever condition, but instead hold my hands always step by step i have to take along the path of my future life. Much love, Nelly

My Prayer

I am thankful for all God has done for me.Emilyann

My Prayer

im grateful,for my blessings.to see, to hear, to love, to live. to speak gods name down on my knees in this free land of america.to be able to hold the wonder of the magic of the colors of this world in my minds eye. and blessed to see it day by day.to feel warm or cold in winter and summer.to share a laugh with some one. or a smile.to share a hug any time i feel like it.to feel im love back even by strangers.to share gods word with any one who is thirting for a higher power in there life, the right words to say from gods touching my heart to lead some one to him.IM THANKFUL THAT HE CARED ENOUGH TO DIE FOR ME.ARE YOU. AMEN, GLENDOLYN

My Prayer

I am grateful for my energized hope and for all the angelic assistance that ever graces my life

My Prayer

I'm thankful that God has always provided for me all the things I need and some of the things I want. Linda Watson

My Prayer

I am thankful. God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. I do not fear, for God is with me.

My Prayer

My Dearest Lord Yesus, I thank you for all that we have had during all our live, now I turn to you again thanking you for your guidance and protection, here I am come to you for still another favour to ask, please cure my brothers Stephanus from his illness, also my brother Fransiscus from his hernia, which is to operated soon, and for my niece Deasy fro her stress, thank you Yesus I know you will here my humble prayers, also I hope for my beloved Mum, please grant her goodhealth and good spirit, please allow me to take her once again to visit you at Paray le monial , to Rome and also to Lourdes, thank you dear and thank you also to our beloved mother Mary, bye and till later, nelly- 5/6/2002

My Prayer

Thank You for my life. Thank You for all of life. Thank You for guidance. Thank You for healing. Thank You for beauty. Thank You for opportunity. Thank You for countless blessings. And, so, what can I do for ***You***, Beloved Giver of Life and All Good?

My Prayer

God, I am so grateful for the breath in my body. Our children. A wonderful husband who loves me. Our home, and having food to eat.

In Jesus Name/Amen

My Prayer

I am thankful to God for all the blessings in which I've given in this lifetime. A husband who supported my real self to emerge, a child, so pure and wise, constantly my teacher. For the Grace which touched me twelve years ago awakening me to my spiritual life,.. and for my spiritual Master, Mother Meera, the Divine Mother, who has led me to many other saints and holy places, there are no words big enough to express this gratitude. A hundred thousand thank You's. mary

My Prayer

Thank you,Spirit who moves within all beings, for all the opportunities and lessons in life which help me grow spiritually, especially the ones which make me aware of how my ego hinders me.

My Prayer

I THANK ALMIGHTY GOD, THE ANGELS,THE BLESSED MOTHER, THE SAINTS, AND THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED FOR BLESSING ME with the life I have now with my new family. After my mother passed on in 1996 our family tore apart. Everyone went their way and I was left in the family house, single,lots of bills to pay with lots of regrets being I was 40 years old. I met a GREAT GUY whom became my husband two years later. I had no children but hea has four. The process for the children to come around was VERY HARD but time, patience and most of all PRAYER has just about all of us living as a normal familyl. It's been a great learning experience but being that we LOVE each other SO MUCH we take things one step at a time. I THANK GOD FOR LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, PEACE, GOOD HEALTH, AND PATIENCE. I THANK HIM FOR LETTING ME LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO EXPERIENCE HOW TO GIVE AND RECEIVE LOVE from other people.

My Prayer

Thank you Jesus that my family and I woke up to a new day today. One filled with brightness. Thank you Jesus for health and strength and all that you have already provided for us today. We know in our hearts that greater help is on the way for us especially in the area of our finances. Thank you Jesus. Alix

My Prayer

I'm grateful that I have you God to lean on,and to carry me when I feel I can't go on. Here lately you've had to carry me alot.Please don't put me down yet. I'm grateful for Hugo (my husband) and Niko (my son). I am grateful that you cured my lung disease, and proved to me that miracles ,and you do exist. I'm grateful that ciggerettes do not hinder my life any more. I am grateful that no matter what, I can count on you. Lord if I didn't know that you were there, I wouldn't be able to go on. I ask in Jesus name that you help me to not falter. Amen

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the blessings around me. Thank you! AA

My Prayer

Oh my dear Lord Sweet Yesus and Mother Mary, thank you and thank you once again for the successful operation of my youngest brother, now I come again asking for another favour that is for the speedy recovery for him, and I know that You will grant me the answer to my prayers, so again and again I thank you a hundredfold. Yesus my dear, would you also touch and heal my other elder brother, please, and take him back to you. You are the Way, and I believe that you will have someways to take him back to you and hold him tight and never let him go away from you again. I trust him in Your loving care. Oh Sweet Mother Mary, with your tender love, please help draw him back and closer every each moment to You and take him to Your Son - Yesus, Who will never say No to you. Please also remember others in my family who are sick, I know we are not proper enough to receive your blessing, but humbly I lay myself ad put all my petitions under Your feet. Thank you Yesus, thank you Mum. - much love - nelly

My Prayer

My dear Yesus and Mother Mary, Here I come again to your feet , I lost words to express my gratitues Lord, You have been so kind to me, so many presents/gifts I have received within these months, Oh my dear Yesus I do feel so unproper to get so much from you, while I think I have done so little in returns. But You are indeed so kind so loving so care - and all Your gifts are really a great blessing from You - Your Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary, Thank you again from the deep of my heart. Please always keep me closer to you and never let me go away from You. Good night Mum, night Yesus, and please stay with me, thanks. much love - nelly

My Prayer

I am grateful for the peace God sends. I am grateful that he prompted me to write down the great blessings in my life and remember the big answers. When I go back and read those things, I know that He has answered me before and that He will never leave me alone. He brings me peace.DW

My Prayer

My Lord, I am grateful for being able to expand my flourishing love for you thru Camp Tekakwitha. I had an awesome time celebrating my love for your Son, Jesus Christ.

Jenny B., KS

My Prayer

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful god and to have such a wonderful family

My Prayer

Thank You Dear LORD, for my many blessings..even in times of despair and strife........please help me remain strong and deligent in your love and faithfulness................Debbie

My Prayer

for my family, friends and everything i have gotten

My Prayer


My Prayer

Praise the Lord!

This prayer of gratitude is for the excellent recovery from open-heart surgery that the Lord is granting me. God's wonders never cease--if we have faith in His almighty power.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am ever so greatful for my life, my health and my spiritual strength. I am greatful for my husband my rock, my soulmate. I am greatful for my family, for their well being and safety, I am greatful for my little English Bulldog who has taught me how to love again after a loss. Thank you Lord for every aspect of my life, an for helping me to realize that your love has always been within me. Amen

My Prayer

Dear Yesus thank you for healing my niece eyes, and the successful operation of my beloved brother and brother in law, You are indeed so kind and so good to us. Lord, I now place my brother Stefanus Paulus S.under your feet, only You will make him back and only You can heal him. Lord please make him become a new person, and repent and be a good child of Yours, let him be kind and humble and free him from evil being. let him not be a trouble maker to the whole family oh Lord. We can do nothing, only You can change him, so humbly we place our burderns under Your feet. Also Yesus , if it is in accordance with Father's will, allow us please to visit Lourdes, Rome, Paray le Monial together with the group from Renata, kindly help send more people so as to make it sufficient for the group to start a pilgrimage tour with Renata, spesially for this lansia Group. I believe that You will grant us this request, and allow us to make mama happy at her old age, amen. jns,27aug02

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am so very grateful for the life God has given me... the people I have been given to love, my kitty cats, my creativity, my wisdom, my optimism. I am blessed. Thank you Dear Lord.

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude would be my relationship with soul.

I am grateful for having found the essence of anothers soul and most of all being shown how to work on my relationship with God.

My Prayer

I'am Thankful for allowing Christ into my life. And I pray everyday that Christ will one day appear to us and save us all from evil. I pray for my Lover and family and friends that they also open their heart to God. I love my life and my soul everyday. Thank you GOD for all the beauitful things you have given us. May the FUTURE A God new way of loving his Children. LOVE ONE OTHER HAS I LOVE YOU. Charles Preciado 08-12-02

My Prayer

My prayer is to win the lottery some wherein the world this month August 2002 threw Life everlasting. So that I can help others in the world. 500 million wold be Great. LORD HEAR MY PRAYERS....... c.p. In Tucson Arizona and London Ontario Canada...

My Prayer


My Prayer

I'am thankful for God for giving me my Mother and father I love mom and dad. Mr. Carlos M. Preciado and Lilia Noriega Preciado. With all my love your Son. From Tucson Arizona.

My Prayer

Dear Lord Yesus and Mother Mary,

I thank you for inviting us to visit Lourdes Rome and Paray le Monial, i do hope that this pilgrimage tour will become a reality by end of this month. Lord please grant us all good health and good spirit so as to be able to join the tour completely. Thank you Yesus, thank you Mom, thank for being so kind to grand us this chance. Hopefully we all could go and be happlily there and arrive back home safely too. Thank you once again and good night - oh yes thank you also for curing my brother, hope he will become a new person changed by You. nl-16-8-2002

My Prayer

I am grateful to God Almighty for giving me the opportunity to experience this gift called life. I am amazed at how much I learn everyday and I know that my life is His will. I am grateful for the health bestowed upon me, my family and friends. I am grateful for the joy these people bring to my heart everyday. I am grateful for the diversity given to mankind, as I find it to be a journey to learn about different people. I am thankful for all the opportunities past and coming that God has granted me. I am thankful for everything that can be imagined and I give glory to God the Creator.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful that God has come into my life. I thank him for the small blessings he gives me everyday. I thank him for changing my life.

My Prayer

I am ecstatically grateful for my recent conscious awareness of the One that has always been and will always be - everyone, everything, everywhere, my True Self.

My Prayer

Thank you my god, my maker, one whose mysteries abound..and a moment with one's god is a moment in heaven

My Prayer

I am grateful that God has given me the courage to face old friends I have regretably hurt in the past and to give up a huge chunk of my pride that has prevented me from opening up myself to His plan for me and having honest relationships with friends and loved ones. I am grateful that God has provided me with loving parents and a wonderful grandmother and my friends Melina and Laura. I am grateful for His protection and that He is there for me when I am weak. I am grateful that there is something wiser and stronger than myself.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord, because I can open my eyes to see another day and deal with the challenges which turn into blessings. WMejias

My Prayer

Father thank You for the wonderful life you have given me. I feel so tired at times but I know You are with me. Thank You for my new husband and for our trials this year. I know without You we would not have made it through.

Thank you for the great woman you placed in my life Joanne. Through her suffering You have taught me that dying is nothing to fear.... it is the most peaceful passage one can do.

I am grateful for the oppoprtunity You have given me in serving and caring for her needs at this time in her life.

Father if there be anything more I may help her or my husband with during this time I humbly ask for Your guidance so that I may help them with whatever it may be.

Most of all thank you Father for showing me that being a caring and compassionate person is really a valuable thing and something I need to cherish in myself.I know now that even if the world does not think so it is really okay to just be me.



My Prayer

OhMost Sacred Heard of Yesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, On behalf of my whole family I come to you to thank You for inviting us to join a pilgrimate tour to Rome, Lourdes, Paray le Monial and others. And now that we are safely back home - we praise and give thanks to you. May other people will also be invited and have tha same chance to join pilgrimate tour like us. Thank you so much Dear Lord Yesus, and Mother Mary, may we all receive your blessing to go continue our daily live and jobs/works under Your guidance and protection. Thanks again from the deep of my heart - nelly 14 sept 2002

My Prayer

Thank you for all my wonderful friends that truly support and nurture my soul. Thank you for a community of the same.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Lord ~ I am greatfull to be able to praise you name. I am greatful to live in this free country where I am allowed to worship you! I am greatful for my children - and even for their flaws - for I see them seeking you and your guidance and your forgiveness! I am thankful for the godly man in my life - wherever this relationship may lead, because I know that you will direct our paths! I am thankful for my family - elderly and frail mother, and step father, 3 sisters and their families. I am so blessed! I thank you for all of the beautiful seasons that Nebraska has to offer. They are ALL truly beautiful! I am greatful for this media where I am encouraged to share my graditude for others to see, and perhaps, even then come closer to you, dear Lord! I am greatful to be living in these end/exciting times! In your wonderful name I pray! Amen Carole Sue - Nebraska

My Prayer

I am grateful that that Lord made me a Christian, gave me a wonderful family and blessed us all with good health. Today I am especially filled with joy. I am an artist, another huge gift from God, and a gallery has accepted many of my paintings for my very first gallery show. I praise God for this and all that He has given me. His peace and love to all. Amen

My Prayer


I love you Jo

My Prayer

Thank you god for the being the good god that you are.Thank you for me being able to be of my right mind, health and strength. Thank you for the blessing of two beautiful children when my son was born I gave him back to the lord to guide and led him in the direction he should go.My continous pray is that you will lead me and guide me in the direction that you want me to go. Amen

My Prayer

Prayer for Peace in the Middle East. World Peace. Peace in families, and for little children who are terrified. Peace for animals.

