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Scribing the Soul
October 2000

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by Kathleen Adams, LPC, RPT

In ancient times, scribes were devotees of the Word. They were the bridges between worlds, charged with the sacred task of painstakingly transcribing the Mysteries into a form that could be referenced by holy men and women. Many centuries later, our modern journals give us unlimited access to the Mysteries of our souls. Through this column, I hope to offer ways that we can approach our own lives with the love and devotion of the scribes of old.

"Soul Food: Exploring Affirmations in Writing"

We've all heard about affirmations: Powerful, positive statements, framed in the present tense, that speak the underlying truth about ourselves and our lives. It is commonly agreed that the ongoing repetition of affirmations can not only have a meditative, calming effect but can also have the power to dramatically shift our self-concept by moving us into "possibility thinking."

One of the best-kept secrets of affirmations, however, is the way they are amplified and constellated when they are explored in writing. This month, I offer you a smorgasbord of 31 affirmations, one for each day of October. Follow the calendar and use each day's affirmation as a writing prompt, or scan the list until you find one you want to explore deeply, and use it as a writing theme for a week or longer. May these affirmations richly feed your soul in this month of harvest.

1.   I now surrender all of my worries to the Divine.

2.   I view obstacles as lessons, not failures.

3.   My needs are met perfectly by Infinite Intelligence.

4.   I release my anger toward those who have hurt me.

5.   Each morning, I select my attitude for the day.

6.   I am a beacon of love, light and peace.

7.   I embrace gratitude.

8.   I draw to myself people who appreciate my gifts and strengths.

9.   I am whole, healthy and complete.

10. Grace goes before me, preparing the way.

11. I trust that I am in the right place at the right time.

12. All mistakes are opportunities to begin again, with added information.

13. I am on a path of true discovery.

14. I am open to the gifts and abundance of life.

15. There is One Life, and that life is my life now.

16. I am a smart, powerful, dynamic, capable, self-confident, fabulous human being.

17. Even in the midst of struggle, I can always choose the thoughts that enhance my life.

18. Whenever a difficult situation arises, answers come to me easily, and I immediately know what to do.

19. I have the freedom to choose my thoughts.

20. I allow all feelings in myself and others.

21. The still, small voice within me grows clearer and stronger each day.

22. My life is rich in ways that I have only just begun to understand.

23. Abundance is all around me, and I openly accept it.

24. I cherish myself, in exactly the package I come in.

25. I surrender my will to Divine Will.

26. My mind is alert, clear and aware. I know everything I need to know, when I need to know it.

27. I am deeply rooted in faith.

28. My freedom is always available to me. I refuse bondage.

29. I harmonize with the new, higher vibration that resonates within me.

30. I courageously lean into my next step.

31. All is well with my soul.

© 2000 Kathleen Adams. All rights reserved. 

Kathleen Adams LPC, RPT is a Registered Poetry/Journal Therapist and Director of The Center for Journal Therapy in Lakewood, Colorado. She is one of the leading voices on the power of writing to heal and is the author of four books, including Journal to the Self and The Write Way to Wellness. Her upcoming seminars include the annual 5-day women’s writing retreat in Colorado July 8-13, and a one-day Journal to the Self workshop in Denver in late July. She would love your feedback on this column; please e-mail kay@journaltherapy.com or stop by her website, www.journaltherapy.com.


Read Kathleen's Past "Scribing the Soul" Columns:

Current "Scribing the Soul" Column

September 2000 "Diary of a Headache"

August 2000 "Making Up the Truth"

July 2000 "Pockets of Joy"

June 2000 "Five Ways to Scribe Your Intuition"


Read Kathleen's Feature Article on Dream Journals:

Writing in the Dark: Cracking the Soul's Code Through Dream Journals



Visit Kathleen at her Website:



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