My Prayer

I thank Jesus for dying for us so we may have another chance to the tree of life. I thank God for watch over me last night and allowing me a chance to see another day. I thank him for saving my soul, I thank him for my trails and tribulation, I thank him for my pain and sorrow even thru they may be hard to bear. I thank him for watching over my husband. I thank him in advance for protecting my husband and helping him to deal with the world. I thank the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for loving me.

My Prayer

I'm thankful for family.For my job for love happiness for the wind for the rivers for the sun and the stars for home.

My Prayer

I'm thankful for family.For my job for love happiness for the wind for the rivers for the sun and the stars for home.and for god and health thank you amen mdh

My Prayer


My Prayer

I want to thank God for my life and good health and strenght. My family and friends and enimies too. God I thank you for my ups and my downs for with out some wrongs in my life I would not know my rights. Jesus I want you to be the center of my life and the head of my house.Without God I am nothing without you, but with him I am everything. Thank you Jesus.

My Prayer

i am thank ful for my baby.

My Prayer

Thank God for everything! I love you!

My Prayer

Thank you God for everything you have given me. Help me to be more grateful and less selfish, appreciating what I do not really deserve. Let me try to share your kindness with others who have less. Amen

My Prayer

Thank you god for placing right people in my life that lead me towards my destiny with your blessings. I can't thank you enough for making me look the right side of life. I am so thankful to you for blessing me with right thoughts that control my actions that control my destiny. Thank you Thank You Thank you......

My Prayer

Someone once told me always keep your blessings in front of your nose. I'm grateful to him and to my wonderful family and home that were right under my nose all along. Now they're elevated about 3 inches.

My Prayer

I am thankful for two beautiful healthy children. Neko

My Prayer

Dear God, Thank You for All that You've Given Me. Thank You for All that You've Taken Away From Me. And Thank You for What I Have Left.

Thank You for the Gifts that I'm About To Receive. Thank You for the Gifts that I'm Too Blind to See. And Thank You for What You Have Not Given Me Yet.

And Thank You for Your...

Guidance Direction Healing and Protection



(Author Unknown, but given to me by "Barbara" in Culver City, CA)

Hope you enjoy it and find peace and meaning with it.

My Prayer

Oh dearSacread Heart of Yesus, thank you for letting me find this site again, so that i could tell my friend who is really in need of your help, may soesas find this place as her prayer place to be just alone with you . Thank you for giving me willy dj for my new friend to share with.

and thank you for helping me with my job, hoe i can finish and complete it soon without any hindrance. Thank so muchmy dear Yesus and Mother Mary. good nite, and till later much love nelly

My Prayer

Dear Lord, You have brought me down a long road full of twists and turns and potholes and alot of beautiful scenery along the way. Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in this families lives, and I know Lord that it is Your will for us. For this we humbly give thanks and praise that Your will be done, not ours. Amen Lord

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for your presence in my life, your daily guidance, your healing calmness that infuses me during times of stess. Thank you for the gifts of my children, spouse and friends. Please watch over us all and keep us safe from harm. Lead me on the right path to you, help me to find the good in others and not be so judgemental in my thoughts and words. Let me not take one moment for granted as I have lost so many loved ones too young. May your heavenly angels watch over me and for those whom I pray for today. Amen.

My Prayer

Thank you for hearing all of my spoken as well as unspoken prayers. Thank you for knowing my true heart. Thank you for the wisdom that comes forth from inside me from time to time---the wisdom that is You Holy One. Thank you for beautiful children and for their beautiful children. Thank you for the partners that share their lives. Thank you for my own partner. Help us to continue to honor, love and grow together. Thank you for my day-to-day life and "the daily bread" that each day contains. Thank you for helping and guiding me to have an open non-judgemental mind and heart. Stay with me, walk with me always, I pray. Thank you. In peace, SF

My Prayer

I am grateful for this gift of life, its joys and sorrows and each person and situation that has come into my life bringing with them their own uniqueness..I'm grateful for my family,the roof over our heads,the food to eat,the clothes to wear..I'm grateful for this beautiful place in which we live,for the chance to see and appreciate its beauty and learn more about it.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Praise YaHweh, for sending His son YaHshua to die for me so I can have life , Praise He is my Light and my salvation. I thank Mighty YaHweh for giving me wonderful children and for restoring my husband to me. Praise YaHweh. Thank you Lord I send you Love. Amen

My Prayer

aba aba aba

My Prayer

I am very grateful for the presence of love in my life.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family and my friends. I am grateful for colour and smiles

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for all that you have given me. I am truly grateful. Help me to be a better person, to live the life you have intended for me, and lead me on the right path to Heaven.

My Prayer

I pray that the the people in charge of most of the world , i.e, Fifedoms that have enslaved the masses for centuries and kept them ignorant and obedient, religious empires that have also kept peoples of the world worshipping all kinds of mythological, fictitious, and mean-spirited gods ( bible and koran for example), global enterprises ( like the Council On Foreign Affairs and the Tri-lateral Commission), barbaric rulers who maintain their empires with hundreds of wives and children to take their historic throne as divinely given by god,etc., to at least join the 21st. Century knowledge ( knowledge that has had it's roots in the great works of real brave men who sought truth, justice, learning,the pursuit of happiness and the origin of life with the constant threat of being tortured or burned at stake by religious zealots, trained since birth to believe in a faith or faiths without question and regardless of their rise of intelligence in other areas, ready to condemn and murder those who upset the god-thing even one millimeter) and for once in their human endeavors, get past the lifetime of programming generation after generation into a belief system without proof or merit and get on with initiating these children into the joy of science, geology,biology, archaeology ( not so- called christian pseudo-science)and mathematics, including the possibility of quantum math and mechanics. Maybe even some astronomy and cosmology. {Go outside in the dark tonite and see how many stars and constellations you and your children know.} I continue my prayer that we somehow have leaders arise that are similar and learned in the sense of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams amongst others of our founding fathers, when it comes to the question of religion. There cannot be any religion tied to a government in order to have not only a free and democratic society, but a 'Thinking' society. If the leaders continue to make war with their gods ( and how many lives were ever saved by god in these wars??) Really? How many lost thru prayer? How about Pearl Harbor? Do you think anyone on board 9-11 had time to pray? You bet your derrierre they did..for what..to be called home by god? Logic?? Geez, god is gonna call another 40,000 American motorists home in 03. Yeah, right. If god is omnipotent and omniscienct, didn't he know of these events in advance? Does he know of every child about to be raped and killed by a mad pedophile? What is this god thing?? Is god enjoying a video game here? Evil, yes or no?? Yes is the only answer. Try figuring out how many humans god killed in the bible.Over a million is the answer??? What was the flat-world of god's kingdom population a few thousand years ago? Did jesus know the world was round?? did he bring real light to the world?? No, Faraday,Watts, Edison and Tesla did. And on and on. So, I pray that somehow , someway, someday, the masses are released from their religious shackles and their gray matter circuitry allowed to function in a creative, thoughtful, and wondrous way, so each and every human can enjoy the opportunity to work with each and every other human being in caring for planet earth (our own spaceship in a way)and do so in harmony so that future generations will understand that religion and war go together like hand and glove and never, never, never brought about a civilized country or world. If only the leaders of the world today and tomorrow could come from ranks other than attorney's ,Phony Crown Princes and their ilk,businessmen, and billionaires (all under the protective 'cloak of religious evil'), then maybe, just maybe, the world's people's and other inhabitant's might have a microscopic chance of survival and continued evolution in a peaceful atmosphere. If not, then calamity will rule when man finds himself/herself working backwards until he is once again a serf to the royal masters ( check out immigration and illeal immigartion), a piece of bone and flesh to be sacrificed, or a hunter gatherer, wild, wooly and possibly cannibalistic; not to mention the path chosen:back back.back to the ameba.

I Pray finally that my children and grandchildren and all the children of the world realize a 'Manhattan Project' about humanity and our purpose for being and that none be thwarted nor intimidated by the absolutely inhumane condition brought upon mankind by the invention of gods.

I Pray Big-time for real peace for all men and women of planet/spaceship earth. p.s. Read a real book this week; try 'The Seven Daughters Of Eve" by Brian Sykes..or, are you afraid ??? TWM

My Prayer

Hello. my name is ana and this past Feb. my brother was kill.what the devil has made bad in my life god is turning it around for good.a drug @achiol cons. whats to go share the experance and do a 20/30 min. speach. I dont feel worthy but i know gods has a plain for this or it would not come about.i need his wisdom,let it his words i speack,and my he receive all the glory!!! I want to live for the lost!its been my song for a week or more now i am asked to do this. Do you think its god? ana

My Prayer

I am grateful for the blessing of a new healthy son in my life and for the love of friends & family who are so happy to welcome him to the world.

My Prayer

for all the people that are sick and may god help them. And for all the people that need god's help .

My Prayer

gracias por todo

My Prayer

chinga tu madre diablo

My Prayer

oh Lord, im thankful for all things that you give, my family and for be cathilic and not a follower of the devil or go in the bag way thank you

My Prayer

I am gratefull for having my family...... KARINA AMAYA

My Prayer

HP, Thank you for the world and leaders who have a vision of love, kindness and humility because they understand a world of peace.

I am grateful because I am able to take a deep breath, walk in freedom, to laugh/ dance, and love.

My Prayer

Thank you God for all the protection on my family.

My Prayer

I am grateful beyond these words for knowing that I am blessed by all the good the universe continues to put before me. It is the "knowing" that allows me to never take the good for granted and to always look for the lesson in the "not so good." I am grateful for a partner who is my soulmate and best friend, who loves me through all and who makes the time I spend on this planet a never-ending journey of love. Thomas

My Prayer

I am grateful to be a child of God. For the presence of the Spirit working in and through me constantly. For the gift of creativity and the soul journey with both the light and dark that it includes. For love and the journey of heart. For family, friends and community. For meaningful work. For union with God and the mystical reconnection that happens when I pray. Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God!

My Prayer

I thank the Divine Spirit for every situation that has occurred in my life, *good or bad* because every aspect or occurence in my life serves to teach me. I think God for my family, especially my husband and my daughter. I thank God for every aspect of my life, I thank Him for opening up my soul to receive my truth and for each gift that he has placed in me.

My Prayer

My beloved dog Francesco was diagnosed with liver disease 2 years ago.I asked God to pleae let him live long enough for me to know that I did everything possible to help him.Today the vet said his liver disease is rapidly progressing.I beg God to let the progression stop...but whatever the outcome I thank God for answering my prayer 2 years ago. carrie

My Prayer

I am grateful for the time I had with my beloved husband who was called home this past June.

My Prayer

thank you God for being thank you for the experience of life thank you for the struggles and hardships in my life that pull me close to you and for the joys that i have had and the knowledge that they could not exist without you for this i am thankful

My Prayer

I am so grateful for God and the doors he has opened up for me. I am so glad that I got another chance at life and know that I am here to do Gods will. I am so grateful that I am 1year and 2days sober today and that I have the friends and family that I have. I am also grateful for my experiances that I have to live by and grow on at the age 17.

My Prayer

my favorite grace:

Spirit of the universe we give thanks for the aboundance our table represents. We ask that you bless our hearts with gratitude not only for the food but for one another as well. Amen

My Prayer

thank you lord.

My Prayer

I am grateful for this moment. Cheryl

My Prayer

Thank God I can rejoice In human things—the multitudes’ glad voice, The rush of hurrying faces on my sight, The million-celled emotion in the press That would their human fellowship confess. Thank Thee because I may my brother feed, That Thou has opened me unto his need, Kept me from being callous, cold and blind, Taught me the melody of being kind. Thus, for my own and for my brother’s sake— Thank Thee, o Lord, I am awake!

My Prayer

Thank you God for lifting me up in the darkness. Thank you God For holding me now in the light.

My Prayer

Thank you God for life

My Prayer

I am very grateful for all those people, family and friends, who really care about me. I am grateful for my mom. She has influenced me so much in so many positive ways. I am thankful that I have a good job now when so many people are now losing theirs. I am thankful for my family, for my many talents, my car, a nice apartment, my artistic ability that always keeps my life exciting. I am very thankful for my spirit angels who watch over me and I pray that I learn to listen more closely to you every day. I am thankful for peace-loving people. I am so thankful for the beauty of nature and the beauty in others. Thank you, Mother, Father, God for always being with me.

My Prayer

Thank you for Lauren's healing and recovery following her car accident on December 4, 2002. We continue to ask for her complete healing.

My Prayer

I am grateful for this moment...with its potential of bringing eterenal bliss!

My Prayer

I am grateful and tahnkful for the spiritual guideas and teachers in my life. Though I cannot see you I can feel your presence and see your effetcs. Thank you for standing beside me and supporting me through this painful time. My soul is being stretched so much. I am grateful for the gentleness and warm love you give me. Thank you.

My Prayer

I thank God for my life of ups and down's even though I may not understand till later, Thank You God for not letting me kill myself and for whispering "Let me show You" to my soul. I shall not forget and will always try hard to be in the present. Thank You for the wonderful wacky people who are my family. May Peace be with all of us.

My Prayer

I'm greatful for everything that has been provided to me. Thank you, God.

My Prayer

i thank God for everything in the world. amen

My Prayer

I thank the Lord I have a home and someone to love me.

My Prayer

I am grateful for God's Love today was a hard day but knowing the Lord is with me makes me pereserve. I thank Him for my Family and Friends And Boyfriend ..Amen

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thank you dear Father in heaven for helping me accomplish everything I set out to do today, in spite the difficulty of being misjudged. I praise you. I am so blessed!

My Prayer

I Am Very Sorry for all the people in America who lost loved ones in the 9/11 tragity and may God help people who lost members in a family,or friends i ask this thourgh Christ are Lord Amen

My Prayer

Lord...I am so thankful for many things...for the lessons to be learned to make me the person you want me to be...for the son that you gave to me as a lifetime child...Eric...for all the friends I have...for the ability to laugh and joke and flirt...for the friends at New Creation...for the ability to have conversations...for the secret things that only YOU know God...That you gave me my personality. Amen

My Prayer

For a loving God; that love me as I am,and too much to let me stay this way.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for always watching over me

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude is for all the prayers that God has answered in due time. They were not answered when I wanted them to be but in tim each and everyone has been answered. I am truly blessed. And even when my life is not exactly how I want it to be I am lucky for all that I do have.

My Prayer

Hello my name is Julie. I am staying currently at a shelter for abused women. Last night, one of the women that had recently come to us for help was a drug addict heavily addicted to cocaine. She caused such a comotion that none of my residents, including myself, wanted to stay in the room. All of us started to pray that there would be a resolution to the restless situation between this yound woman and the rest of the residents. After our prayer, she decided to leave the shelter and go somewhere else. Pease returned immediately. All of the residents are truly grateful for answered prayer. Thank you for letting me share. My email is julie_lorio@yahoo.com

My Prayer

I am so grateful for my husband, my children and grandchildren, for my home, and for my ability to write and share my work with the world.

My Prayer

I am grateful that I still have my parents here on Earth, that I have so many cherished loved ones in my life, human and nonhuman... grateful that my long road trip with my 19-year-old cat was safe and successful... grateful that my old dog is well again... that the new puppy is such a beacon of joy... that my little birds make such precious sounds... I'm grateful for answered prayers... grateful for health and abundance and love... Thank You, Abba, my Healer, my Provider, my Ever-Present Help, my Peace. Abba Rapha, Abba Jireh, Abba Shammah, Abba Shalom. Thank You, thank You, thank You. May all beings be free from harm, be safe, comforted, and loved. Amen.

My Prayer

Dear father i would like to say thank you for all the great blessing that you have provideed for me along lifes ever twisting after loosing my mother at a very tender age,and also my father at the time when i needed him the most.things did get bad for me only in sprit.but after realizing just how much god has led me,and watch over me i;am ever so thankful to him now as i have gotton older i keep a 24,hour smile upon my face because i;am so thankful to him for just this day that i'am blessed with.i;am so thankful to hear the birds this morning.able to see the sun rise,hear my son;s voice and be part of his day,share with my family god s everyday gifts,there very special.the little things make the whole picture just perfect.please continue to be apart of my life each and everyday.

My Prayer

Thank you God, for all your precious blessings and the grace You've bestowed upon me and my family. Though there are many challenges in our lives, you are always consistently there to give us strength and direction. Thank you for directing my son in the right path as his faith has increased and he's training as an Youth ACTS retreat teamleader is such a blessing. His graduation and subsequent acceptance to college and opportunity to play soccer at the collegiate level is only possible through your gifts and blessings. We acknowledge You and only You for all his/our success. You've given my son a gift and in return what he does with that gift will be his gift back to You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

My Prayer

Universe: I am thankful for the rain we are receiving. Our land and forests have been so dry and now our gardens and crops will grow! I welcome each challenge as I learn lifes' lessons. I am thankful for your guidance as I struggle to get my new cabin / B&B business going. A business in which I wish to share with all who choose to enjoy the wilderness and the beautiful and bountyful outdoors.As I look back I have witnesses your many miricles you have blessed upon me - I needed to go through that 5 year divorce to learn many invaluable lessons. To bring me back to reality.To be humbled. To be grateful for all I have. To get me to where I am now. Now I am conquoring the challenge of organizing a womens workshop retreat. I want to learn and what better way to learn, than to share with others who seek......I pray that you will see me through this next challenge of finances. I pray the monies come to me soon. I am in dire need. I have simplified my life to where I am very content. Thank you for seeing me through this financial crisis, Lord. I know you will. Somehow, you will. I will be amazed once more. Thank you for allowing me to live my dream and to share it! Valinda

My Prayer

Thank you for friends, O Lord, Thank you!

My Prayer

Thank you for friends, O Lord, Thank you! I am truly blessed.

My Prayer

thank you for the joy and peace and hope thru loving our savior jesus christ]]

My Prayer

Iam grateful that you love for what I am.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my family, my friends and all the creatures of the earth who continue to come into my life and teach me lessons of the meaning of what unconditional love really is.

My Prayer

I am so grateful for having had such loving parents.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I thank God for my newly regained eyesight on my left eye after surgery. I am amazed about the miracle of sight. I was nearly blind on one eye. I am thankful to be alive! Life is a miracle, and I pray to God to really get it again and again and again. C.L.

My Prayer

I am thankful for being able to stop in the middle of a hectic life,look at the sky, and feel blessed to have walked this way in this time in my skin. Greg

My Prayer

For sowing seeds...The gift of prayer. Forgiving the person who caused me the worst hurt...Miracles, peace...and the reason I am here...and apology delieverd in a Lipton Southern Style Extra Sweet Iced Tea and a 5th Avenue Candy bar! Praise the Lord!!! Ask and you will receive....Thank you, Father and praise your name!!! AMEN

My Prayer

I thank God for my loving family, my health, my employment and my very being. Without his grace and mercy I am nothing. Thank you Lord for this day.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thank you precious Lord for the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces in far away places. Thank you for watching over them and meeting their individual needs. Especially thank you for the Honor Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in DC. In the midst of the hurricane, the young men stayed on duty.

My Prayer

Igive thanks and praise my lord every moment of the day for all the love and sometimes anguise our children give us I give thanks that I have my three children to also give me grief because my forth child was taken to his rest way to soon and that is why I am greatfull for all that my children give me I have many more happy days than days of grief.I realize that all is good in life because we are alive and are children are living. So do give thanks and praise no one knows how blessed you are until one those blessings is gone so be happy and rejoice even though you may be having some grief for our life here is to short to waist on being bitter . Thank you lord for all!!!!

My Prayer

everyday that i am able to get out of bed and take that first STEP of the day. I am thankful that i have the blessing to SEE myself in the mirror. I praise the lord that he gives me the opportunity to TASTE the food he provides for me. these are small things that we take for grantad. i have a dear friend laying in a hospital bed from a car crash he now cannot do any of these things. I an thankful that I can.AND I PRAY EVERYDAY THAT ONE DAY HE WILL BE BLESSED AND BE ABLE TO DO THESE THINGS AGAIN!!!!!!!! VIVIAN ROSAS FLORIDA.

My Prayer

Heavenly father, Thank-you for your grace, your forgiveness and your love. I pray that I will always hear and obey your will for me. My life is for you. -- Sean

My Prayer

I am grateful that John has done his work emotionally and can help me learn how to walk through my ptsd and believe that I cna survive

My Prayer

God thank you for everything you teach me and for your love in my life. Thank you for your presence in my life, I feel capable. Thank you for all the hope you bring into my life. Thank you for my wonderful husband and the job he was offered. May this job bring him happiness and fulfillment, that he is capable and feels success. I know you are watching over us and I thank you.

My Prayer

Wow what am I grateful for...That's hard to say because I have honestly had so little to be grateful for. I am grateful for the good and benevolence I have seen in the beings of the universe.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my mother Diane and for all that she has done for me, and for giving me a new lease of life. She has taught me the difference between good and bad, and that she is always there, even though I am good and bad. She always loves me, even though I hurt her sometimes. She never gave up on me, and she bought me into god. I thank Kenny for baptising me and being there, and giving me a home. I thank all her family for never giving up on me and for loving me. i thank my big sister Katrina for being there and never running away like my sister Kimberley and my mum that did run away. I thank my granny and my uncle Chris, and all the family that stuck by me. I thank Kim and mum, that hurt me that I want to forgive. Even though my fathers gone I still love him. Katrina was hurt by her pets dying and could never afford to pay to fix them. Thankyou to Christ for giving me the family I have to day and the courage to go on.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my ability to help others. I am thankful I can see, hear, smell, taste and feel all of the Universe's gifts to me. I am thankful for friends and family. I am thankful God loves me and guides me.

My Prayer

I am so very thankful for the gift of my children. God has blessed me with three amazing babies and even though they are hard, unending work...thank you, thank you, thank you. May God forgive me in my parenting downfalls and guide to be a better parent each day.

My Prayer

Father in heaven, I am truly grateful for life. I am grateful for your provision in my life and that I can come to you in my present state as a sinner. I am grateful Father for your healing love and that you look beyond my sins and failings and never leave me . Thank you Father

My Prayer

I am grateful to have a healthy body, a sound mind, and several really great pets. I am grateful to have a house to worry about falling apart, a job to worry about losing, and people who love me. I am grateful to be able to help others, when I mostly want to think of myself. I am grateful there is a place to say this....

My Prayer

I am grateful for all the miracles that have come to me in my life--so very, very many, in times when I did not know what to do or where to turn. Countless times, I have been snatched from the jaws of darkness, to be held and comforted in the sweet and lovely grace of the Infinite Source of Life. I am facing one of those times now, when I have not yet received the answer to my many prayers, and I can look back on the history of grace which precedes this time and look the darkness in the face with more courage to declare the victory of the spirit in all things. I am grateful for countless miracles.

My Prayer

I am thankful for my recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. It has brought me into a relatoinship with God and for that I am eteranlly grateful. Thank you almighty God.

My Prayer

I should only be full of gratitude, for the many blessings I have received. I am grateful for the love of my family. I am grateful for the affection of my friends. All of my basic needs have almost always been met - I have never long gone hungry, without shelter. My mind has been stimulated by education and a rewarding job. My body, though imperfect, is a miracle, and I am grateful that I have been able to keep myself as healthy as I have. For my parents' encouragement, for my sister's support, for my friends' comradery, for my teachers' and professors' generosity with their intellectual wealth, for my boss' patience and firm confidence in my abilities, for my subordinates' good cheer and willingness to help me... for my dog's trust and my cat's grudging tolerance... for the view out my window, the way tea quenches the thirst in the morning, the small beauties and blessings that fill my day... for my quick recovery from my unexpected job loss, for the even better job that I was blessed with, for the sparing of my boyfriend's life from cancer, for the sweet sound of his voice over the phone, for the security in knowing his love is still there to support me in all that I do...I am grateful. And for everyone else's forgiveness for all of my imperfections, my misguided actions, my selfish mistakes... I thank you.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my three beautiful children, my family, my job, my fiance' Ray, and the fact that God took time out of his busy schedule to put me here on earth with all of the things I am so grateful for. Thank You God Alana

My Prayer

"Divine presence, breathe Thou Thy blessing on every heart in this house." - Mary Baker Eddy

My Prayer

"Our gratitude is riches, Complaint is poverty, Our trials bloom in blessings, They test our constancy. O, life from joy is minted, An everlasting gold, True gladness is the treasure That grateful hearts will hold." Vivian Burnette (from the Christian Science Hymnal)

My Prayer

I Thank my Lord and Savior for my son's safe return from the on going war. I thank God for the strength and protection HE gave him Thank you Lord that there will be no empty seat at our Thanksgiving table. I pray for all the other Moms and dads that can't say the same May you comfort them as only you can and remind them that you are still on the throne and in control of the world and all that is in it

My Prayer

I am so greatful for my good health and family and for the love of my Savior Jesus Christ

My Prayer

My name is Melisa, I am 42 years old and i am 30 weeks pregnant,we did not plan this pregnavy, but I thank God everyday for this special gift, i have 2 children a boy 17 and a girl 13.Everyday when i get up feeling well i thanbk the good lord. At the moment my husban is not very well he has Hepatisis so i am prayning for him to get well, that is one of the things he has. My children thank God, are doing very well in school. At the moment our financual situation is very critical, but I know the God Lord will provide. I thank you for taking the time to listen to me I remain

My Prayer

I am grateful for my life, my children, our health, homes, jobs, and food on our table. WE are proud to be american. We are blessed and are greatful.. God help us in all of our endeavers.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the people that god has chosen to be in my life at this particular time. I'm also grateful and believe that I will make it through everything that I am trying to accomplish. Thank you for providing me with the strethen to carry on and to love and take care of my daughters and other people in my life

My Prayer

Prayer of Love and Gratitude to Jesus Crucified

My Prayer

Lord, I thank You for all the love you have given me in my life. All my blessings - my wonderful family, my talents, my health, my successes - I owe to You. Though I ask You for much, You never cease to provide. You are my strength and my support in life. You are my rock and my salvation. I thank you for simply always being beside me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

My Prayer

I am grateful for my children, their uniqueness and my siblings. My husband...I am thankful for his ability to be even and kind at all times.

My Prayer


My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful and thankful for all my blessings and all my answered prayers! We are all so blessed to be his children! Your Son

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for all your wonderful blessings, provisions, giving me a home to live in family to love and my new boyfriend. thank you father God for always being with me love Sandra

My Prayer

I thank and praise God for his many blessings that he has blessed me and my family. I praise God from the smallest to the biggest. I am grateful for salvation and the spirit of the Holy Ghost. I thank God for my Pastor and church family. I give God all the honor, glory and praise in Jesus mighty name.

My Prayer

I am ever greatful for each breath I take upon wakeing this morning;the fact that God DOES hear my prayers and has led me through so many beautiful life lessons...greatful for this roof over my head...the love and joyous company of many wonderful friends and family...and that I am blessed to witness countless blessings every day!

My Prayer

I am so grateful for all the blessings that keep me focused, and allow me to see how beautiful and precious life is; for my struggles that have tought me how easy life is compared to those who suffer so much around the world; for my family; for enjoying my grandchildren; seeing my children succeed; for the person I have become; for my job; for knowing what love is and how to love and for believing.

My Prayer

thank you heavenly father for giving me time on this beautiful earth,for teaching me how to live "in" but not "for" this world. thank you for a blessed and gifted life you have shared with me. Iam nothingwith out you.

My Prayer

I thank the Creator for every experience because I know that it has aided me in my spiritual awareness and growth. i thank him/her for teaching me about forgiveness, and unconditional love .

My Prayer

Father, I thank you for being my bridge over troubled waters. If I had 10,000 tongues I couldn't thank you enough. Thank for my husband who suffered a heart attack 9 years ago which did 60% damage to his heart and left his right artery completely blocked, I thank you for keeping him in your hands Lord. I thank you for the home that we live in because of your grace and mercy and the love others showed us when our house burned completely to the ground and we lost everything except the love we had for you Lord because we could have all died in the fire. I have so much to be thankful for and I give all the Praise, the Glory and the Honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Linda Helms

My Prayer

dear father, lord i want to say thank you just for who you are.i need your strength everyday thanks for washing all my sins away and making me white as snow.thank you for presenting yourself to me the way you did,taking my hands in your hands.giving me all the protect,love,peace,joy,and the warmness of your love,because without you i would not have made it.keep helping me too live spiritually and my love ones to let the angles surround them and hold them.i send a special pray for my two nieceies i also pray for my emenies the hunger,sick homeless,and the ones who are lost help me to stay prayed up.thank you god for everything amen

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful that my breast cancer is in Stage I and that I should be healthier than I was before diagnosed because I know now that I am in charge of some of my destiny and my well being. I am grateful for my amazing family and friends who are helping me through this.

My Prayer

Thank you for loving me Father. Thank you for my healthy beautiful children, for my husband for my home, for all that I have and am because of you. Thank you for every day all that I see, I think and I feel. Thank you for never leaving me. Please don't let me ever leave your side. Thank you for life for every day. Thank you for this moment. Thank you father. Please help me to always be your servant and do what you need me to do. Thank you for making me your child. Thank you for your love.

My Prayer

Thank you for loving me Father. Thank you for my healthy beautiful children, for my husband for my home, for all that I have and am because of you. Thank you for every day all that I see, I think and I feel. Thank you for never leaving me. Please don't let me ever leave your side. Thank you for life for every day. Thank you for this moment. Thank you father. Please help me to always be your servant and do what you need me to do. Thank you for making me your child. Thank you for your love.

My Prayer

Thank you for loving me Father. Thank you for my healthy beautiful children, for my husband for my home, for all that I have and am because of you. Thank you for every day all that I see, I think and I feel. Thank you for never leaving me. Please don't let me ever leave your side. Thank you for life for every day. Thank you for this moment. Thank you father. Please help me to always be your servant and do what you need me to do. Thank you for making me your child. Thank you for your love.

My Prayer

thank you for celina, daniel, tatiana gerard, my mom, dad, ivan, monica, marian, edward, mimi, eva, sarah and tiffany. Only you could do this for me. thank you for i love you so much. You are my light and salvation. Thank you for Jeanne. Thank you for dying for me. thank you for never leaving me.

My Prayer

thank you for celina, daniel, tatiana gerard, my mom, dad, ivan, monica, marian, edward, mimi, eva, sarah and tiffany. Only you could do this for me. thank you for i love you so much. You are my light and salvation. Thank you for Jeanne. Thank you for dying for me. thank you for never leaving me.

My Prayer

thank you for celina, daniel, tatiana gerard, my mom, dad, ivan, monica, marian, edward, mimi, eva, sarah and tiffany. Only you could do this for me. thank you for i love you so much. You are my light and salvation. Thank you for Jeanne. Thank you for dying for me. thank you for never leaving me.

My Prayer

thanks for a great day...be kind to each other

My Prayer

Father God, I thank you for your unfailing love for me as I am in my brokeness....I thank you that you are a God of mercy and forgiveness....I thank you for those moments I feel your presence in my life....I thank you that, although it's been tremendously painful, I believe I am finally beginning to understand the meaning of "growing up." But Father God, please save me today from my very self that will take me from the present moment and project fear into the future, please give me the strength to be in the'now'. And Father, please save me from self-pity, on my own I have a great ability to believe I've been given a raw deal or feel sorry for myself etc...Please save me from fear, fear of what others think of me...or fear of any kind...,may I trust you and know that you and you alone will take care of me as I call on you and invite you into my life each day. I cannot do anything without you. I desperately need you and cling to you. Please hold me close to your heart...ever close...and mayI of be of service to your other children this day. Amen

My Prayer

Father God, I thank you for your unfailing love for me as I am in my brokeness....I thank you that you are a God of mercy and forgiveness....I thank you for those moments I feel your presence in my life....I thank you that, although it's been tremendously painful, I believe I am finally beginning to understand the meaning of "growing up." But Father God, please save me today from my very self that will take me from the present moment and project fear into the future, please give me the strength to be in the'now'. And Father, please save me from self-pity, on my own I have a great ability to believe I've been given a raw deal or feel sorry for myself etc...Please save me from fear, fear of what others think of me...or fear of any kind...,may I trust you and know that you and you alone will take care of me as I call on you and invite you into my life each day. I cannot do anything without you. I desperately need you and cling to you. Please hold me close to your heart...ever close...and mayI of be of service to your other children this day. Amen

My Prayer

Goddess and God; There are no words for the depth of gratitude that swims with the forces of wind and water inside me. Every day I am blessed with the chance to learn new ways to find wisdom and insight in so many places. In even and especially my very darkest hours you have always been there to help me find the strength to open my eyes again. I ask for forgiveness for any one I have ever hurt in any way. Help me to be a rock of strength and unconditinal love for the people in my life. The discoveries and mysteries the capacity for depth of real love and faith come from you and shine within me and within all of us, let me never forget the divine that lies inside, and help me to trulley be your hands and your eyes. I cannot find words to thank you for the blessings in my life, I only pray to show you with the depth and devotion to will my life and spirit in directions devoted to fufuilling unwavering and unconditinal love with strenth, empathy, compassion and the power to somehow shine the gifts of divinity into every aspect of my life and all the lives I touch... I love you so much and words cannot even touch the depth of emotion inside me. I hope to make you proud and be beyond even the best of our potential. Help us grow and flourish, enlighten and nourish eachother... forever... Thank youGod and Goddess... there are not words to express my gratitude and love. Amen.So mote it be... in love and dedication- your daughter eternally. ........ ........

My Prayer

Goddess and God; There are no words for the depth of gratitude that swims with the forces of wind and water inside me. Every day I am blessed with the chance to learn new ways to find wisdom and insight in so many places. In even and especially my very darkest hours you have always been there to help me find the strength to open my eyes again. I ask for forgiveness for any one I have ever hurt in any way. Help me to be a rock of strength and unconditinal love for the people in my life. The discoveries and mysteries the capacity for depth of real love and faith come from you and shine within me and within all of us, let me never forget the divine that lies inside, and help me to trulley be your hands and your eyes. I cannot find words to thank you for the blessings in my life, I only pray to show you with the depth and devotion to will my life and spirit in directions devoted to fufuilling unwavering and unconditinal love with strenth, empathy, compassion and the power to somehow shine the gifts of divinity into every aspect of my life and all the lives I touch... I love you so much and words cannot even touch the depth of emotion inside me. I hope to make you proud and be beyond even the best of our potential. Help us grow and flourish, enlighten and nourish eachother... forever... Thank youGod and Goddess... there are not words to express my gratitude and love. Amen.So mote it be... in love and dedication- your daughter eternally. ........ ........

My Prayer

Thank you god for the gift of life , the healthy family which gave me, the food I eat and everything else

My Prayer

I am greataful for each breath...each thought that expresses myself as ME....the fact that all my paths led me to be who I am at this very moment...for any lessons well learned...all the wonderful experiences with friends and family from day one....the struggles and ideas that got me to think about what really matters in my life...the fact that I was able to know B.C.at all when the odds seemed against it...that I took a deeper look at Spirit because of my love for him...for all this and more--I say--thank you....

My Prayer

greatful to have woken up happy this morning! Knowing the outcome of my intuition is right about a particular person--I am thankful for that person! Also for my nice, warm home in this endless winter of the deep freeze...the money I will use to take the bus downtown ...the coffee I will drink that I love so much in the morning...the love of the people I love...I am greatful for every thing in this day!

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for your unceasing blessings

My Prayer

Thank you Universe for the Abundance of Family, friends, and support that you have provided throughout my lifetime here. May each and everyone receive in their hearts all that you have blessed me with!

My Prayer

Thank you Universe for the Abundance of Family, friends, and support that you have provided throughout my lifetime here. May each and everyone receive in their hearts all that you have blessed me with! Sandi

My Prayer

My Prayer

God, thank you for everything....when the heart and soul is grateful....it cannot speak because it is full of joy and gratitude....thank for God, family and friends....thank you for creating me to enjoy this life and his blessed creations....Jesus is the real reason for thankfulness to save and redeem us for eternal life of the heavens...thank you my Lord and God and My all!!!

My Prayer

God, thank you for everything....when the heart and soul is grateful....it cannot speak because it is full of joy and gratitude....thank for God, family and friends....thank you for creating me to enjoy this life and his blessed creations....Jesus is the real reason for thankfulness to save and redeem us for eternal life of the heavens...thank you my Lord and God and My all!!!

My Prayer

There would not be enough words in the world that could describe how fortunate and blessed I feel - Please accept my heart felt THANKYOU. GP

My Prayer

My Prayer

I am thankful that God's grace is sufficient for all our needs.--DeeDee

My Prayer

I am thankful that God's grace is sufficient for all our needs.--DeeDee

My Prayer

Father, i am grateful for eventhough i am a sinner, You have never let me astray

My Prayer

i was really thank to god because he is so good to me all this time. he gave me vissa to settle this country, he gave me a good job, good partner & a house on my own. so i am very greatful to lord in my whole life

My Prayer

I can be so blind to all the amazing things I know, but the second I begin to pray for a selfish reason I realize how many amazing things there are here and that I am lucky enough to be a part of them and I thank you for all of these great things but on top of them I thank you the gift of gratitude you give to me when I realize how foolish I have been to be blind to them. it feels so good to remember just the smallest of things at the worst of times

My Prayer

I am thankful for my husband i am thankful for my daughter im thankful i am who i am and i have god to love me when others dont.Im thankful i have love from the father for i couldnt have made it this far im thankful for god hearing my prayers and needs.Im thankful to be here and live here and im trying to be a better person and god has helped me and im thankful for that.We have come a long way and im thankful the father has guided us and help us through the storms.Im thankful to be able to sit here and write this thankyou and thank god for loving me so much thanks love katherine

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful to you dear jesus for my life and the lives that you have put in my hands to take care of.The three treasures that you have given me Celina, Daniel,and Tatiana are to me the most precious and sacred gifts. Thank you Father for my family. Thank you for each and every day for our home, for your love and all that you do for us. Thank you for dying for us in order for us to have life. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take our kids to Disney world for the first time. Only you father could make things possible. After such difficult times. You made it possible for us to do something great for our kids. My Dear Jesus, My life thank you for you.

My Prayer

That our sweet Jesus gave his life for me I am so thankful, the ability to serve ,and teach and to listen to his word freely, such a blessing . I am thankful for my great and faithful Husband of 25 years and that we still love each other and Jesus to gether ,my 4 children , my home , the church and my many Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Amen

My Prayer

Dear Father God, I am so thankful for just being able to talk with you this way. You know the needs of my heart. You know my every thought, even before I pray. So thank you for just being You. Thank you for Jesus, Who shows us how the love. And thank you for loving my children and husband and all our extended family and me, who needs your love more than all these. Thank you for who you are and for what you do. In Jesus'Precious Name, Amen

My Prayer


My Prayer

thank you good

My Prayer

Thank you God for my daughter who is everything to me. Thank you for my family, my friends, my health, my freedom, for the passion inside of me that never quits. Thank you for answering every one of my prayers, for standing by me, with me and for me. Thank you for the angels that guide our every move. Thank you for evrything that is, that isn't, that will be and that will never be. I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank you for giving us the free will to believe in you out of our very own consent. And most of all for the beautiful mind we all have to help us get by.

My Prayer

Dear God,I just want to thank you for everything that you have brought me thru. Thank you for me knowing more about you and that no matter what we are going thru you are there with me. I know that thru You ,

My Prayer

I am grateful for the opportunity to help people and of be of service to others

My Prayer

I am thankful for my husband...he saved my life...and I am thankful to God for sending him to me to share life's journey together...amen

My Prayer

Thank you for the opportunity to meet new friends and to feel appreciated even for just a day or two.

My Prayer

I am very grateful for each part of the whole that is choosing to no longer listen to the "false self" & allow the truth & divinity of who we truly are to shine forth & bless the world. Also I am grateful to Source for the gift of creation, free will & growth. NAMASTE TO ALL

My Prayer

i am greatful that my dad is still here and that my family is safe, and that i have 2 really great best friends. god please help josh and i through all of these mixed feelings, help us to find you even more and help our relationship be great again. god please keep everyone safe tonight and always.

My Prayer

i am greatful that my dad is still here and that my family is safe, and that i have 2 really great best friends. god please help josh and i through all of these mixed feelings, help us to find you even more and help our relationship be great again. god please keep everyone safe tonight and always.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Dear Lord I thankyou for the wonderful day I spent today with my family who I love, Thankyou for Sally Steve Dan Bex Sarah dom Jamie craig Becky and Imogen Thankyou for my special friends whom I love you know who the man I care about is bless him. Lord thanks for last night Thankyou for your love and care

My Prayer

I am extremely grateful for everything ever given to me whether it bad or good, I am glad for the health i have, the doctors i have my home, and for love

My Prayer

I am grateful for having the opportunity to be reintroduced to this site. It has reminded of your great love and children...father. You have never left me even though at times I have felt that you should have. Thank You. Thank you for your mercy, grace, peace, love, wisdom, and blessings. I know that I cannot be distracted by irrelevant things. As long as mine eyes are stayed on thee, the sky is the limit to where I'll be. I love you so very much. thank you.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I am deeply grateful for the gift of life, the blessings of my children and beloved friends in my life, good health and capacity of endurance. Our Lord, hear our deep prayers and fulfill our longings with Thy grace. CL

My Prayer

My prayer of gratitude is that I have survived a divorce, I have survived so far taking care of 4 elderly parents, I am grateful the Lord keeps giving the strength to endure it all inspite of how I feel about it. I feel some days are good and other days I want to give up because I have no more give. Thank you Lord for helping me get this far.

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank-you for this gift of a new day! Thank-you Lord that I was awakened by the delightful songs of birds,in the backyard of the home you provided for me. Thank-you for health and provision of food and clothing. Thank-you for my friends and family. Most of all thank-you for giving your son to die for my sin. Amen

My Prayer

dear, father God, Jesus in heaven, HOly spirit, blessed sacred trinity ,,,,thank you so much for the very air that i am breathing at this moment for it is at your mercy that we breath.....every time our eyes blink, it is in your control and at your mercy thank you for free will but for also giving us the wisdom to hear your voice and thank you also for hearing our every cry thank for trials that bring growth thank you for the opportunity i have had to help, and effect the lives of people around me please let me be a living example of your love,,,i love you,,,your daughter, misty

My Prayer

Dear God. I am grateful for my life. For my sobriety and the chance to experince reality and see myself and others as your children. And the lesson of letting go and letting you take care of us all. Thy will be done.

My Prayer

I am grateful that I have a feeling of love toward someone I used to resent. I have prayed to have this anger and resentment removed, and it has been taken away, and replaced by serenity and acceptance.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am eternally grateful to the Creator of All for the love I have in my life and in the lives of my family. I am grateful to have been given the chance to come to earth as a Spirit with a human body so that I may better understand both pain and abundance, and good and evil. ~PH

My Prayer

Thank you lord for making my life easier for me. Thanks for the patience of my advisers. Thanks for the company of my friends. Thanks for the money i received today. Thanks for the safe trip of my mom. Thanks for not giving up on me.

My Prayer

Thank you for gratitude lists even when I don't feel grateful. Thank you for others' sharing their gratitude. Thank you for a heart open to gratitude and simplicity.

My Prayer

Thank you for gratitude lists even when I don't feel grateful. Thank you for others' sharing their gratitude. Thank you for a heart open to gratitude and simplicity.

My Prayer

Thank you for gratitude that will help transitions and 'life's crossroads' flow through me instead of clash against me.

My Prayer

Thank you for the strength to ask for things that people don't want to give me. Thank you that I can tell someone straightforward what is needed, without feeling afraid. Thank you for a growing strength within myself. Thank you for self love. Thank you for flowers. Thank you for all the rain (in Toronto) that has made everything so green. Thank you for my little shoots of peas and carrots (little cuties). Thank you for the resolution to crisis. Thank you for prayer. Thank you that people try to do the right thing. Thank you for kind and thoughtful words. Thank you when I am brought into contact with a spirit that I can connect with. Thank you for thank you.

My Prayer

My Prayer

Dear God, thank you for another day! Thank you for Regina passing her test and that she will graduate with her class. Thank you for Monica being accept in college of her choice. Thank you for all the blessings that you give us all year long. Thank you for my co-workers that we will always get along. Thank for my best friend who is retiring today after 30 years of teaching. Thank you for another year with my mother who turn 84 on May 23.

My Prayer

lord thank you for the food you have supplied us with may we continue to bless you. amen

My Prayer

Thanks you ord for all the people you have put into my life, thanks you for the great boys I have and great family and friends I have.

My Prayer

I am greatful for the opportunity to begin again today; for insight and wonderful supportive friends; for three awesome children-- I am truly greatful.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I Thank You dear God and Holy Heavenly friends. I thank you God for all that I am and for all that I have. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you sooooooooooo Much! I love you and I need you! Diane

My Prayer

Thérèse, je t'aime! Angels I love you. Jesus you are my best friend. Mary...all you beautiful Saints I am getting to know, Holy Spirit...all creation of GOD, THANK YOU! Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I would not be able to live without Faith. Thank you for living in me....Just thank you thank you thank you! Gabriel....stay close....:) Angels of light and love...I invite you daily...every split second of my life...I invite you to be, stay, guide...protect...surround..play, speak....anything ...I just love your company. Thank you! :) Amen!!!

My Prayer

I am grateful for my children and grandchildren my health and life my children health and lives my grandchilden health and lives and family and friends the roof over my head and the food on our tables I'm grateful for all the blessing I have received now and in the future. I grateful for the house that he about to give us. amen

My Prayer

I am grateful for each student who has walked through my class room door; those who are late, those who are on time; those who are happy; and those who feel I am responsible for their problems. Each is a gift from God; to whom I am thankful for sending them my way. Amen

My Prayer

Thank you Jesus for being in control of everything in my life.

My Prayer

I just want to thank you lord for my soulmate

My Prayer

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for the peace...for the grace...for the mercy you've shown me everyday...I love you Claire Ft. Lauderdale FL>

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer

How's abgespritzt mankind conspired thru thier churches coming along. I guess the churches shouldn't have done nature vs. nuture

My Prayer


My Prayer

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful for my life, my health, my family and friends. I am grateful that I have found new inspiration in learning the true meaning of why we are here and I am grateful that I know to be grateful. Thank you.

My Prayer

Lord, thank you for everything.. thank you for giving me my mother..i'm so grateful to have a mother like mine.. who is so supportive and always there for me.. for my dad who doesn't forget me and still loves me though he has another responsibility other than me..for my friends who are always there to make me happy and relatives who brought me up while i'm still a child.. thank you very much.. amen... -ice13

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am so grateful to God,The Angels, my daughter and the love of a wonderful man. I give thanks for my health, my friends and for people like the creators of this site who give a damn for the world!!!! Andrea

My Prayer

My name is Vennie. I am grateful that God chose to save me by giving me a chance to repent of sins; being baptized in Jesus' name for remission of my sins by being washed in the blood of Jesus Chris (knowing that if you have not been baptized in Jesus' name - you have not been washed in the blood of the lamb (which is Jesus Christ); and being filled with His precious gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the spirit of God gives utterance; and living holy and spotless life to the best of my ability serving God. I'm grateful that when doctors came up on me - God brought me back with His breath of life. On two ocasions inmy life I was dead when I arrived at the emergency room...Praise God! I'm grateful for the opportunity to know that Jesus Christ rose from the DEAD after 3 days and that He is ALIVE TODAY! Jesus Christ is alive today in us through the Holy Ghost - His Spirit. Be blessed and I hope that all come into this true knowledge of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that He wakes me up every morning. Thank you!

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father: I am grateful that God chose to save me; giving me a chance to repent of my sins; being baptized in Jesus' name for remission of my sins by being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ(knowing that if you have not been baptized in Jesus' name - you have not been washed in the blood of the Lamb (which is Jesus Christ); and being filled with His precious gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the spirit of God gives utterance; and living a holy and spotless life to the best of my ability- serving God. I'm grateful that when doctors gave up on me - God brought me back with His breath of life (God moved in those nurses and doctor's hearts to keep working to revive me). On two occasions in my life I was dead when I arrived at the emergency room...Praise God! I'm grateful for the opportunity to know that Jesus Christ rose from the DEAD after 3 days and that He is ALIVE TODAY! Jesus Christ is alive today in us through the Holy Ghost - His Spirit. Be blessed of the Lord and I hope that all of you come into this true knowledge of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that He wakes me up every morning. I'm grateful to know that when I rise up in the morning and seek Him for my life today - He bless me to alright at the end of the day. grateful that when I pray for myself my children and for others - GOD answers prayer. Prayer kept us safe in school and everywhere else we went during the day or night. Prayer is needed to be made in school and everywhere else. Prayer has kept our soldiers alive and safe. 911 happened because those of us that are called by the name of Jesus Christ stopped praying and not respecting and obeying the voice of the LORD. If you do not believe in GOD- ask yourself how you got up today or when you were in an accident and taken to the hospital and doctors were amazed how you made it out of that accident or surgery - Thank you!

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father: I am 49 years old and grateful that God chose to save me; giving me a chance to repent of my sins; being baptized in Jesus' name for remission of my sins by being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ(knowing that if you have not been baptized in Jesus' name - you have not been washed in the blood of the Lamb (which is Jesus Christ); and being filled with His precious gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the spirit of God gives utterance; and living a holy and spotless life to the best of my ability- serving God. I'm grateful that when doctors gave up on me - God brought me back with His breath of life (God moved in those nurses and doctor's hearts to keep working to revive me). On two occasions in my life I was dead when I arrived at the emergency room...Praise God! I'm grateful for the opportunity to know that Jesus Christ rose from the DEAD after 3 days and that He is ALIVE TODAY! Jesus Christ is alive today in us through the Holy Ghost - His Spirit. Be blessed of the Lord and I hope that all of you come into this true knowledge of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that He wakes me up every morning. I'm grateful to know that when I rise up in the morning and seek Him for my life today - He bless me to alright at the end of the day. grateful that when I pray for myself; my children, and for others - GOD answers prayer. Prayer kept us safe in school and everywhere else we went during the day or night.Prayer is needed to be made in school and everywhere else. Prayer has kept our soldiers alive and safe (when they are putting their life on the line for us). Remember that Jesus Christ gave His only Son to die for us to be here today. 911 happened because those of us that are called by the name of Jesus Christ stopped praying and not respecting and obeying the voice of the LORD. Prayer is to be made in the homes; the schools; our jobs; in the White House; while in the various transportation of today: day and night. If you do not believe in GOD- ask yourself how you got up today or when you were in an accident and taken to the hospital and doctors were amazed how you made it out of that accident or surgery - GOD DID IT FOR YOU! I am so grateful that God is giving everyone of us a chance to be saved today. If you are not for God; then he is not for you. If you do not want to serve God - then hell is your end. God said in the Bible "that everyone will not be saved" but you are given the choice. You must choose life (Jesus Christ) or death (hell). If you are against God - you are in great trouble. I am so glad that I KNOW my Lord and Saviour: JESUS CHRIST. Will you stand for Jesus Christ? AMEN! (and my name is Vennie)

My Prayer

I'm gratefulfor waking up each morning. . . I'm grateful for a place to live. . . I'm grateful for the small everyday kindnesses of so many. . .I'm grateful for the goodness of the human heart and soul. . . Most of all I'm grateful for a most tender loving mother God.

My Prayer

I'm so gratful for my loving children and grandchildren and family and friends I'm gratful for my health this day and my life I'm gratful for knowing GOD and his mercy I'm gratful that he love me and I'm gratful for my house I'm about to receive and everything he the LORD has bless me with I'm so gratful for just life and living in America may GOD continue to bless her. peace.

My Prayer

I'm so gratful for my loving children and grandchildren and family and friends I'm gratful for my health this day and my life I'm gratful for knowing GOD and his mercy I'm gratful that he love me and I'm gratful for my house I'm about to receive and everything he the LORD has bless me with I'm so gratful for just life and living in America may GOD continue to bless her. peace.

My Prayer

I'm so gratful for my loving children and grandchildren and family and friends I'm gratful for my health this day and my life I'm gratful for knowing GOD and his mercy I'm gratful that he love me and I'm gratful for my house I'm about to receive and everything he the LORD has bless me with I'm so gratful for just life and living in America may GOD continue to bless her. peace.

My Prayer

I'm so gratful for my loving children and grandchildren and family and friends I'm gratful for my health this day and my life I'm gratful for knowing GOD and his mercy I'm gratful that he love me and I'm gratful for my house I'm about to receive and everything he the LORD has bless me with I'm so gratful for just life and living in America may GOD continue to bless her. peace.

My Prayer

God, Thank you for this day that I was able to breathe, see my kids and say something kind to someone. For I know today is gift that may not come tomorrow.

My Prayer

I am grateful to be alive today and to have a roof over my head, to have the gift of recovery from alcohol and drugs and sinful living. To be able to have a personal relationship with God and good relationships with other people. I am grateful for every single moment of every single day. I am grateful for all the challenges in life that teach me to hang in there and to be strong. Eva Wilson - July 16, 2004

My Prayer

My Prayer

hi, I'm gratful for my life,health,children,grandchildren my family and freinds the food on my table roof over my head for my Job and my children Jobs for living in a free country which is America GOD bless America I'm gratful for my house I'm about to received because we are staying with relatives I'm gratful that they open up their house to us I'm just so gratful for all the blessing I have received.

My Prayer

I'm grateful for sunsets and sunrises, kittens who purr and nuzzle, babies, summer showers, flowers, the sound of laughter, the ability to make people laugh, the fact that my loved ones and I have all our senses and are healthy, for the fact that I have a cozy home and food to eat, that I live in Canada and am free from brutality and terror, free to speak my mind, for a faith in a kind and loving God, for a loving, kind, funny, crazy husband, for my dogs and cat, my nieces and nephews, the sound of thunder and lightening while I'm inside cozy in bed with a cup of tea and a good book. For my life and the ability to choose how to live each day - with gratitude and humility or not. Thank you for this website. Kathleen

My Prayer


My Prayer

Waking up every morning and after pressing the snoze button about oh at least 6 times, getting to stand on my own two feet and face another day no matter what it brings me.

My Prayer

I thank God for the many blessing He has bestowed upon me.

My Prayer

There is a totality to existance that is beyond explanation. It cannot be accounted for because although it contains all objects it is not an object itself. There is nothing that exists that is not IT. Everything manifest and unmanifest is only a reflection. The whole is always incomprehensable, an unsolvable Mystery. This is what or whom the traditions refer to as God, Emptyness and Brahman. This is the timeless paradox, the One who IS and is always nameless.This is the one I am merged with but had forgotten. With humble gratitude I welcome the remembrance of the unity of all things and embrace both the invisible spirit and the visible matter of the universe. The Mystery of being all things and nothing. Thank you for this revelation. There is only the Heart shining in the overwhelming beauty of remembrance. The mind is lost in the paradox of existance and the cells of the body radiate love. You are the one I turn to with prayers of thanks; You are the Self of all and not other than me. Ben Hursh

My Prayer

I just want to thank My God for giving His life for mine. I thank God for Jesus and all He has given to us through HIm. To be HIm be the glory and honor forever. Amen

My Prayer


My Prayer

My Prayer

I am thankful for still being among the living. Thank you JESUS

My Prayer

I am thankful for still being among the living. Thank you JESUS

My Prayer

I thank God or Good for all the goodness that surrounds me. I thank Love, for all the beauty that I get to enjoy every day. My greatest prayer is that people all over the world learn to appreciate everything they have right now, particularly love, affection, and beuty.

My Prayer

I thank God or Good for all the goodness that surrounds me. I thank Love, for all the beauty that I get to enjoy every day. My greatest prayer is that people all over the world learn to appreciate everything they have right now, particularly love, affection, and beuty.

My Prayer

holy holy

My Prayer

I am grateful for the life God has given me because I have been useful for my family and other people. I thank God for every thing, things that I am aware of and things that I am not aware of. I thank God for everything that is happening in my life because through all my experiences I learn how to be patient, fully dependent to God and God alone. God is my only wealth in life. I thank him for all the good things he has given me and my family. MY GOD, YOU ARE EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE. THIS PAGE IS NOT ENOUGH TO WRITE ALL YOU GREATNESS !!!!!

My Prayer

thank you lord for life amen

My Prayer

you are adopted lol porn

My Prayer

I am grateful my Lord, that I am living. I want to express my gratitude to you by doing all I can to make people understand that your Gift is Beautiful: Life...Thank You and may the world never end. The work of your hands, Angela Francisca M.

My Prayer

it's been word for me to say this, it's coming from my heart.GOTTA LET IT BURN

My Prayer

Heavenly father i thank u for always being their for me in whatever circumstance,situation and problem.Father i know at times i face all kinds of disappoints but i know lord in every diappointment they is a blessing.father i am believing in you to help me come out of this financial situation i am facing bring me lord a financial miracle,blessing and prosperity in jesus precious and awesome name i pray, strengthen my faith lord i trust in thee thank u for being their for me.

My Prayer

I am thankfull to God for the assurance that he will be there for me when I need him. I have seen and felt his presence in my life. I have cried for help and gotten more than I asked for. I feel so secure and safe because I know he will be there when I need him. I can speak to him and ask for help as many times as I wish because his promise is endless, unlike the 'three wishes' granted by fairies. I am gratefull that I am able and free to thank him. Thank you Lord for all mercies granted. Amen

My Prayer

I am thankfull to God for the assurance that he will be there for me when I need him. I have seen and felt his presence in my life. I have cried for help and gotten more than I asked for. I feel so secure and safe because I know he will be there when I need him. I can speak to him and ask for help as many times as I wish because his promise is endless, unlike the 'three wishes' granted by fairies. I am gratefull that I am able and free to thank him. Thank you Lord for all mercies granted. Amen. Mwangi

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving me the opportunites to be born into a wonderful family and in the US with all kinds of opportunites. I also thank my parents for taking me to church so I could learn about your son, Jesus. I also thank you for a wonderful husband, Ron, whom I dearly love and rely on. Thank you for being with me in these personally trying times. Amen.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving me the opportunites to be born into a wonderful family and in the US with all kinds of opportunites. I also thank my parents for taking me to church so I could learn about your son, Jesus. I also thank you for a wonderful husband, Ron, whom I dearly love and rely on. Thank you for being with me in these personally trying times. Amen.

My Prayer

For family, love, food, healthy children, health, employment, and to feel God's grace and love. Amen.

My Prayer

Thank you for another day of life for all. Amen.

My Prayer

Dear God: Thank you for today and for everything that you bless me with each day. I thank you for my family, friends, Sammy, Rosko, Donner, food, clothes, my car, my life, my health, my body and soul, my looks, my attitude and every new thing you teach me every day. I thank you for reminding me to see the beauty in each day, each person and in each thing. I thank you for all of the books, cds, magazines, and people you have brought to me at the right moment. I thank you for answering all of my prayers even before I ask. I thank you for a wonderful and joyous life and I ask that I never take anything for granted. I pray all of these things in Jesus's name. Amen Angela

My Prayer

for the nature which sorrounds me, the trees, birds, sun, beautiful cloud and all whch my eyes can see. The lovel sisters I am with, our caring teachers and loving students. I thank you Lord.

My Prayer

Fatther who art inHeaven, Yesus anf Holy Spirit, I think You know who am I, So Please tell me what do you want todo it for You. Amen

My Prayer

My Prayer

dear heavenly father thank you for always been there for us all the times,thank you for giving me such a wonderful daughter my sweet little angel who lights up my life. lieancei

My Prayer

I am grateful for everyday i breathe the pure air and see the sun come up, for my children's health and the joy of their laughter, for havina a loving and caring husband who provides for his kids and me, I am grateful for all I've got, my sisters and brother for the fact that my mom is still living and caring. Thank you Lord, my your name be praised. Amen

My Prayer

I am grateful for having health and strenght, for my kids that he has blessed me with, for the home i share with my loved ones and for my husband and for all the little things God has given me, I thank you O lord for my mom that has come thru the good times and bad times and for my dad, and also for my sisters and brothers. Most of all i am grateful for the strenght that the good Lord has given me to be able to move forward regardless of whatever. Praise be the name of the Lord Almighty. Amen

My Prayer


My Prayer

hi i want to thank God for making me whole i am today and also for making me become an actor. from stanley/nigeria.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the gift of life, for the blessing of my son's life for his health and well being. I am grateful for life's simplest pleasures, for the smell of freshly cut grass, for the warmth of the summer sun, for the feeling of my son's hugs, for the way the sun melts into the vastness of the ocean, for the love an support of my family. I am grateful for the treasure of a true friend. I am grateful for the sound of music and the way certain songs evoke timeless memories. I am blessed to be blessed.

My Prayer

im greatful for all the new medications for deppression. "thank you"

My Prayer

to GOD, for the person that I have become. I am more than Grateful for the ABUNDANCE of GIFTS that GOD gives me, each and everyday, for I know the person, I once was. TO be heard, and answered by the MOST HIGH, is an experieince that truly, is INDESCRIBABLE..WHO AM I? that it would happen to me, I don't know - but, GOD knows how grateful I am that he hears ME... I do my best to keep the circle intact. Perfect I am not, but, BETTER - I AM!!!

My Prayer

I thank god for me and my mother and father that he gave me life, and for me to bear four beautiful babies. thank him for helping me and my family through good and bad times, I ask that he keeps his guardian angles around me and my family and every family around the world

My Prayer

Thank you God, Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven for my life, my family, my parents and friends, my health, education, ability to travel, for shelter, food, car, money, clothes, love, peace, my faith, persistence, my dog, my apt, my ability to think critically, understand the law, and all of the other gifts of mind, body and soul that have been provided to me. I thank you for my lawyer, my unquenchable desire for information, life, success, helping other people with my gifts etc. For removing the negative entity that was sent to me by others who wished me ill, evil and those who were/are jealous and angry at me.... I thank you for the knowledge of good and evil which I have learned and for your continued guidance, love, peace, joy and protection now and always...For laughter, freedom, knowledge, Divine intervention, synchronicity, intuition, dreams etc etc etc... Thank you Thank you Thank you Now and Always:)

My Prayer


My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful for the fantastic journey and experience I have had in making and selling soap. I have learned so much about myself, my limitations and fears, my courage, and the compassionate nature of those who surround me. I pray to always see the beauty found in struggle as well as victory. ~butterchild, Butterchild Handcrafted Soap

My Prayer


My Prayer


My Prayer

I am thankful to God for blessing me with so many genuine friends: warm and loving people who hurt when I am in pain and are ecstatic when I am happy. I cannot imagine life without having such gems in my life.

My Prayer


My Prayer

My Prayer

My Creator I thank you this day for my sober life. That I might be awakw and aware and present in my life today. To have the ability to be teachable and self-supporting. I thank you Father this day for those who have walked through my life and those who continue to be present each day in it. I thank you fore the Your Grace and Your Mercy each day in my life. in your name I pray Amen.

My Prayer

Thank You my sweetest Jesus in heaven for all of the blessings that I have,and all that you have done for the love of mankind,oh my saviour you have helped me through some of toughest times in my life and still are keeping a constant vigil over me and mine,thank you Lord for my family,friends and the wisdom and for the miracles that I see everyday I arise. Amen!

My Prayer

Thank You my sweetest Jesus in heaven for all of the blessings that I have,and all that you have done for the love of mankind,oh my saviour you have helped me through some of toughest times in my life and still are keeping a constant vigil over me and mine,thank you Lord for my family,friends and the wisdom and for the miracles that I see everyday I arise. Amen!

My Prayer

I thank God for His LOVE , MERCY and PROTECTION. I thank Him for NEVER FORSAKEN me . I thank HIM for TEACHING me how to LOVE MYSELF and MY ENEMIES. I thank HIM for the SUNSHINE and the SNOW. I thank HIM for the TEARS and the LAUGHTER. I THANK HIM and I LOVE HIM.

My Prayer

I thank GOD for his constant love to us. with him we are everything without him we are nothing. GOD gave me more than ever asked. We thank you LORD for not turning back on us.

My Prayer

I thank GOD for his constant love to us. with him we are everything without him we are nothing. GOD gave me more than ever asked. We thank you LORD for not turning back on us.

My Prayer

Thank you, Creator Spirit, for this day, for the leisure to explore creativity, for friends and family and the love of a wonderful life partner. AC

My Prayer

Thank you, Creator Spirit, for this day, for the leisure to explore creativity, for friends and family and the love of a wonderful life partner. AC

My Prayer

Dinner prayer: May we be grateful for the earth and its miraculous abilities, the plants and animals which provide the substances we eat, and the humans that harvest and prepare it. May we remember to eat mindfully and according to our needs, respectfully giving and taking in the cycle of life. DSH

My Prayer

I am grateful for my sobriety!

My Prayer

That God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever beleived Would Not Parish But have everlasting Life. Thank You

My Prayer

Thank you Father that your grace is sufficient for me that you are in control. Thank you for loving me warts and all today. Thank you for my beautiful family for the many blessings we enjoy. I am grateful, take my prayers of thanks and gratitude. Amen

My Prayer

I pray for peace for the whole world. May God Bless President Bush in his new term and guide him to make responsible and sound choices over the next four years. Amen.

My Prayer

Thank You dear god .. for the life you have given me .. its not always been easy .. but you have always been there .. protecting me .. i am grateful for the guardian angels you afford me .. and for every single day .. each and every one full and rich in ways beyond my imagination .. i am gratefull for all the things that have made me stronger .. and made me who i am .. and i am gratefull for your protection .. and im sorry for all the things i have done that may have disappointed you .. i am grateful for your ever presence .. and for your gentle guidance .. your humble servant Jay

My Prayer

I am grateful for the values that were instilled in me, for the unconditional love that I have for all of God's people. I am grateful for Gods creations, the spiritual kmowledge that I have attained and the understanding that I have. I am grateful to be able to get up and pray each day and to be able to write these words to you. I am grateful for excellent health, wealth and success. I am grateful to be me. Thank You God.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the love of GOD. Iam grateful for excellent health, wealth and success. I am grateful that I have the insight and the capability to preceive the beauties and the blessings of God creations.I am grateful that God answers my prayers each and every day. I am grateful that God have forgiven my sins. I am grateful for wisdom, enlightment, love, power,a caring and loving heart, understanding, knowledge and divine favor. I am grateful for a lavish life full of abundance, peace and happiness. I love you God...Thank You for my life.

My Prayer

Dear Saint Expedite, Thank you for answering my prayer. I am truly grateful to you for the rapid results of my request. I have provided you with my offering of flowers in my home beside your picture. I love you Saint Expedite; Thank You So Much. Our Dear martyr and protector, Sant Expedite, You who know what is necessary and what is urgently needed. I beg you to intercede before the Holy Trinity, that by your grace my request will be granted. (state your petition). May I receive your blessings and favors in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

My Prayer

dear god thank you for my life i know i have not said it often enough. but without you i dont know if i could be strong enough to go on in this life. i get so confused sometimes. iask you to help me to have faith. thank you dear friend your faithfull servent

My Prayer

I'm grateful for me and my family to wake up and see another day.It's such a wonderful sensation to breathe the air of from our Heavenly Father.

My Prayer

I thank you Allah for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me and take refuge with you from all the sins i have done.Please Allah make me one of your righteous servant, save me from hell fire and admit me in jannah firdous with all your other righteous servants.Ameen.

My Prayer

I thankyou God for that soft breeze that you send to gently caress my cheeks on these late November days, as I watch my two beautiful dogs run and play. What a great way to end a fabulous day.

My Prayer

This is the time of the year that we all should be grateful for everthing that we should be greatful for please remen=mber all of our loved ones that have psst amd may they be remember foe all that they have thought us al may we br grateful for all the family that we can share this lovily day with in the present god please each and everyone of us for the food we shall recieve god bless each and every one us today and always

My Prayer

I'm grateful for everybody in my life. Iam especially grateful for Mrs. Marcin who has made a great difference in my life. She not only helped me but made me a better person and who I'am today. And for one of my good friends Greg Goff who is always there for me and a great friend. I had a boyfriend Brandon Anfeldt who committed suicide a few months ago, I was grateful for him too.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am so grateful for the people in my life who believe in the soul.

My Prayer

there universe thanks for letting me be part of it all..

My Prayer

I am thankful to have been given this second chance at life (divorce)to have this re-birth so to speak, to rediscover the amazing person that I am in God. To go on with living my path, as God has designed for me. To be able to return to college and study medicine and give back to people the love and compassion I have been graced with from God. I am greatful for my health, family, animal children, and peace. Blessings to all.

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thank you for the love you have put in my heart. Thank you for the family you have given me that has helped me to grow. I am so grateful for all that has been given to me and my loved ones. My prayer is that you watch over the one sister who needs your hand upon her and help her to do the things she needs to continue to be with us. She is the largest spoke in our wheel do not let her give up now she is needed to keep our family together. In Jesues name I pray..

My Prayer

I am thankful for life, love, and recovery. Thank you, God, for the blessings present in each and every day! KH

My Prayer

This Thanksgiving, I am so very grateful for so many wonderful blessings in my life... My 3 sweet and precious little cats, my 2 darling and precious little nephews, my sister and her family, all my friends and relatives. I thank God for my health, my life, my happiness, my creativity. God has blessed me greatly. Thank you, Dear Lord.

My Prayer

When I look back over my life, I am grateful to God from where He brought my children and I from. I am grateful for overwhelming bessings and favours, and miracles, and vindications in our lives. I am grateful to know that God is God and the only ominipotent God; grateful that He is my creator; He is my provider, He is my peace, He is my SHield, He is my fotress, that He is my Healer, that He is my teacher and direction. I am grateful That He lives, and He is forever. I am extremely grateful that I know Him, I know Jesus, and what He has done for me and for my children, and what He can and continue to do for us. I am gratefu that He is a living God who saves and redeems. For this I will bless Him at all times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth forever! From Cecilia McGill

My Prayer

im gratiful for the family the lord has given me and friends that me may bless them always with their heart's desires lillian

My Prayer

God, I am grateful for the life you have given me, although i don't go to church or pray very often. My life has been very difficult so far, I try to pray but it's very difficult as times. I'm 16 and I lost my sister to an addiction and sometimes the angry side of myself blinds me from the beauty you have given us. I pray for anyone in need of a smile or of a friend. Thank you God

My Prayer

I thank you dear God, sweet and holy Spirit, for breathing my breath and beating my heart and taking care of all the functions known and unknown of all my bodies and my Spirit. and so it is. Amen.

My Prayer

Im grateful for being here to see this day!!! Im grateful for having a wonderful man in my life. Im very wonderful for talking to god everyday!!!!!

My Prayer

I'm grateful for being among this world so beautyful and to have great parents that keep incouraging me to continue my life on the right path.I am also grateful for having some money to help me buy food and other thing that can help me threw my adventure threw this life of mysteries.Amen!!!!!!!!

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for my family

My Prayer

I am grateful and thankful for my family and loved ones who are near and far. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and food to eat. I am thankful for my twinflame who is in my heart and soul always. I am most thankful for my guides and angels who are always with me.

My Prayer

E te louvo e bendigo, Meu senhor, pelo dia de hoje, por todos os momentos que vivi, as alegrias que passei, e tambem pelas tristezas que senti. Coloco em tuas mãos Jesus, e nas mãos de Maria, pedindo que me cuidem durante a noite, me façam sentir o bem e mal que fiz durante o dia, que o Espirito Santo me esclareça, ilumine meus caminhos de amanhã e me cubra com seu amor. Obrigada por tudo. Amém.

My Prayer

I'm very that I'm not living on the street and people that care's for me and having a job after three month's off,and getting meal's everyday.and I know that even aftermy parent's past away I know that they are with me both day and night knowing that I'm safe and doing way in a very unfornate spot that I'm in but I know I will get through this better that I can image with the creator and his sons help so I can help others out even gods creators to and nature too.

My Prayer

I want to thank the Lord for healing my sister. A few weeks ago she was diagnosed with pre cancer cells. After praying upon her by her family and pastor, my sister is healed. When she went back to the doctor to schedual her operation to remove the cancer cells, the doctor informed her that there were NO cancer cells to remove. Thank you Father in heaven for being our healer. Thank you God for answering our prayer. We praise your name and life you up for you alone are worthy of endless praise..we thank you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

My Prayer

Dear Lord. Thank you for all you have done for me and my family. If it were not for you I do not know where I would be right now. You have always been there for me even when I was not there for you. Thank you so much for loving me. In Jesus' name Amen.

My Prayer

I am grateful at this moment that I am breathing

My Prayer

Thank you Lord, God, Jehovah for this wonderful gift of life. May we always take a moment in life to praise our Higher Power.

My Prayer

I am so grateful for my God who is steadfast in my life, for the many blessings that surround my everyday life, just waking up and seeing the light of day. I look up and praise you Lord!

My Prayer

I am so grateful for my God who is steadfast in my life, for the many blessings that surround my everyday life, just waking up and seeing the light of day. I look up and praise you Lord!

My Prayer

I am grateful for everyday because you never know what tommorrow may bring.

My Prayer

Great Spirit of light, I AM of the universe the SHEness of me-thank you for the light of the sun, the glow of the moon , the turquoise waves ,Sonja's kind heart, Jessie's giggle's, Keven's determination. Thank you for the daily wisdom and lessons from all that is powerful, kind and giving of the universe. Thank you for all the joy, tears, laughter, feelings and for letting me come here to live with these people... Thank you for Manu, Chappy, G, Ben, Nancy, Pelewolf eyes, Surfer woman, and all my precious babies.

My Prayer

Everyday we give thanks to those around us. Thank you for helping me; thank you for the words of kindness; How much more and often should we thank the creator who has made everthing possible.

My Prayer

Thank you for my comfortable bed, the beautiful sky to share my day, the clean air, singing birds, laughter, music, swimming, abundance, fresh fruit, LIFE, EARTH, LOVE, dreams, fun, gardens, trust, and a huge heart.

My Prayer

Source, Thank you for leading me through to the Golden Age of Insight and Abundance and Prosperity. Thanks.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for your Son Jesus who died on the cross that I may have a right to the tree of life.

My Prayer

For our veterans and soldires and for all good people.ls

My Prayer


My Prayer

Dear Lord thank you for giving me a strong mind. I know so many people that have fallen into the hands of satan because they do not know the power of God and prayer. I have had a lot of bad things happen in my life but I have always bounced back from my misfortunes and landed on my feet.I have always had faith in God and never had any doubts that he exists. Also thank you for my family.

My Prayer

Dear Lord thank you for giving me a strong mind. I know so many people that have fallen into the hands of satan because they do not know the power of God and prayer. I have had a lot of bad things happen in my life but I have always bounced back from my misfortunes and landed on my feet.I have always had faith in God and never had any doubts that he exists. My faith has always helped me through difficult times. Also thank you for my wonderful family.

My Prayer

I'd like to thank my Heavenly Father for his limitless love and understanding of me. He has blessed my life so very richly...wonderful, healthy children that have grown into respectful, loving adults... I'd like to thank him for my health, and my chance to live and love another day here on this earth...for the beauty and blessings of the most wonderful friends and a loving, supportive church family that loves and nourihes me spiritually in ways that I can not count...for blessing me with all the material necessities that I need on this earth...for giving all of us the beauty of art and music and the genius of creativity...for forcing me to go down roads I would have not chosen to go down-the dark, hurtful, lonely roads that have helped me grow as a person, and depend and lean on the arm of the Lord...for the beauty of this earth...for husband and family...and for the person he created in me...Lord I ask you to guide me and do with my life what is your will...help me grow in spirit...it is all this and so much more I am grateful for...Thank you God, thank you my Savior, for all that you are and will be forever more-Amen. dm

My Prayer

I am grateful for my job even though I am frustrated in it. I am grateful to be sober because w/o it I could not be grateful for my job

My Prayer

God, please hold my friends mother in YOUR prayers for she is suffering and I don't want her to suffer anymore

My Prayer

please pray that I may grow atleast 6-7 inches taller. I hope that someone prays for this prayer. Thank you and peace

My Prayer

please pray thar me and my family may live a happy and fn filled life. Amen.

My Prayer

i'm gratful for my children and grandchildren family and friends my health my life and my children and granchildren health and lives I'm gratful for the roof over my head and the food on our table I'm gratful for the financial blessing I'm about to received I gratful for the house I'm bless with thank you my LORD. please continue to work in my life and my childrens lives may I ever stay humbler in his sight AMEN.

My Prayer

my world

My Prayer

I am grateful for being here. I am more than grateful, I am in astonishment, for the love of my husband and our four children. I am grateful and blessed for wonderful, wonderful girlfriends who make each day a treat. I pray that everyone who reads this be blessed with what I am so fortunate to have been blessed with! Maureen Stoner

My Prayer

dear god, i,am trying to get my life together. i,ve had real bad depression . tonight i realize i need to get back on track as you have blessed me very much. i have a eleven year old son and a real good wife. who need me to take care of them.thank you god for this. it is more than a reason to go on. i love them both very much. i need to stop worring about me and think about them.

My Prayer

From Cecilia McGill Jangar McGill, (Daughter) David F. McGill, Jr. (Son) I thank the good Lord for His divine grace and mercy upon my life and the lives of my children. When we look back over our lives, I can not help but to leap for gratitude. We are grateful that God believe in us, and He continues to help us to survive, to keep hope alive when our soul is falling, and He helps us all the time to encourage us to take leaps of faith--on Him and on Him alone. God is always there when no one else is there for my children and I. We thank the Holy Spirit for the blessings. In Jesus's Name, Cecilia, Jangar, David,

My Prayer

I am so grateful that God's blood covers me and in His time, He has made me beautiful. A poor girl that didn't deserve His time, His unfailing love is always there for me. I stand in awe everyday as He continues to work on his masterpiece.

My Prayer

I am so grateful for everything."Thank you", so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Prayer

I am so very thankful for being given the opportunity to live my dream. I am here. It is the most incredible adventure of my life so far. But I am even more grateful for the knowledge that as I move through this adventure, the next adventure is taking shape and coming forth in the manner in which I have envisioned. The gratitude I feel for having been drawn into The Circle is more than I can express with simple words. But this "living larger than life" is beyond anything I could imagine. Thank you, thank you for not only bringing me the lessons to provide the wisdom but allowing me to see how to live the lessons. From Iraq.

My Prayer

My best friend Jesus

My Prayer

Thank you Saint Expedite for you glorious intercession.

My Prayer

thank you God , for family, friends and life, love, liberty, thank you Lord for everything dorothy

My Prayer

I thank you Father God for your saving love. You have saved me from myself. Sometimes I think I am in control, but it is You whose graces and love lift me beyond myself. Thank you for your love.

My Prayer


My Prayer

I am grateful for life and the many obstacles that it continously brings. Also, for my daughter, my princess. And I am able to watch her blossom into a beatiful little woman. Love-Love,ALkayda.

My Prayer

Lord God,im grateful for each life that you had given me.im so grateful for my wonderful family,relatives,friends,classmates,teachers and eventhough the people who know me but i don't know them after all.thank you for the graet senses that you had given me.thank you for the strenght that you had given me when i feel so down and alone.im very thankful for every big and small things that has surrounds me.im very grateful to the graet love that you had given and shown us.for all that thank you so much!!! mhalynne

My Prayer

Iam grateful for my new grandson-that Our Lord sent us such a beautiful baby after all the trilas my daughter had carrying and delivering him. I ask God to help provide for this family and help them to have faith that God is there for them.

My Prayer

I am thankful for My Lord and My God!!! I am thankful for the first breath of life each and everyday.....the very breath of life from My God! I am grateful for the gift of God! For the gift of family and friends....for the gift of salvation and redemption and the Most Precious Body and Blood of Jesus.....covering us....I am thankful for the wings of angels covering our household and us for the protection of the Heavens....I am thankful for all the blessings, the countless blessings from God! I am thankful in all my weaknesses....because it is in my weakness that God gives me my strength...I am thankful for this website because it teaches us to make gratitude a way of life....in gratitude ....we find love....life....laughter and meaning in our lives!!! Thank you God for everything!!!!!! Please double our blessings so we can share it with our needy brothers and sisters in Our Lord Jesus Christ!

My Prayer

I am grateful for the awareness that the Earth experience is all an illution and that LOVING each other is the only reality. Thank you, Tina

My Prayer

Dear God, thank you for all your love and blessings in my life. Thy wille be done, may the blessings be! 

My Prayer

i am thankful for the freedom i have. the words that im permitted to speak.the feelings im welcomed to share. the thoughts im allowed to express. im thankful for the fresh air i can breathe. the clean salt water i can swim in. the sunsets which neva cease to amaze me. im thankful for the people that surround me. the love that surrounds me. i am thankful that i am thankful. i am thankful that i appreciate gods wondrous gifts. thankyou god for your genorosity..please never stop reminding me to say thankyou and take a look at all these wonderful things...cheers god ...oxoxlove your work !!

My Prayer

Dear God I am grateful for my life and my new life with my double lung transplant. I hope to sustain my health by eating healthy and learning more about my spiritual journey. I am grateful for discovering this website as there is so much wonderful information and so much to learn. Please guide me day to day on my journey to discover which path is right for me. Sincerely, Ressa

My Prayer

Thank You my Lord Jesus, Thank you for lighting my way throught life, it has taken me such a long time to get back to you , thank you for allways being there. Thank you for helping me make the right decision to go to the doctor , I know you will be with me all the way through my treatment. Thank you lord for every little or big thing I have a grateful heart. Thank you for the strengh you have gave me. Thank you Lord thank you. YOu have showed me much mercy in my life and no matter what I have done you have forgave me. I love you Lord very much. Your long lost daughter.

My Prayer

I love you Lord Jesus. Thank you for my life. Thank you for everyday. THank you for guiding me, for sending me my guardian angel everywhere I go, for being there, for being my God, our God. Thank you. - Gerri, Philippines

My Prayer

Today I am grateful for......... the cardinal that flew by, for kindness shown by strangers, for the blanket of snow in the woods as I rode the train to work, for a friendly, familiar voice on the phone, for happy memories, for my wonderful husband, and for Jesus, who carries me through tough times. He is the kind shepherd who cradles the lamb that wandered off to the rocky cliff. 

My Prayer

Thank you for the opportunity to help bring another life into this world. It is an honor and a priviledge.

My Prayer

I thank God for my health and well-being. I thank him for keeping me free of cancer for the last 14 years.

My Prayer

emily longstockings

My Prayer

courtney is the best hasGFUCguftgc.uILJfuekfckjuhudsfyhi8OSYF oiutgufuisATDHDbkfucyds*FRHkjsuhfc7iusahBFk>

My Prayer

courtney is the best hasGFUCguftgc.uILJfuekfckjuhudsfyhi8OSYF oiutgufuisATDHDbkfucyds*FRHkjsuhfc7iusahBFk>

My Prayer

I am greatful for all of the people in my life who have cared for me, raised me, fed me before themselves, listened before they spoke, gave everything so I could be where I am today. For the people that believed in me. I am thankful for my Nan's undying and uncoditional love that comes in the form of brownies, cookies and hugs. So many people made me who I am today. I want to give at least a fraction of that back some how. Thank you

My Prayer

I am grateful for the serenity given to me by God to accept things that I cannot change, for the courage to change things that I can, and for the wisdom to know the difference. Thank you, God. I am grateful to have a new brand day. NG

My Prayer

thank you Lord for the life you have given me and for your never failing love...

My Prayer


My Prayer

Thank you God, for my health and the health of my husband, my children and my grandchildren.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the joy in my life. I am grateful for the love in my life. I am grateful for the abundance and health. PF

My Prayer

I am grateful for the joy in my life. I am grateful for the love in my life. I am grateful for the abundance and health. PF

My Prayer

O Lord you are such a truth and the only truth and zi was blind not to see that in my life - such has been the stress and blizzard like life that I never could stop by and say Thank You Lord for having given me so much in so less and effort. Thank you My Lord for having kept a watchful eye ober me and my family and for each moment of life that YOU have given all of us. Thank you for being kind and gentle as always and for always holding my hand and walking beside me in all moments. Harsh

My Prayer

I am thankful for a devoted husband, three healthy, thoughtful children, meaningful work, a beautiful place to live...and a chance to struggle and figure out my place in the world and my relationship with God.

My Prayer


My Prayer


My Prayer


My Prayer

thank you for giveing us life, help us all to love each other and to help each other to do well in life. Please make sure me and my boyfriend adam stay together for life.

My Prayer

thank you lord for letting me see this day. and guiding me toward your way. im thankful for what you havedone t

My Prayer

thank you lord for letting me see this day. and guiding me toward your way. im thankful for what you havedone t

My Prayer

Thanks God for everything that You gave me, for every breathe that I take and every human being that You put in my way to show me the beautiful of been alive.

My Prayer

i would like to give god thanks and praise for giving me strength .i am going through a hard time with my 17 year old son who is smoking and very disobedient. also thanks to god that have life and strength my husband is committing adultery and praise god i am able to pray and don't worry. thank you jesus

My Prayer

I am thankful that I was able to resist the pull of my twinflame and keep my marriage in tact. I pray that should it be my time later, in this lifetime, that I should become one with twinflame, that I am able to choose God over the intense love for and desire to protect my family. I NEVER want to hurt my family, but I don't want to let down humanity - if it is my opportunity from Spirit to reunite.

My Prayer

I would like to thank God for everything I have in my life today. I'm so grateful for waking up in the morning, my children, sobriety, job, my home, my peace of mind & serenity, my friends and just knowing that I'll always be taken care of.THANK YOU GOD, I LOVE YOU.

My Prayer

ta a lot

My Prayer

thanks for god to make me strong and give me courage to face all my challenges in lifre .I pray that his always there for me.to giude me and for giving me a strenght.

My Prayer

dear god thank you for blessing me with a loving husband and two wonderful daughters.Forgive my shortcomings and allow me to continue praise together as a family

My Prayer

Thank you

My Prayer

I am grateful for putting my mind where my breath is. Emily

My Prayer

Thank you God for all my wishfull thinking and all my dreams come true. I prayed the Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus. And like all those who has prayed, this novena never failed. And it's true. even almost impossible thing can make it true. Again, Thank YOU my God, thank YOU my Jesus Christ, and thank YOU our Lady Mary, thank YOU to all saints, thank YOU to all my brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus. Amen.

My Prayer

Thank you, God, that you have blessed us with this miracle of life within me, and that I am now pregnant.

My Prayer

Thank you God for all the happy moments you have given. I love you and would like you to bless me with peace of mind. Please help me meditate everyday for 5 minutes when I just think of you and could feel you. Thank you God.

My Prayer

My Prayer

I am grateful for this peaceful time alone.

My Prayer

I am wholeheartedly grateful the unlimited abundance and prosperity in my life. I am deeply grateful for my good health, beautiful physique and happy disposition. Above all, I am grateful for the beautiful souls I share life with and the people that seem to show up just at the right time. I am thankful for the love they share and the love I can give. I am grateful for Love...Love is what I live for.

My Prayer

I am grateful for the healing power of prayer, daily miracles and grace that helped me come of the darkness; for the prayers answered and the light of God in my heart. PF

My Prayer

dear lord i am very grateful and thankful for all the blessings that you have given me. i am just a nobody who deserve nothing from you lord. but lord, you are so gracious that you see something in a nobody like me, bless me with all the good things in life, given me a good husband and good children as well as a parents, relatives and friends. Lord i do not know what else to say but to thank you deeply for your kindness and blessing. Lord may your will be done and not mine.... lord teach me to be more like you both in mind and thought and word and deed...lord guide me to walk nearer to you each day, hold my hands lord and guide me through life path and lord teach me to be good and forgiving just like you. lord, please bless the family, the children, the dog and my hubby. Lord may they walk in your light and may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. thank you lord and i pray all these in the mighty and most gracious name, Jesus Christ our lord and saviour

My Prayer

Thank You Lord for saving the child drug addict child and Thank You for saving her life and we pray for her to walk one day again.

My Prayer

Today i want ot thank my father for life,for seeing another day..but most of all for the bottom that he has taken me from ..and for putting me on the right path...thank you fahter...thank you...you know where you are taking me...and i am ready lord! thank for my family...friends and even my foes ..thank you for watching over all of them..in jesus name..thank you!

My Prayer

Thank you, God, for the Love in my life. For the health, wealth, and happiness of myself and my family. For putting the light before me,behind me and within me.


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